
  • 29-octobre-2014


    Lutter plus efficacement contre les pratiques fiscales dommageables, en prenant en compte la transparence et la substance

    Les régimes préférentiels demeurent une source de tension majeure. Les auteurs du rapport d’étape Lutter contre l’érosion de la base d’imposition et le transfert de bénéfices publié par l’OCDE en 2013 reconnaissent qu’il est nécessaire de combattre ces régimes plus efficacement et de recentrer les travaux du Forum sur les pratiques fiscales dommageables sur la substance et la transparence. Le présent rapport d’étape est un rapport  dans lequel sont décrits les progrès accomplis à ce jour.
  • 29-octobre-2014


    Instructions relatives à la documentation des prix de transfert et aux déclarations pays par pays

    Ce rapport contient des standards révisés pour la documentation des prix de transfert ainsi qu’un formulaire de déclaration, pays par pays, du chiffre d’affaires, des bénéfices, des impôts acquittés et de certaines mesures de l’activité économique. Ces nouvelles dispositions en matière de déclaration, et la transparence qu’elles encourageront, contribueront à la réalisation de l’objectif consistant à appréhender, contrôler et combattre les comportements pouvant donner lieu à l’érosion de la base d’imposition et au transfert de bénéfices. Les pays participant au projet BEPS suivront attentivement la mise en application de ces nouvelles normes et examineront au plus tard à la fin de 2020 s’il y a lieu de les modifier pour exiger la déclaration de données différentes ou supplémentaires. La mise en œuvre effective des nouvelles règles en matière de déclaration sera primordiale. D’autres travaux seront entrepris pour déterminer la meilleure façon de communiquer les informations exigées et de les transmettre aux administrations fiscales.
  • 28-October-2014


    Critical Maths for Innovative Societies - The Role of Metacognitive Pedagogies

    How can mathematics education foster the skills that are appropriate for innovative societies? Mathematics education is heavily emphasised worldwide, nevertheless it is still considered to be a stumbling block for many students. While there is almost a consensus that mathematics problems appropriate for the 21st century should be complex, unfamiliar and non-routine (CUN), most of the textbooks still mainly include routine problems based on the application of ready-made algorithms.The time has come to introduce innovative instructional methods in order to enhance mathematics education and students’ ability to solve CUN tasks. Metacognitive pedagogies can play a key role in this. These pedagogies explicitly train students to 'think about their thinking' during learning. They can be used to improve not just academic achievement (content knowledge and understanding, the ability to handle unfamiliar problems etc.) but also affective outcomes such as reduced anxiety or improved motivation. This strong relationship between metacognition and schooling outcomes has implications for the education community and policy makers.This book is designed to assist practitioners, curriculum developers and policy makers alike in preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s world.
  • 28-October-2014


    Social Cohesion Policy Review of Viet Nam

    This report examines the effects of recent economic growth in Viet Nam on social cohesion. It finds that recent rapid economic growth in Viet Nam has not resulted in an increase in overall inequality, but the level of inequality was already high. Growth was not particularly inclusive, benefiting most the middle class and the richest households, and favouring less households in the bottom 20th percentile. Income mobility was also high, and while a majority of households experienced upward income mobility, downward absolute income mobility affected one in five households. Economic growth was not particularly job rich with employment growth lagging behind economic expansion.In particular, important challenges were identified in the area of education and skills policies relating to fast-changing labour market needs. Minimum wage policies had a small but positive effect on employment, but concerns were highlighted over partial coverage and weak compliance. Tax policy and specifically personal income tax had only a small impact on reducing inequality, but transfers from central to local governments produced an equalising effect, albeit with mixed results in terms of satisfaction with public services. Finally, social protection systems have been extended, but important coverage gaps remain among the poor and ethnic minority groups, and informality remains a key challenge for universal extension.
  • 24-octobre-2014


    La gouvernance des services de l'eau en Jordanie - Surmonter les défis de la participation du secteur privé

    Ce rapport s’appuie sur les travaux de l’OCDE dans les domaines de la gouvernance de l’eau, de la politique de la réglementation et de la participation du secteur privé pour identifier les défis de gouvernance à la mobilisation des partenariats public-privé (PPP) dans la gestion des services de l’eau et de l’assainissement en Tunisie, et suggérer des recommandations de politiques publiques pour les surmonter.Il s’inscrit dans le cadre du dialogue sur les politiques conduit conjointement par l’OCDE et le Global Water Partnership-Mediterranean (GWP-Med) dans le cadre du projet labellisé par l’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) « Gouvernance et Financement du Secteur de l’Eau en Méditerranée », avec le soutien financier du fonds fiduciaire FEMIP de la Banque Européenne d’Investissement.
  • 24-October-2014


    Increasing Taxpayers' Use of Self-service Channels

    Building on prior work that resulted in the practical guide Managing Service Demand, this report explores the strategies revenue bodies can use to improve take-up of self-service channels in the context of a proposed future service experience for individuals, businesses and tax intermediaries.
  • 24-October-2014


    Working Smarter in Tax Debt Management

    Many revenue bodies have been developing strategies and approaches to improve the tax collection and recovery processes, so that they are more effective and cost less. Very promising and proven new practices have emerged, which can deliver spectacular improvements in performance in tax collection and recovery. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the best practices in tax debt management, with a particular emphasis on how to better differentiate debtors when deciding how to best secure payment and what can be done to ensure that payment issues are considered earlier in the compliance and collection process.
  • 24-October-2014


    Measures of Tax Compliance Outcomes - A Practical Guide

    This study provides practical guidance to revenue bodies wishing to enhance and enrich their existing measures with timely measures of compliance outcomes. The study shares experiences of what has worked for revenue bodies, what challenges have been faced and how they might be overcome.
  • 24-October-2014


    Tax Compliance by Design - Achieving Improved SME Tax Compliance by Adopting a System Perspective

    This study introduces the concept of 'Tax Compliance by design'. It describes how revenue bodies can exploit developments in technology and the ways in which modern SMEs organise themselves to incorporate tax compliance into the systems businesses use to manage their financial affairs.
  • 23-October-2014


    The Space Economy at a Glance 2014

    The space sector plays an increasingly pivotal role in the functioning of modern societies and their economic development as the use of satellite technology gives rise to new applications, uses and markets. Space Economy at a Glance offers a statistical overview of the global space sector and its contributions to economic activity using data from over 40 countries with space programmes, and identifies new dynamics in the space sector.
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