
  • 2-juin-2014


    Perspectives des communications de l'OCDE 2013

    Ce rapport fournit un aperçu des efforts réalisés par les pays, qui à travers la réglementation, promeuvent la concurrence et stimulent l’innovation sur les marchés de la communication. Il examine également les questions relatives aux marchés de radiodiffusion, aux infrastructures internet, aux dépenses de communication, à l’usage des ménages et des entreprises et aux tendances des échanges dans les services de télécommunications. Il montre que le secteur des communications a fait preuve de résilience durant la crise financière mondiale (CFM), reflétant ainsi son rôle crucial dans les économies d’aujourd’hui.
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  • 1-June-2014


    Mainstreaming Cross-cutting Issues - Seven Lessons from DAC Peer Reviews

    Gender equality and the environment are treated as cross-cutting issues in all DAC peer reviews in recognition of their importance in development co-operation. This report highlights some of the common themes and important lessons on mainstreaming gender equality and the environment based on DAC members’ practices as documented in peer reviews, a number of donor evaluations as well as wider work across the OECD. 
  • 30-May-2014


    Slovenia: Reforms for a Strong and Sustainable Recovery

    This book reviews recent work related to Slovenia and summarised key findings and recommendations in such areas as unemployment and the labour market, skills and productivity, product market competition, corporate governance, boosting innovation and moving up the value chain, public finances, the tax system, the financial system, and greening the economy.
  • 30-May-2014


    Boosting Resilience through Innovative Risk Governance

    This report examines what countries have achieved in terms of strengthening resilience through better risk management and identifies persisting challenges. It focuses on the importance of creating an institutional environment that engages all stakeholders and allows them to build resilience against future shocks. This report has contributed to the development of the OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Critical Risks.

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  • 21-May-2014


    OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: Norway 2014 - Raising Standards

    This book presents a comprehensive review of health care quality in Norway. It finds that Norway has an impressive and comprehensive health system, which is the result of sustained commitment to providing health care for the whole Norwegian population, investment in the health system, and readiness to make changes to drive improvements. On most indicators Norway’s health system appears to be performing well, although there is some room for improvement. There have been a number of significant health care reforms in Norway over the last decade, most recently the Coordination Reform, which took effect in January 2012.Broadly this is a positive story, but challenges do lie ahead for Norway. Norway is putting in place measures to respond to these challenges, notably with the 2012 Coordination Reform, but still has some way to go before the fruits of such labour are truly felt across the health system. Norway’s ambitious reform agenda must now be balanced by structured efforts ‘on the ground’. Attention should now turn to putting in place appropriate data infrastructures, promoting meaningful engagement between key stakeholders, and by balancing a generous health budget that allows for important investments in developing new structures and services with attention to getting the most out of existing services.
  • 21-May-2014


    Industry and Technology Policies in Korea

    The Korean innovation system is in many ways highly developed and has helped to underpin Korea’s rapid industrialisation. However, long-standing policy emphases on manufacturing and large firms are today in question. Structural problems - such as the relatively weak innovation performance of SMEs, a lagging services sector and limited domestic job creation among the industrial conglomerates - have led to a shift in policy priorities. This shift is crystallised in the current government’s Creative Economy Strategy, which entails a far-reaching set of measures aimed at fostering cutting-edge innovation and consolidating a knowledge-based economy increasingly driven by high-value services. This review addresses Korea’s industry and technology policies and institutions, and provides policy recommendations.
  • 21-May-2014


    Employment and Skills Strategies in the Czech Republic

    This review looks at a range of institutions and bodies involved in employment and skills policies in the Czech Republic, focusing on local strategies on the Ústí nad Labem and South Moravian regions.
  • 21-mai-2014


    Perspectives des transports FIT 2013 - Financer les transports

    Les Perspectives des transports du FIT présentent une analyse des scénarios possibles à long terme ainsi que des statistiques sur les tendances récemment observées dans le domaine des transports. On y recense les déterminants des évolutions passées et ceux des tendances envisageables pour l’avenir, et étudie leur intérêt pour l’élaboration des politiques. De même, on expose les facteurs susceptibles de tirer à la baisse ou à la hausse l’offre et la demande de services de transport et analyse leur incidence potentielle.

    La présente édition porte sur les scénarios d’évolution des volumes de transport à l’échelle mondiale à l’horizon 2050. L’analyse présentée met en évidence l’incidence qu’aurait chacun de ces scénarios sur la croissance mondiale des flux de fret et de voyageurs, ainsi que les conséquences que l’urbanisation rapide observée hors de la zone OCDE devrait avoir sur l’ensemble des volumes de transport et des émissions de CO2. Elle est complétée par une étude de cas sur les transports urbains en Amérique latine, qui passe en revue les caractéristiques du développement urbain et leurs effets à long terme sur la mobilité urbaine, la répartition modale et les émissions de CO2 dans le monde en développement.

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  • 12-May-2014


    Energy Technology Perspectives 2014

    As climate negotiators work towards a deal that would limit the increase in global temperatures, interest is growing in the essential role technology innovation can and must play in enabling the transition to a low-carbon energy system. Indeed, recent success stories clearly indicate that there is significant and untapped potential for accelerating innovation in clean technologies if proper policy frameworks are in place.

    In an especially timely analysis, the 2015 edition of Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP 2015) examines innovation in the energy technology sector and seeks to increase confidence in the feasibility of achieving short- and long-term climate change mitigation targets through effective research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDD&D). ETP 2015 identifies regulatory strategies and co‑operative frameworks to advance innovation in areas like variable renewables, carbon capture and storage, and energy-intensive industrial sectors. The report also shows how emerging economies, and China in particular, can foster a low-carbon transition through innovation in energy technologies and policy. Finally, ETP 2015 features the IEA annual Tracking Clean Energy Progress report, which this year shows that efforts to decarbonise the global energy sector are lagging further behind.

    By setting out pathways to a sustainable energy future and by incorporating detailed and transparent quantitative modelling analysis and well-rounded commentary, ETP 2015 and its series of related publications are required reading for experts in the energy field, policy makers and heads of governments, as well as business leaders and investors.

  • 12-May-2014


    Budgeting Practices and Procedures in OECD Countries

    The OECD Budget Practices and Procedures Database provides detailed data on how budgets are made in OECD countries  from formulation, to approval, execution and reporting based on surveys conducted every four to five years. This publication presents the results of the latest survey, conducted in 2012, and compares this with the previous survey, conducted in 2007. It finds that fiscal sustainability is a key issue for countries today. It also highlights the growing use of medium-term expenditure frameworks, capital budgeting and top-down budgeting, and it examines transparency of budgeting as well as budgeting flexibility. 
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