
  • 20-September-2017


    Public Procurement in Peru - Reinforcing Capacity and Co-ordination

    Public procurement is becoming a strategic tool in Peru for achieving key policy objectives. The legislative reforms enacted in 2016 indicate a strong commitment from the government to modernise the public procurement system. In fact, the system is currently going through a transitional period, moving from excessive formalities and complex tendering processes to prioritizing results and value for money. This report examines ongoing public procurement reforms in Peru, focusing on issues such as procurement processes, participation in tenders, and the culture of integrity in the public procurement process. It provides guidance to help Peru implement reforms that enhance the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the system.
  • 20-September-2017


    Eurostat-OECD compilation guide on inventories - 2017 edition

    The Eurostat-OECD compilation guide on inventories represents the first comprehensive overview of conceptual and practical issues related to the compilation of the balance-sheet item ‘inventories’ in the national accounts.
    The estimation of inventories and changes in inventories in national accounts is often very difficult. Therefore it is the aim of this compilation guide to provide conceptual and practical guidance to statisticians on the estimation and valuation of inventories in mutual coherence with the transaction changes in inventories, and by doing so, to increase international comparability for these items. The guide clarifies theoretical concepts and possible data sources. It elaborates several estimation methods for both the asset inventories and the transaction changes in inventories, including their breakdowns into products, industries and institutional sectors. The compilation guide also addresses several special estimation cases and provides the results of a questionnaire — completed by 34 countries — on country practices regarding the estimation of inventories.
    The Eurostat-OECD compilation guide on inventories was prepared by the Task Force on Land and other non-financial assets under the joint leadership of Eurostat and the OECD. Representatives from various European Union (EU) and non-EU OECD countries were represented as well as the European Central Bank.
  • 19-September-2017


    Making Decentralisation Work in Chile - Towards Stronger Municipalities

    This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges confronting Chile’s centralised growth model and recommendations towards developing a more integrated territorial approach, capable of mobilising regional productivity catch-up potential in order to strengthen the role of regions and municipalities.The Chilean government has launched an ambitious decentralisation agenda, aimed at empowering municipalities by providing them with the legitimacy, financial resources, human capacities and tools required to improve their autonomy and performance. This study seeks to assist the government by covering several dimensions, looking at municipal responsibilities, fiscal and human resources, equalisation mechanisms, local public service performance,  citizen participation, and co-ordination mechanisms across levels of government.
  • 15-September-2017


    OECD Economic Surveys: Latvia 2017

    Latvia’s economy has grown robustly in recent years on the back of a strong track record in implementing structural reforms, despite a challenging international environment. Rising wages have supported household consumption. After a severe setback in 2008-09, catch-up with higher income OECD countries may have resumed. Government finances are solid and financial market confidence in Latvia is strong. Private sector indebtedness is now lower than in many OECD economies. Export performance, including diversification of products and destinations, is improving, but Latvia’s participation in global value chains is modest. Latvia’s exports still rely heavily on low value-added, natural resource intensive products, reflecting in part skills shortages and weak innovation. Unemployment remains high, although it has fallen. Many young Latvians emigrate. Informal economic activity is still widespread.
    High long-term unemployment, weak social safety nets and high labour taxes for workers on low pay contribute to widespread poverty. Many low-income households are inadequately housed. High out-of-pocket payments limit access of low-income households to health services. Improving access to housing, health care, education and training would improve economic opportunities for low-income households and requires additional government spending.SPECIAL FEATURES : MOVING UP THE GLOBAL VALUE CHAIN; ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE
  • 14-September-2017


    The Size and Sectoral Distribution of State-Owned Enterprises

    State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are important elements of many national economies. They are also increasingly active internationally, which has led to renewed concerns in recent years about whether their competitive conditions in home markets might adversely impact 'fair' competition with companies abroad. Many of the concerns held by national policy makers and businesses surrounding foreign SOEs’ competitive conditions stem from limited transparency and information on SOEs. This report seeks to bolster the factual information base by presenting the main findings of the most comprehensive and internationally comparable dataset currently available on the size, sectoral distribution and corporate forms of national SOE sectors in 40 countries.
  • 13-September-2017


    Tax Policy Reforms 2017 - OECD and Selected Partner Economies

    This report is the second edition of Tax Policy Reforms: OECD and Selected Partner Economies, which is an annual publication that provides comparative information on tax reforms across countries and tracks tax policy developments over time.This year’s report covers the tax reforms that were implemented, legislated or announced in 2016. Two non-OECD countries, Argentina and South Africa, have been included in this year’s edition, in an effort to progressively expand the scope of the publication to key partner economies. Monitoring tax policy reforms and understanding the context in which they were undertaken is crucial to informing tax policy discussions and to supporting governments in the assessment and design of tax reforms.
  • 12-septembre-2017


    Regards sur l'éducation 2017 - Les indicateurs de l'OCDE

    Regards sur l’éducation : Les indicateurs de l’OCDE est la publication de référence sur l’état de l’éducation dans le monde. Avec plus de 125 graphiques et 145 tableaux, et un corpus encore plus riche de données consultables sur notre base de données consacrée à l’éducation, Regards sur l’éducation 2017 présente des données clés sur : les résultats des établissements d’enseignement ; l’impact de l’apprentissage dans les différents pays ; les ressources financières et humaines investies dans l’éducation ; l’accès, la participation et la progression au sein des systèmes d’éducation ; l’environnement d’apprentissage ; et l’organisation scolaire.Avec un nouvel éclairage sur les domaines d’études, cette édition 2017 analyse notamment les tendances des taux de scolarisation dans le deuxième cycle de l’enseignement secondaire et l’enseignement tertiaire, la mobilité étudiante, et les débouchés professionnels des diplômes obtenus dans ces différents domaines. Elle présente en outre pour la première fois un chapitre entièrement consacré aux objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et permet donc de faire le point sur la progression des pays membres ou partenaires de l’OCDE sur la voie de la réalisation des cibles de ces ODD. Enfin, la section relative à la participation et à la progression au sein des systèmes d’éducation introduit deux nouveaux indicateurs : le premier sur le taux de réussite des élèves du deuxième cycle de l’enseignement secondaire, et le second sur les processus d’admission dans l’enseignement supérieur.Le rapport couvre l’ensemble des 35 pays membres de l’OCDE, ainsi qu’un certain nombre de pays partenaires (Afrique du Sud, Arabie saoudite, Argentine, Brésil, Chine, Colombie, Costa Rica, Fédération de Russie, Inde, Indonésie et Lituanie).Les fichiers ExcelTM qui ont servi à l’élaboration des tableaux et graphiques de Regards sur l’éducation sont disponibles via les liens StatLinks fournis tout au long de la publication.
  • 11-September-2017


    Skills for a High Performing Civil Service

    Civil servants make an important contribution to national growth and prosperity. Today, however, digitalisation and more demanding, pluralistic and networked societies are challenging the public sector to work in new ways. This report looks at the capacity and capabilities of civil servants of OECD countries. It explores the skills required to make better policies and regulations, to work effectively with citizens and service users, to commission cost-effective service delivery, and to collaborate with stakeholders in networked settings. The report also suggests approaches for addressing skills gaps through recruitment, development and workforce management.
  • 11-September-2017


    Producer Incentives in Livestock Disease Management

    Management of farm animal diseases is increasingly important in view of the threats they pose to farm incomes and sometimes even to the viability of farm enterprises, wildlife and humans. This report analyses the incentives for individual farmers to manage such risks and the governments' role to align farmer incentives with public objectives.Identifying and assessing animal disease risks, as well as understanding their financial implications, are central to decisions made by farmers. The report examines the economic drivers of farmer decisions and government economic instruments, such as compensation related to livestock epidemics. It further discusses a spectrum of psychological and social drivers of farmer behaviour and emphasises the importance of government's more extensive role in the areas of information, communication and education related to disease management. Finally, farmer collective action in various areas of disease management is considered, such as capacity building, risk insurance, surveillance, and responses to disease outbreaks. The case studies of livestock disease management in Australia, Chile and Korea complement this analysis.
  • 5-September-2017


    Improving Regulatory Governance - Trends, Practices and the Way Forward

    Regulations help governments support economic growth, social welfare and environmental protection. The challenge is to design clear, coherent, and efficient regulations and to effectively implement them. This report presents cutting-edge thinking in how to facilitate good regulatory design and implementation. Jointly developed by the OECD and the Korea Development Institute, the report builds on a series of expert papers that analyse the experience of Korea and other OECD members in designing and implementing regulatory oversight, stakeholder engagement, regulatory impact assessment and ex post evaluation. It identifies forthcoming challenges, possible solutions and areas for further analysis that can help governments in OECD member and partner countries improve their regulatory systems.
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