
  • 9-mars-2012


    Mal-être au travail ? - Mythes et réalités sur la santé mentale et l'emploi

    Les coûts d’une mauvaise santé mentale pour les individus concernés, les employeurs et la société au sens large sont considérables. Une estimation prudente de l’Organisation internationale du travail les chiffre à 3-4 % du PIB de l’Union européenne. La plupart de ces coûts se manifestent en dehors de la sphère de la santé. La maladie mentale est à l’origine de pertes considérables de main-d’oeuvre potentielle, de taux de chômage élevés, d’une forte incidence de l’absentéisme pour maladie et d’une moindre productivité au travail.

    Ce rapport vise à cerner les données manquantes sur la santé mentale et l'emploi, à enrichir la base de connaissances et ainsi à remettre en question certains mythes, et à donner une vision plus complète des défis stratégiques sousjacents.

  • 8-March-2012


    Meeting the Water Reform Challenge

    The need to reform water policies is as urgent as ever. Water is essential for economic growth, human health, and the environment. Yet governments around the world face significant challenges in managing their water resources effectively. The problems are multiple and complex: billions of people are still without access to safe water and adequate sanitation; competition for water is increasing among the different uses and users; and major investment is required to maintain and improve water infrastructure in OECD and non-OECD countries.   Despite progress on many fronts, governments around the world are still confronted with the need to reform their existing water policies in order to meet current objectives and future challenges. Building on the water challenges identified by the OECD Environment Outlook to 2050, this report examines three fundamental areas that need to be addressed whatever reform agendas are pursued by governments: financing of the water sector; the governance and institutional arrangements that are in place; and coherence between water policies and policies in place in other sectors of the economy. The report provides governments with practical advice and policy tools to pursue urgent reform in their water sectors.
  • 2-March-2012


    Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction - A Synthesis

    This book synthesizes the findings of a longer work which sets out a strategy for raising rural incomes. It emphasises the creation of diversified rural economies with opportunities within and outside agriculture. Agricultural policies need to be integrated within an overall mix of policies and institutional reforms that facilitate, rather than impede, structural change. By investing in public goods, such as infrastructure and agricultural research, and by building effective social safety nets, governments can limit the role of less efficient policies such as price controls and input subsidies.
  • 2-March-2012


    Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction

    With more than two-thirds of the world’s poor living in rural areas, higher rural incomes are a pre-requisite for sustained poverty reduction and reduced hunger. This volume sets out a strategy for raising rural incomes which emphasises the creation of diversified rural economies with opportunities within and outside agriculture. Agricultural policies need to be integrated within an overall mix of policies and institutional reforms that facilitate, rather than impede, structural change. By investing in public goods, such as infrastructure and agricultural research, and by building effective social safety nets, governments can limit the role of less efficient policies such as price controls and input subsidies.
  • 2-March-2012


    International Structure for Decommissioning Costing (ISDC) of Nuclear Installations

    Cost estimation for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities can vary considerably in format, content and practice both within and across countries. These differences may have legitimate reasons but make the process of reviewing estimates complicated and the estimates themselves difficult to defend.  Hence, the joint initiative of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Commission (EC) was undertaken to propose a standard itemisation of decommissioning costs either directly for the production of cost estimates or for mapping estimates onto a standard, common structure for purposes of comparison. This report updates the earlier itemisation published in 1999 and takes into account experience accumulated thus far. The revised cost itemisation structure has sought to ensure that all costs within the planned scope of a decommissioning project may be reflected. The report also provides general guidance on developing a decommissioning cost estimate, including detailed advice on using the structure. 
  • 23-February-2012


    International Drivers of Corruption - A Tool for Analysis

    Corruption and other governance problems result primarily from processes generated within the domestic political economy. There are major international factors, however, that interact with domestic processes: international drivers of corruption.   This report introduces an analytical tool to help readers understand how these international drivers of corruption affect governance and corruption at the country level. It provides a means for identifying those drivers that matter most for domestic governance, as well as opportunities for international actors to work more effectively to improve governance in specific country contexts.
  • 23-February-2012


    Institutional and Financial Relations across Levels of Government

    As financial markets put more and more pressure on governments to reduce their deficits and debts, sub-central  levels of government are a key player in the implementation of national strategies. The room for manoeuvre to implement consolidations strategies coordinated across levels of government highly depends on the institutional structure of intergovernmental relations, and the effectiveness of their multi-level governance structure. This was already the case for recovery strategies, in the beginning of the crisis. This report provides an overview of the institutional and financial relations across levels of government  that enables policymakers evaluate their position and identify good practices for mobilizing sub-central governments for national growth, equity and stability objectives. This report is divided into two parts: the first part is analytical and the second part provides institutional and quantitative country information and comparisons.
  • 22-février-2012


    La gouvernance de l'eau dans les pays de l'OCDE - une approche pluri-niveaux

    Ce rapport aborde les enjeux de gouvernance multi-niveaux dans la mise en œuvre de la politique de l’eau et identifie les bonnes pratiques en matière de coordination de la politique de l’eau entre les ministères,  les niveaux de gouvernement et les acteurs locaux au niveau infranational. Basé sur un cadre méthodologique, il évalue les principaux « écarts de coordination » en termes d’élaboration des politiques publiques, de financement, d’information, de responsabilité, d’objectifs et de renforcement des capacités et il fournit une plateforme de mécanismes de gouvernance existants afin de les combler. A partir d’une étude exhaustive sur la gouvernance de l’eau, ce rapport dresse un tableau institutionnel complet des rôles et responsabilités dans l’élaboration des politiques de l’eau au niveau national et infranational dans 17 pays de l’OCDE. Enfin, il fournit des directives préliminaires  en matière de gouvernance multi-niveaux pour une politique intégrée de l’eau.
  • 22-février-2012


    Examens environnementaux de l'OCDE : Israël 2011

    Depuis quelques années, Israël renforce sa politique d’environnement et devrait maintenant mettre au point un plan de croissance verte regroupant les politiques environnementale, économique et sociale. Telle est la principale recommandation formulée par l’Examen des performances environnementales de l’OCDE : Israël 2011.Ce rapport constitue le premier examen de l’OCDE consacré à la politique de l'environnement d’Israël depuis l’adhésion du pays à l’Organisation, l’année dernière. Compte tenu de sa superficie relativement petite, de ses faibles ressources en eau, de la densité de sa population et de son taux élevé d’urbanisation, Israël doit faire face à des défis environnementaux pressants. Le pays a réalisé des progrès appréciables en ce qui concerne la pollution atmosphérique et l’utilisation de l’eau notamment. Ce faisant, Israël a développé un secteur des « technologies propres » dynamique. Cependant, sa forte croissance économique et démographique fait peser sur l’environnement des pressions de plus en plus fortes, imputables à la production de déchets, à la dégradation des habitats et aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. L’Examen présente 41 recommandations pour aider le pays à relever ces défis. 
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  • 22-February-2012


    Food and the Tourism Experience - The OECD-Korea Workshop

    Tourism is a major part of the contemporary experience economy, in which food plays an important role. Food is a key part of all cultures, a major element of global intangible heritage and an increasingly important attraction for tourists. The linkages between food and tourism also provide a platform for local economic development, which can be strengthened by the use of food experiences for branding and marketing destinations.
    One of the major challenges in the experience economy is dealing with the shift towards intangible culture and heritage.  The focus of many tourists has changed from the classic 'must see' physical sights such as museums and monuments towards a ‘must-experience’ imperative to consume intangible expressions of culture, such as atmosphere, creativity and lifestyle.  This provides new opportunities for tourism destinations as well as new challenges, particularly in the areas of experience development, marketing and branding.

    This publication provides an understanding of the role of food tourism in local economic development and its potential for country branding. It also presents several innovative case studies in the food tourism sector and the experience industry.
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