
  • 25-novembre-2011


    Alimentation et agriculture

    La Stratégie de l’OCDE pour une croissance verte vise à formuler des recommandations concrètes et à fournir des instruments de mesure, notamment des indicateurs, qui aideront les pays à engendrer la croissance économique et le développement, tout en veillant à ce que les actifs naturels continuent de fournir les ressources et les services environnementaux sur lesquels repose notre bien-être. La Stratégie propose un cadre d’action adaptable selon les spécificités nationales et le stade de développement des pays. Ce rapport étudie divers aspects de la croissance verte dans les secteurs de l’agriculture et de la pêche.
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  • 24-November-2011


    Ministerial Advisors - Role, Influence and Management

    Government leaders need high-quality and responsive advice to make informed decisions, particularly to help restore long-term economic growth. Indeed, in many countries ministerial advisors are appointed primarily in order to increase the responsiveness of government and help address strategic challenges faced by government leaders. At the same time, their sheer number and the opacity surrounding their status have prompted widespread concern. These are two findings that emerged from an OECD survey in 2010 into the work of ministerial advisors across 27 countries.
    This report examines the survey’s findings in order to better understand the important role advisors play and how they are managed. It considers why ministers use their services, how they are appointed, the special status they enjoy, the concerns they have prompted in the general public, and how reform may make them more accountable  and improve the transparency of their status.
  • 24-November-2011


    Deploying Renewables - Best and Future Policy Practice

    The global energy system faces urgent challenges. Concerns about energy security are growing, as highlighted by the recent political turmoil in Northern Africa and the nuclear incident in Fukushima. At the same time, the need to respond to climate change is more critical than ever. Against this background, many governments have increased efforts to promote deployment of renewable energy – low-carbon sources that can strengthen energy security. This has stimulated unprecedented rise in deployment, and renewables are now the fastest growing sector of the energy mix. This 'coming of age' of renewable energy also brings challenges. Growth is focused on a few of the available technologies, and rapid deployment is confined to a relatively small number of countries. In more advanced markets, managing support costs and system integration of large shares of renewable energy in a time of economic weakness and budget austerity has sparked vigorous political debate.The IEA’s new report, Deploying Renewables 2011: Best and Future Policy Practice:

    ·         Provides a comprehensive review and analysis of renewable energy policy and market trends;

    ·         Analyses in detail the dynamics of deployment and provides best-practice policy principles for different stages of market maturity;·         Assesses the impact and cost-effectiveness of support policies using new methodological tools and indicators;

    ·         Investigates the strategic reasons underpinning the pursuit of RE deployment by different countries and the prospects for globalisation of RE. This new book builds on and extends a 2008 IEA publication, drawing on recent policy and deployment experience world-wide.  It provides guidance for policy makers and other stakeholders to avoid past mistakes, overcome new challenges and reap the benefits of deploying renewables – today and tomorrow.

  • 16-November-2011


    Thailand: Key Issues and Policies

    This book offers policy guidance to Thailand for fostering entrepreneurship and strengthening the performance of SMEs and their contribution to growth and development. It provides evidence-based analysis and policy recommendations on thematic issues such as access to finance for SMEs and entrepreneurs, SME participation in global markets, intellectual assets and innovation, high-growth SMEs and women’s entrepreneurship.
  • 14-novembre-2011


    Aide multilatérale 2010

    Plus de 200 donneurs multilatéraux reçoivent ou font transiter par leur intermédiaire 40 % de l’aide totale. Afin d’acheminer cette aide efficacement et de mieux coordonner leurs efforts, l'Aide multilatérale 2010 présente les tendances de l’aide multilatérale et l’utilisation totale (budgets centraux et contributions extrabudgétaires) du système multilatéral et se concentre sur les fonds d’affectation spéciale du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) et de la Banque Mondiale. Ce rapport analyse les perspectives d’évolution – sous l’angle du développement – de l’architecture du financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique et donne une vue d’ensemble des réactions de la part des multilatéraux face à la crise financière et économique.Tandis que le Rapport sur la coopération pour le développement de l'OCDE offre des statistiques et des analyses incontournables concernant les évolutions les plus récentes intervenues sur la scène internationale de l’aide, le rapport sur l’Aide multilatérale se penche en particulier sur les évolutions de l’aide multilatérale.
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  • 10-November-2011


    OECD Territorial Reviews: The Gauteng City-Region, South Africa 2011

    With 22% of the national population (11.2 million inhabitants), the Gauteng city-region is the largest and richest region in South Africa, contributing to one-third of national GDP. The area encompasses a series of connected cities, including Johannesburg and the national capital of Tshwane (formerly Pretoria), that function as a single, integrated region. Gauteng has been South Africa’s growth engine: for every additional 1% growth in population in the province, 1.6% is added to its contribution to national growth, implying higher productivity than in other parts of the country. Nevertheless, the city-region’s growth potential is constrained by deep socio-economic challenges, including high unemployment (26.9%) and low productivity growth. Its rapid demographic and economic development has also reinforced the spatial segregation instituted under apartheid. Against the backdrop of South Africa’s achievements since the fall of apartheid, this Review evaluates measures to position economic development policy and to confront economic inequality in Gauteng. The issues of adequate housing as a catalyst of economic development and a vehicle for socioeconomic integration, transport mobility and public service delivery are examined in detail. The Review also assesses the economic growth potential of the manufacturing and green sectors, as well as governance issues, focussing on the potential of intergovernmental collaboration in advancing a cross-cutting regional approach for Gauteng.  
  • 10-November-2011


    Health Reform - Meeting the Challenge of Ageing and Multiple Morbidities

    When the OECD was founded in 1961, health systems were gearing themselves up to deliver acute care interventions. Sick people were to be cured in hospitals, then sent on their way again. Medical training was focused on hospitals; innovation was to develop new interventions; payment systems were centred around single episodes of care.  Health systems have delivered big improvements in health since then, but they can be slow to adapt to new challenges. In particular, these days, the overwhelming burden of disease is chronic, for which ‘cure’ is out of our reach. Health policies have changed to some extent in response, though perhaps not enough.  But the challenge of the future is that the typical recipient of health care will be aged and will have multiple morbidities.  This book examines how  payment systems, innovation policies and human resource policies need to be modernised so that OECD health systems will continue to generate improved health outcomes in the future at a sustainable cost.
  • 4-novembre-2011


    Des politiques meilleures pour le développement - Recommendations pour la cohérence des politiques

    Ce rapport examine comment l’ensemble de nos politiques peuvent être mises au service de nos objectifs communs en matière de développement. Il est centré sur les domaines qui requièrent une action collective de la communauté internationale tout entière et apporte un complément aux travaux récurrents sur l’efficacité de l’aide et le suivi des apports d’aide.Nous posons deux hypothèses de départ. Premièrement, les politiques visant les différents domaines – depuis le commerce et l’investissement jusqu’à la fiscalité et la transparence fiscale, en passant par le gouvernement des entreprises, le changement climatique, la sécurité des ressources et la politique sociale – ont de profondes répercussions sur les chances de concrétisation des objectifs de développement durable. Deuxièmement, si ces politiques nécessitent une action de la part des gouvernements nationaux et des organisations régionales dans les pays développés aussi bien qu’en développement, elles requièrent également, compte tenu de l’interdépendance qui caractérise le monde actuel, une action collective de la communauté internationale tout entière.Le rapport aborde 18 thèmes, s’articulant autour de quatre grands axes : croissance économique durable, gouvernance économique, environnement et sécurité des ressources naturelles, et société. Considérés dans leur ensemble, ces différents volets reflètent la mission de l’OCDE, qui consiste à promouvoir « des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure ». Chaque thème est organisé autour des trois sections suivantes :
    • En quoi la coopération internationale est-elle importante pour le développement ?
    • Où en sommes-nous et quelles sont les prochaines étapes ?
    • Comment l’OCDE, de concert avec d’autres organisations/institutions internationales, peut-elle contribuer à la réalisation de ces objectifs ?
  • 31-October-2011


    Strengthening Accountability in Aid for Trade

    At a time when aid budgets are under pressure and scrutiny, there is a need to improve accountability. This is especially true in the case of aid for trade, which has become an increasingly important priority in development co-operation.   Strengthening Accountability in Aid for Trade looks at what the trade and development community needs to know about aid-for-trade results, what past evaluations of programmes and projects reveal about trade outcomes and impacts, and how the trade and development community could improve the performance of aid for trade interventions.
  • 27-October-2011


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Greece 2011

    This 2011 review of energy policy in Greece finds that increasing competition and reducing the role of the state in the energy sector should add efficiency and dynamism to the economy.  This, in turn, should help generate self-sustained employment and prosperity for the country.  Reforming the electricity and gas markets is an economic and political imperative. In particular, regulatory authorities must be given the necessary power and independence to reduce the market power of dominant firms. Commendably, Greece adopted a law to this end in August 2011. The envisaged reforms are fundamentally sound and can help the economy grow. The governmentfs key focus should now be on implementing this law in full without delay. Greece has a large potential for wind and solar energy and is rightly determined to fulfill this potential. The renewable energy sector also provides opportunities for new industrial development, in particular if linked with R&D activities. To facilitate renewable energy projects, the government recently improved investment conditions significantly by increasing feed-in tariffs, shortening and simplifying the licensing procedures and introducing stronger incentives for local acceptance.  Greecefs oil and gas sources are already well diversified. Gas use is projected to increase, as the country moves to decarbonise its coal-dominated power sector. Experience from IEA member countries has shown that enhancing energy efficiency can help improve energy security in a cost-effective way. This, in turn, can help mitigate climate change and deliver economic benefits.
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