
  • 13-April-2012


    OECD Territorial Reviews: Chihuahua, Mexico 2012

    Located at the border with the US, Chihuahua has benefited from FDI and NAFTA. Chihuahua has been one of the richest regions in Mexico and one of the most dynamic in the OECD. However, the region’s FDI-trade link with the USA has also led to some vulnerability to external shocks. The two crises affecting the USA in the past decade affected Chihuahua more than any other state. Despite recent progress in the quality of education, other structural challenges such as lower productivity growth, high inactivity rates and dwindling employment rates have been factors in Chihuahua’s sluggish growth. Chihuahua not only displays large intra-regional and gender inequalities, but also the largest inter-ethnic inequality levels in the country. Chihuahua can gain from a territorial approach to policymaking that integrates sectoral policies, fostering value-added in rural activities, better linking SME-development and FDI-attraction policies, as well as between innovation capacities and applications. The region could also strengthen their recent inclusive governance arrangement with civil society and the private sector.  Growth and development can only be possible if the current challenges in insecurity, water shortage and public finance are addressed.
  • 11-April-2012


    OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Colombia 2012

    This Investment Policy Review examines Colombia's achievements in developing an open and transparent investment regime and its efforts to reduce restrictions on international investment. The Review  shows  that, in the past few years, Colombia has made tremendous progress in promoting investment liberalisation and improving its investment policy framework. Colombia has also recently undertaken important policy reforms in many of the areas covered by the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, including human rights, labour issues and bribery.In recognition of its progress in pursuing policy reforms to promote investment liberalisation and improving the business climate, Colombia became the 43rd country to adhere to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. As an adherent to the Declaration, Colombia commits to providing national treatment to foreign investors and to promoting responsible business conduct, in line with the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. In turn, the country benefits from similar assurances from other adherents to treat Colombian investors fairly.
  • 11-April-2012


    Nuclear Education and Training - From Concern to Capability

    The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) first published in 2000 Nuclear Education and Training: Cause for Concern?, which highlighted significant issues in the availability of human resources for the nuclear industry. Ten years on, Nuclear Education and Training: From Concern to Capability considers what has changed in that time and finds that, while some countries have taken positive actions, in a number of others human resources could soon be facing serious challenges in coping with existing and potential new nuclear facilities. This is exacerbated by the increasing rate of retirement as the workforce ages. This report provides a qualitative characterisation of human resource needs and appraises instruments and programmes in nuclear education and training initiated by various stakeholders in different countries. In this context, it also examines the current and future uses of nuclear research facilities for education and training purposes. Regarding the nuclear training component of workforce competence, it outlines a job taxonomy which could be a basis for addressing the needs of workers across this sector. It presents the taxonomy as a way of enhancing mutual recognition and increasing consistency of education and training for both developed and developing countries.
  • 5-avril-2012


    Gestion des risques en agriculture - Évaluation et conception des politiques

    Cet ouvrage examine les conséquences de la gestion des risques en matière de politique agricole. Il traite d’abord des principes et lignes directrices de gestion des risques en termes d’élaboration des politiques agricoles. Il procède ensuite à une analyse quantitative des risques  et des politiques dans plusieurs pays.
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  • 30-March-2012


    Identification and Quantification of the Proceeds of Bribery - Revised edition, February 2012

    This study focuses on the identification and quantification of the proceeds of active bribery in international business transactions. Public and private organisations alike have long recognised that bribery of public officials is harmful to good governance, economic development and competitive conditions. Confiscation and recovery of the proceeds derived from foreign bribery are key elements in the international framework to fight corruption of public officials.Chapter 1 introduces the international legal framework for the treatment of the proceeds of active bribery and catalogues the legal remedies available in various jurisdictions, and how these remedies may interact. Chapter 2 defines five principal types of proceeds of active bribery and analyzes how they may be quantified. Each system is illustrated by examples from countries using such methods, as well as commentary on some practical challenges linked to the calculation of proceeds. Chapter 3 offers a compilation of case summaries to illustrate the principles covered in the preceding chapters.
  • 29-March-2012


    Related Party Transactions and Minority Shareholder Rights

    Related party transactions involve parties who can control the terms of a transaction in their favor potentially at the cost of the company. They include management, board members and controlling shareholders. The publication reviews provisions covering related party transactions and the protection of minority shareholder rights  in 31 jurisdictions, both OECD and non-OECD. In addition, the regulatory and legal systems that have beeen developed in five jurisdictions are reviewed in detail and allow a wide range of experience to be compared and lessons drawn. They are, Belgium, France, Italy, Israel and India. 
  • 28-March-2012


    OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Biological Resource Centres

    These best practice guidelines are intended to serve as a target for the quality management of biological resource center collections. They are the result of discussions held by OECD member countries together with a number of key partner countries under the auspices of an expert Task Force established by the OECD Working Party on Biotechnology.   They were developed in extensive consultation with the scientific community.
  • 21-March-2012


    OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality: Korea 2012 - Raising Standards

    At a time when ever more information is available about the quality of health care, the challenge for policy makers is to better understand the policies and approaches that sit behind the numbers. Korea is the first country report in a new OECD series evaluating the quality of health care across OECD countries – whether care is safe, effective and responsive to patients’ needs. OECD Reviews of Health Care Quality examine what works and what does not work, both to benchmark the efforts of countries and to provide advice on reforms to improve quality of health care. This series of individual country reviews will be followed by a final summary report on the lessons learnt for good policy practices.
  • 20-March-2012


    OECD Investment Policy Reviews: Zambia 2012

    OECD's review of investment policy in Zambia reviews the country's investment policy, investment promotion and facilitation, trade and competition policy, tax policy, corporate governance, policies for promoting responsible business conduct, infrastructure development and other aspects of the policy framework for investment.
  • 12-mars-2012


    Qualité de l'eau et agriculture - Un défi pour les politiques publiques

    L’eau est un élément essentiel à la croissance économique, à la santé humaine, à l’environnement. La gestion rationnelle des ressources en eau représente pourtant aujourd’hui un défi majeur pour les gouvernements du monde entier. Les problèmes sont nombreux et complexes : des milliards d’individus n’ont toujours pas d’accès à l’eau potable ni à un assainissement adéquat ; la concurrence s’accroît entre les différents usagers et usages de l’eau ; des investissements importants sont nécessaires au maintien et à l’amélioration des infrastructures de l’eau, aussi bien dans les pays membres de l’OCDE que dans les non-membres. Cette série d’ouvrages de l’OCDE propose des analyses et des orientations sur les aspects de la gestion des ressources en eau qui touchent à l’économie, à la finance et à la gouvernance. Ces aspects sont généralement au cœur du problème. Ce n’est qu’en les prenant en compte qu’une solution au problème crucial de l’eau pourra être trouvée.
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