
  • 3-September-2014


    Metalworking Fluids

    This OECD Emission Scenario Document provides information on the sources, use patterns and potential release pathways of chemicals used in metalworking fluids. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposure to  chemicals ussed in metalworking fluids.

  • 3-September-2014


    Report of the OECD workshop on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Strategies for the adoption and Implementation of IPM in Agriculture Contributing to the Sustainable Use of Pesticides and to Pesticide Risk Reduction

    This document is the report of the 'OECD Workshop on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) -
    Strategies for the adoption and implementation of IPM in agriculture contributing to the sustainable use of
    pesticides and to pesticide risk reduction', that took place on 16 19 October 2011, in Berlin, Germany, and
    was chaired by Dr. Wolfgang Zornbach of the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
    Consumer Protection.The developed detailed recommendations for promoting and facilitating the adoption and implementation of IPM strategies and for encouraging appropriate stakeholders to use IPM tools and measures. The workshop was planned in the framework of the 'OECD Strategic Approach in Pesticide Risk Reduction'. It addressed the following four main issues: technology and Information, economics and market access, policies and strategies and measurements and impact.  This report includes the outcomes of the workshop discussions, as well as the overall workshop conclusions (Section 4) and recommendations (Section 5) targeted at governments, all stakeholders and OECD.
  • 3-September-2014


    Detailed Review Paper on the Use of Metabolising Systems for In Vitro Testing of Endocrine Disruptors

    Increasing incidents of disorders such as obesity/diabetes/metabolic syndrome, reproductive dysfunction, and neuro-developmental abnormalities in some human populations have raised concern that disruption of key endocrine-signaling pathways by exposure to environmental chemicals may be involved. This Detailed Review Paper describes some endocrine pathways that have been shown to be susceptible to environmental endocrine disruption and whose disruption could contribute to increasing incidents of some disorders in humans and wildlife populations.
  • 3-September-2014


    Photographic Industry

    This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns and release pathways of chemicals used in photographic industry to assist in the estimation of releases of chemicals to the environment.
  • 3-September-2014


    MRL Calculator: Users Guide and White Paper

    This document incorporates two parts, an MRL Calculator User Guide and an MRL Calculator White Paper which discusses the methodology used in the User Guide.
  • 25-août-2014


    Renforcer les mécanismes de financement de la biodiversité

    Ce rapport examine les six mécanismes de financement novateurs tels que définis par la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB). Il s’agit de la réforme fiscale environnementale, des paiements pour services écosystémiques, de la compensation des atteintes à la biodiversité, des marchés de produits verts, de la biodiversité dans le financement climatique, ainsi que de la biodiversité dans le financement international du développement. Cette publication, qui s’est inspirée de la littérature existante et de plus de 40 études de cas réalisées dans le monde entier, examine les questions suivantes : Quels sont ces mécanismes et comment fonctionnent-ils ? Quelles ressources financières ont-ils mobilisées et quelles sont les possibilités de les accroître ? Enfin, quelles sont les considérations clés de conception et de mise en oeuvre – y compris les mesures de sauvegarde environnementale et sociale – dont il faut tenir compte pour que les pouvoirs publics puissent garantir l’efficacité environnementale, l’efficience économique et l’équité redistributive de ces mécanismes ?
    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 25-August-2014


    Nuclear Site Remediation and Restoration during Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations - A Report by the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning

    Decommissioning of nuclear facilities and related remedial actions are currently being undertaken around the world to enable sites or parts of sites to be reused for other purposes. Remediation has generally been considered as the last step in a sequence of decommissioning steps, but the values of prevention, long-term planning and parallel remediation are increasingly being recognised as important steps in the process. This report, prepared by the Task Group on Nuclear Site Restoration of the NEA Co-operative Programme on Decommissioning, highlights lessons learnt from remediation experiences of NEA member countries that may be particularly helpful to practitioners of nuclear site remediation, regulators and site operators. It provides observations and recommendations to consider in the development of strategies and plans for efcient nuclear site remediation that ensures protection of workers and the environment.
  • 25-August-2014


    R&D and Innovation Needs for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities

    Nuclear decommissioning activities can greatly benefit from research and development (R&D) projects. This report examines applicable emergent technologies, current research efforts and innovation needs to build a base of knowledge regarding the status of decommissioning technology and R&D. This base knowledge can be used to obtain consensus on future R&D that is worth funding. It can also assist in deciding how to collaborate and optimise the limited pool of financial resources available among NEA member countries for nuclear decommissioning R&D.
  • 22-août-2014


    Panorama des comptes nationaux 2014

    Cette publication présente des données sous forme d'indicateurs et privilégie les comparaisons entre pays. L'objectif est de rendre les comptes nationaux plus accessibles et plus informatifs et dans un même temps de fournir les informations les plus pertinentes concernant les définitions et les problèmes de comparabilité inhérents à chaque indicateur.

    L'éventail des indicateurs a volontairement été établi de façon assez large afin de refléter la richesse des Bases de données de l'OCDE sur les comptes nationaux. Cette large sélection a également pour objet d'inciter les utilisateurs à porter leur attention sur d'autres indicateurs que le célèbre PIB. Certains travaux récents ont joué un rôle déterminant dans le choix des indicateurs. Le rapport de la commission sur la mesure des performances économiques et du progrès social (Commission Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi) est un exemple particulièrement marquant.

    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 19-August-2014


    Renewables Information 2014

    Renewables Information provides a comprehensive review of historical and current market trends in OECD countries, including 2014 provisional data. It provides an overview of the development of renewables and waste in the world over the 1990 to 2013 period. A greater focus is given to the OECD countries with a review of electricity generation and capacity from renewable and waste energy sources, including detailed tables. However, an overview of developments in the world and OECD renewable and waste market is also presented. The publication encompasses energy indicators, generating capacity, electricity and heat production from renewable and waste sources, as well as production and consumption of renewables and waste.

    Renewables Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Oil Information.

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