
  • 8-April-2017


    Inclusive Global Value Chains - Policy Options in Trade and Complementary Areas for GVC Integration by Small and Medium Enterprises and Low-Income Developing Countries

    This joint OECD and World Bank Group report, presented to G20 Trade Ministers in October 2015, focuses on the challenge of making GVCs more 'inclusive' by overcoming participation constraints for SMEs and facilitating access for LIDCs. Results suggest that SME participation in GVCs is mostly taking place through indirect contribution to exports (rather than through direct exports), and that a holistic approach to trade, investment and national and multilateral policy action is needed to create more inclusive GVCs.The report highlights the importance of ensuring access to ICT networks – in particular broadband – and stimulating innovation – in particular by enhancing the ability of SMEs to manage and protect their intellectual assets. At the same, the report underscores the importance of helping small firms scale up quickly, and to better integrate in GVCs by lowering barriers to the entry, growth and exit of firms. Countries should also avoid favouring incumbents over new firms.
  • 7-April-2017


    Agricultural Policies in the Philippines

    This report analyses Philippine agricultural policy. Agriculture provides 30% of total employment in the Philippines and represents 11% of its Gross Domestic Product. The Philippines has had notable recent overall economic success, yet improving agricultural performance remains challenging. Productivity growth lags behind other Southeast Asian countries, and a number of policy distortions hinder progress. With agricultural land resources also under pressure from frequent natural disasters, rising population and urbanisation, the report offers a series of recommendations to improve the sector’s performance and its ability to adapt to climate change.
  • 6-April-2017


    Back to Work: New Zealand - Improving the Re-employment Prospects of Displaced Workers

    Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over their lifetime. Displaced workers may face long periods of unemployment and, even when they find new jobs, tend to be paid less and have fewer benefits than in their prior jobs. Helping them get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. This report is part of a series of reports looking at how this challenge is being tackled in a number of OECD countries. It shows that in New Zealand most displaced workers find a new job again, largely due to a strong economy and a highly flexible labour market. But many of them face large losses in terms of job quality and especially wages. And displaced workers facing difficulties in New Zealand are largely left on their own to find a new job, as the means-tested public benefit system only provides for people in need and employment services concentrate on helping people off benefit with limited focus on those not receiving a benefit.Nine countries are participating in the review: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan,
    Korea, New Zealand, Sweden and the United States.Contents
    Chapter 1. Job displacement in New Zealand and its consequences
    Chapter 2 Easing the impact of economic restructuring on displaced workers in New Zealand
    Chapter 3 Re-employment support for displaced workers in New Zealand who struggle to find a new
  • 6-April-2017


    Taxation and Skills

    This Tax Policy Study on Taxation and Skills examines how tax policy can encourage skills development in OECD countries. This study also assesses the returns to tertiary and adult education and examines how these returns are shared between governments and students. The study builds indicators that examine incentives for individuals and governments to invest in education. These indicators take into account the various financial costs of skills investments for individuals such as foregone after-tax earnings and tuition fees, as well as whether investments are financed with savings or with student loans. Costs borne by governments such as grants, scholarships, lost taxes, and skills tax expenditures are also accounted for. The indicators also incorporate the returns to skills investments for individuals and governments through higher after-tax wages and higher tax revenues respectively.
  • 6-avril-2017


    Compte satellite du tourisme : recommandations concernant le cadre conceptuel 2008

    Un Compte satellite du tourisme a pour objectif d’analyser en détail tous les aspects de la demande de biens et de services associés à l’activité des visiteurs; de voir comment cette demande se confronte dans la pratique à l’offre de ces biens et services dans cette même économie; et de décrire les interactions entre cette offre et d’ autres activités économiques. Le présent volume, Compte satellite du tourisme : recommandations concernant le cadre conceptuel 2008, offre un cadre mis à jour pour la construction d’un Compte satellite du tourisme. Il devrait permettre une plus grande compatibilité interne des statistiques du tourisme avec le reste du système statistique d’un pays et une meilleure comparabilité internationale des données.
  • 5-avril-2017


    Examen multidimensionnel du Sénégal - Volume 1. Évaluation initiale

    Après des décennies de progrès économique et social modestes, le Sénégal renoue avec une dynamique de croissance depuis 2012. La volonté des autorités sénégalaises d'amener le pays à l'émergence à l'horizon 2035 se traduit par de nombreuses avancées, sur le plan des infrastructures par exemple ou en matière de production agricole. Toutefois, d’importants défis demeurent, notamment en matière de réduction de la pauvreté, de création d'emplois ou d'accès à des services sociaux de qualité.L'Examen multidimensionnel du Sénégal vise à soutenir l'élaboration du second volet de la stratégie de développement décennale, le Plan Sénégal émergent 2014-23. Ce premier volume passe en revue les performances du Sénégal et identifie les principales contraintes au développement. Il se base sur un diagnostic des évolutions macroéconomiques, des performances en matière de bien-être des citoyens, du degré de compétitivité du secteur privé, et du fonctionnement du système institutionnel. Ce volume identifie trois contraintes majeures au développement : les faiblesses du système éducatif ; les dysfonctionnements du régime et de l’administration fiscaux dans la mobilisation des ressources ; et la faible efficacité de l'État sénégalais.Le deuxième volume proposera des recommandations pour lever les contraintes majeures identifiées et le troisième analysera les modalités de leur mise en oeuvre.
  • 4-avril-2017


    Principes de gouvernance d'entreprise du G20 et de l'OCDE

    Les Principes de gouvernance d’entreprise du G20 et de l’OCDE aident les responsables de l’action publique à évaluer et améliorer le cadre juridique, réglementaire et institutionnel organisant la gouvernance d’entreprise. Ils contiennent des orientations à l’intention des autorités de place, des investisseurs, des sociétés et autres acteurs apportant une contribution au processus d’élaboration d’un système de gouvernance d’entreprise de qualité. Publiés pour la première fois en 1999, les Principes sont devenus la référence au niveau international dans le domaine de la gouvernance d’entreprise. Ils ont été adoptés comme l’une des normes fondamentales pour la solidité des systèmes financiers du Conseil de stabilité financière, et approuvés par le G20.
    L’édition 2015 prend en compte les évolutions survenues tant dans le secteur financier que dans celui des entreprises qui peuvent avoir une influence sur l’efficacité et la pertinence des politiques et pratiques suivies dans le domaine de la gouvernance d’entreprise.
  • 3-April-2017


    Agricultural Policies in Costa Rica

    Costa Rica’s strong agricultural sector is underpinned by the country’s political stability, robust economic growth and high levels of human development.  The sector has achieved significant export success, yet raising productivity and staying competitive in world markets will require efforts to address bottlenecks in infrastructure, innovation and access to financial services.  Maximising Costa Rica’s comparative advantage in higher-value niche products will depend upon more efficient services to agriculture, including better implementation of programmes, improved co-ordination among institutions, and reduced bureaucracy. While overall protection for agriculture is relatively low compared to OECD countries, it is nonetheless highly distorting to production and trade. Managing the transition to scheduled liberalisation presents an opportunity to reform costly policies, and to implement an alternative policy package with new investments in innovation, productivity and diversification, supported by transition assistance where needed. Costa Rican agriculture’s vulnerability to extreme weather events is expected to worsen with climate change, and even while the country is among global leaders in environmental protection, sustainable development and climate change mitigation, further adaptation efforts will be necessary.
  • 31-March-2017


    Business Dynamics and Productivity

    This publication focuses on business dynamics across eight countries (Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom) and over time, building upon the evidence collected in the framework of the OECD DynEmp project for 22 countries. It provides new evidence on firms’ heterogeneous responses to shocks (notably the recent financial crisis) in order to evaluate how policies and framework conditions across different firms and countries can foster both employment and productivity growth.
  • 30-March-2017


    OECD Integrity Review of Mexico - Taking a Stronger Stance Against Corruption

    The OECD's Integrity Review of Mexico is one of the first peer reviews to apply the new 2017 Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity. It assesses (i) the coherence and comprehensiveness of the evolving public integrity system; (ii) the extent to which Mexico’s new reforms cultivate a culture of integrity across the public sector; and (iii) the effectiveness of increasingly stringent accountability mechanisms. In addition, the Review includes a sectoral focus on public procurement, one of the largest areas of government spending in the country and is considered a high-risk government activity for fraud and corruption. The Review provides several proposals for strengthening institutional arrangements and improving vertical and horizontal co-ordination, closing remaining gaps in various existing legal/policy frameworks, instilling integrity values and ensuring the sustainability of reforms.
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