
  • 30-juin-2017


    Le contrôle interne et la gestion des risques pour renforcer la gouvernance en Tunisie

    La Tunisie mène depuis plusieurs années des réformes visant la modernisation de son administration publique. L’objectif premier est de parvenir à une gouvernance renforcée et à la conduite performante de politiques publiques au service des citoyens. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le gouvernement tunisien a compris la nécessité de développer un système organisationnel de contrôle interne et de maîtrise des risques liés à la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques et à la performance de l’action publique. Le rapport analyse les enjeux et les principes fondamentaux du contrôle interne et de la gestion des risques, la situation actuelle en matière de contrôle interne au sein de l’administration publique tunisienne en général, et au sein d’un ministère pilote en particulier.  De plus, il présente, sous la forme d’un guide, le projet pionnier qui a été réalisé au sein du ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources hydrauliques et de la Pêche sur le contrôle interne et de gestion des risques pour la procédure de paie. Ce rapport met le point sur les enseignements tirés des travaux du projet pilote ainsi que sur les recommandations. Il permet également de refléter les bonnes pratiques tunisiennes, régionales et internationales dans ce domaine.

  • 29-juin-2017


    Perspectives des migrations internationales 2017

    Les Perspectives des migrations internationales 2017 – la 41e édition de cette publication annuelle – analysent les évolutions récentes des mouvements et politiques migratoires dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans quelques pays non-OCDE. Le rapport examine l’impact de l’augmentation récente des migrations humanitaires dans les pays concernés. Il observe l’évolution de la situation des immigrés sur le marché du travail dans les pays de l’OCDE, et met l’accent sur les dynamiques de moyen terme et les implications des évolutions structurelles du marché du travail. Il contient un chapitre spécial sur les migrations familiales qui s’attarde sur cette composante importante des migrations et sur les politiques qui les régissent. Une annexe statistique complète la publication.
  • 29-juin-2017


    Un meilleur contrôle pour une meilleure gouvernance locale en Tunisie - Le contrôle des finances publiques au niveau local

    Dans le but d’engager une transition réussie vers la démocratie locale, la Tunisie s’est engagée dans un processus de décentralisation et de renforcement de la gouvernance locale. Cet examen traite l’organisation institutionnelle de l’État, le système de contrôle des administrations déconcentrées ainsi que les contrôles financiers, politiques, administratifs et juridictionnel sur les collectivités locales en mettant en regard l’exemple tunisien avec les grandes tendances observées dans les pays membres de l’OCDE. Les recommandations de la revue offrent de grandes pistes d’évolution du système de contrôle des collectivités locales en Tunisie.
  • 28-June-2017


    OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: The Netherlands 2017

    The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts periodic reviews of the individual development co-operation efforts of DAC members. The policies and programmes of each DAC member are critically examined approximately once every five years. DAC peer reviews assess the development co-operation performance across government of a given member and examine policy, finance and implementation. They take an integrated, system-wide view of the development co-operation and humanitarian assistance activities and seek input from a wide range of stakeholders – civil society, parliament, private sector and partner countries.
    This review assesses the performance of the Netherlands, including looking at its integrated aid, trade and investment policy focus, and its approach to partnerships.
  • 27-June-2017


    OECD Economic Surveys: Iceland 2017

    Iceland is the OECD's fastest growing economy. It has made a remarkable turnaround from the crisis, helped by booming tourism, prudent economic policies and a favourable external environment. Iceland has an egalitarian society with strong trade unions, very low inequality and high gender balance. Nevertheless, as a very small open economy Iceland is prone to boom and bust cycles. Prudent fiscal and monetary policy are warranted in the current economic boom.

    The spectacular growth in tourist numbers has provided new jobs, boosted tax revenues and attracted currency inflows, but there are some growing pains with social pressures emerging. Growing tourist numbers are putting pressure on the environment, infrastructure and housing. Furthermore, the strengthening króna has created difficulties for other internationally-exposed sectors.

    Iceland is the most highly unionised OECD country and the wage-bargaining system has contributed to high living standards and an inclusive society. Nevertheless, recent disruptive strikes and high wage awards have intensified inflationary pressures and threaten competiveness. Fostering trust among the social partners and increasing wage coordination would make collective bargaining more effective and help sustain the benefits of the system for future generations.


  • 27-juin-2017


    Méthodologie d'évaluation de la mise en œuvre des Principes de gouvernance d'entreprise du G20 et de l'OCDE

    Les Principes de gouvernance d’entreprise du G20 et de l’OCDE aident les responsables publics à évaluer et à améliorer le cadre juridique, réglementaire et institutionnel de gouvernance des entreprises, en vue de promouvoir l’efficience économique, la croissance durable et la stabilité financière. Ils constituent l’une des normes essentielles pour la solidité des systèmes financiers adoptées par le Forum de stabilité financière.La Méthodologie d’évaluation de la mise en œuvre des Principes de gouvernance d’entreprise du G20 et de l’OCDE a été élaborée par le Comité sur la gouvernance d’entreprise de l’OCDE, avec la participation de la Banque mondiale, dans le but d’étayer l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre des Principes dans une juridiction et de fournir un cadre pour des discussions sur l’action à mener, par exemple dans le contexte des Rapports sur l’observation des normes et codes (RONC) ou d’autres évaluations de pays. Cette dernière version intègre les modifications apportées aux Principes au cours de leur révision de 2015, ainsi qu’un certain nombre de précisions supplémentaires.
  • 26-June-2017


    The Funding of School Education - Connecting Resources and Learning

    This report on the funding of school education constitutes the first in a series of thematic comparative reports bringing together findings from the OECD School Resources Review. School systems have limited financial resources with which to pursue their objectives and the design of school funding policies plays a key role in ensuring that resources are directed to where they can make the most difference. As OECD school systems have become more complex and characterised by multi-level governance, a growing set of actors are increasingly involved in financial decision-making. This requires designing funding allocation models that are aligned to a school system’s governance structures, linking budget planning procedures at different levels to shared educational goals and evaluating the use of school funding to hold decision makers accountable and ensure that resources are used effectively and equitably.This report was co-funded by the European Commission..
  • 23-June-2017


    Mapping the Real Routes of Trade in Fake Goods

    Trade in counterfeit and pirated goods is a vital threat for modern, innovation-driven economies, a worldwide phenomenon that grows in scope and magnitude. Counterfeiters ship infringing products via complex routes, with many intermediary points, which poses a substantial challenge to efficient enforcement. This study looks at the issue of the complex routes of trade in counterfeit pirated goods. Using a set of statistical filters, it identifies key producing economies and key transit points. The analysis is done for ten main sectors for which counterfeiting is the key threat. The results will facilitate tailoring policy responses to strengthen governance frameworks to tackle this risk, depending on the profile of a given economy that is known as a source of counterfeit goods in international trade.
  • 22-June-2017


    The OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments

    How might we know whether our schools or system are set up to optimise learning? How can we find out whether we are getting the most from technology? How can we evaluate our innovation or think through whether our change initiative will bring about its desired results? Teachers and educational leaders who grapple with such questions will find this handbook an invaluable resource. It draws on extensive reports and materials compiled over a decade by the OECD in its Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) project. Its four chapters – The learning principles; The innovative learning environment framework; Learning leadership and evaluative thinking; and Transformation and change - each contain a concise, non-technical overview introduction followed by a set of tools. The handbook makes good the ILE ambition not just to analyse change but to offer practical help to those around the world determined to innovate their schools and systems.'If there has been one lesson learnt about innovating education, it is that teachers, schools and local administrators should not just be involved in the implementation of educational change but they should have a central role in its design.' Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills.
  • 22-June-2017


    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the Dominican Republic

    Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development in the Dominican Republic is the result of a project carried out by the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociales (CIES) in the Dominican Republic and the OECD Development Centre, in collaboration with the Ministerio de Economía, Planificación y Desarollo (MEPD) and with support from the European Union. The project aimed to provide policy makers with evidence on the way migration influences specific sectors – the labour market, agriculture, education, investment and financial services and social protection and health – and, in turn, how sectoral policies affect migration. The report addresses four dimensions of the migration cycle that have become an important part of the country's social and economic contexts: emigration, remittances, return and immigration.The results of the empirical work confirm that even though migration contributes to development in the Dominican Republic, the potential of migration is not fully exploited. One explanation is that many policy makers in the Dominican Republic do not sufficiently take migration into account in their respective policy areas. The Dominican Republic therefore needs to adopt a more coherent policy agenda to do more to integrate migration into development strategies, improve co-ordination mechanisms and strengthen international co-operation. This would enhance the contribution of migration to development in the country.
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