
  • 10-November-2017


    Making Integration Work - Family Migrants

    The OECD series Making Integration Work summarises, in a non-technical way, the main issues surrounding the integration of immigrants and their children into their host countries. Each book presents concrete policy lessons for its theme, along with supporting examples of good practices and comparisons of the migrant integration policy frameworks in different OECD countries. This third volume explores the integration of family migrants, a diverse and  large category of immigrants to the OECD area.
  • 9-November-2017


    Digitalization & Energy

    Digital technologies are everywhere, affecting the way we live, work, travel, and play. Digitalization is helping improve the safety, productivity, accessibility, and sustainability of energy systems around the world. But it is also raising new security and privacy risks, while disrupting markets, businesses, and workers.Digitalization & Energy is the International Energy Agency’s first comprehensive effort to depict how digitalization could transform the world’s energy systems. The report examines the impact of digital technologies on energy demand sectors, looks at how energy suppliers can use digital tools to improve operations, and explores the transformational potential of digitalization to help create a highly interconnected energy system.This report seeks to provide greater clarity to decision makers in government and industry on what digitalization means for energy, shining a light on its enormous potential and most pressing challenges. It also lays out no-regret recommendations to help steer the world towards a more secure, sustainable, and smarter energy future.
  • 7-November-2017


    Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Greece 2017

    Greece is currently implementing comprehensive energy sector reforms towards creating competitive energy markets. The reforms will reveal opportunities for investors and for transformation of the energy system, thereby providing sustainable outcomes for the environment and for Greek society. This International Energy Agency review highlights the areas that are critical to the success of Greece’s energy policy agenda.Greece can use the economic recovery as an opportunity to get ahead with longer-term emissions reduction outcomes by pursuing initiatives that support sustainable increases in efficiency and by increasing the share of natural gas and renewable energy in the energy mix. A key part of this process will be to develop a national energy and climate plan for 2030 and beyond, as well as to incorporate climate objectives into integrated energy planning.The country has seen an impressive increase in the share of renewables in electricity generation, even over-achieving the targets set for solar photovoltaics. Enhanced exploitation of its renewable energy potential could result in a more balanced energy mix and contribute to increasing energy security.Greece should continue pursuing the implementation of ambitious energy efficiency policies, drawing on the evaluation of outcomes from past and current measures and on the lessons learned by other countries. This review also provides recommendations for further policy improvements that are intended to help guide the country towards a more secure and sustainable energy future.
  • 7-novembre-2017


    Obtenir les bonnes compétences: France

    Ce rapport identifie des stratégies effectives pour s’attaquer aux déséquilibres de compétences en France.  Une évaluation des pratiques et des politiques dans les domaines suivants est présentée : la collection et l’utilisation des informations sur les besoins de compétences afin de promouvoir l’acquisition de compétences mieux alignées aux besoins du marché du travail ; des politiques qui stimulent la demande et l’utilisation des compétences ; des politique concernant la formation et l’enseignement général et professionnel ; des politiques permettant aux demandeurs d’emploi de développer les compétences appropriées  et liées aux offres d’emploi; des initiatives d’orientation professionnelle ; et des politiques facilitant l’accueil des immigrés possédant les compétences demandées. Cette évaluation est fondée sur des visites pays, la recherche et l’analyse de données exécutées par le secrétariat de l’OCDE.
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  • 6-November-2017


    Understanding Financial Accounts

    Understanding Financial Accounts seeks to show how a range of questions on financial developments can be answered with the framework of financial accounts and balance sheets, by providing non-technical explanations illustrated with practical examples: What are the basic principles, concepts and definitions used for this framework which is part of the system of national accounts? What sources and which methodologies are used for their compilation? How are these used to monitor and analyse economic and financial developments? What can we learn about the 2007-2009 economic and financial crisis when looking at the numbers provided in this framework? What can we learn about financial risks and vulnerabilities? This publication is intended for young statisticians, students, journalists, economists, policy makers and citizens, who want to know more about the statistics that are at the heart of the analysis of financial developments in OECD economies.
  • 6-November-2017


    Social Protection System Review of Cambodia

    In 2017, the Royal Government of Cambodia published a new Social Protection Policy Framework (SPPF), providing an ambitious vision for a social protection system in which a comprehensive set of policies and institutions operate in sync with each other to sustainably reduce poverty and vulnerability.The Social Protection System Review of Cambodia prompts and answers a series of questions that are crucial for the implementation ofthe framework : How will emerging trends affect the needs for social protection, now and into the future? To what extent are Cambodia’s social protection instruments able – or likely – to address current and future livelihood challenges? How does fiscal policy affect social protection objectives?
    This review provides a contribution to the ongoing policy dialogue on social protection, sustainable growth and poverty reduction. It includes four chapters. Chapter 1 is a forward-looking assessment of Cambodia’s social protection needs. Chapter 2 maps the social protection sector and examines its adequacy. An investigation of the distributive impact of social protection and tax policy is undertaken in Chapter 3. The last chapter concludes with recommendations for policy strategies that could support the establishment of an inclusive social protection system in Cambodia, as envisaged by the SPPF.
  • 3-November-2017


    The Governance of Land Use in the Czech Republic - The Case of Prague

    Prague is a vibrant and growing city facing significant land-use pressures related to rapid peri-urban growth. This report examines land use and governance trends in Prague and the broader metropolitan area, including the formal elements of the planning system and broader governance arrangements such as rural-urban partnerships. It provides a number of recommendations to ensure the sustainable development of regional transportation and infrastructure, affordable housing and quality public amenities.
  • 2-November-2017


    Better Use of Skills in the Workplace - Why It Matters for Productivity and Local Jobs

    This joint OECD-ILO report provides a comparative analysis of case studies focusing on improving skills use in the workplace across eight countries. The examples provide insights into the practical ways in which employers interact with government services and policies at the local level. They highlight the need to build policy coherence across employment, skills, economic development and innovation policies, and underline the importance of ensuring that skills utilisation is built into policy development thinking and implementation.Skills utilisation concerns the extent to which skills are effectively applied in the workplace to maximise workplace and individual performance. It involves a mix of policies including work organisation, job design, technology adaptation, innovation, employee-employer relations, human resource development practices and business-product market strategies. It is often at the local level that the interface of these factors can best be addressed.
  • 31-octobre-2017


    Coopération pour le développement 2017 - Données et développement

    L’édition 2017 du rapport Coopération pour le développement a pour thème « Données et développement ». Les « données massives » et l’« internet des objets » sont bien plus que de simples expressions à la mode : la révolution des données transforme le mode de fonctionnement des économies et des sociétés dans le monde entier. Les Objectifs de développement durable conjugués à la révolution des données offrent de nouvelles opportunités : des données plus nombreuses et de meilleure qualité peuvent contribuer à encourager une croissance inclusive, à combattre les inégalités et à lutter contre le changement climatique. Ces données sont également cruciales pour mesurer et suivre les progrès réalisés au regard des Objectifs de développement durable.Il est incontestable que ces données sont fondamentales pour faciliter le développement. Cependant, on continue d’observer des carences inquiétantes au niveau des données de base concernant la population et l'environnement, ainsi qu’une faible capacité des pays en développement à produire les données dont les responsables de l’action gouvernementale ont besoin pour produire des résultats concrets, visibles et durables dans le domaine du développement. Parallèlement, l'investissement dans le renforcement des capacités statistiques – qui représentait environ 0.30 % de l’APD en 2015 – ne constitue pas une priorité pour la plupart des fournisseurs d’aide au développement.Un leadership politique fort, davantage d’investissements et une action plus collective sont nécessaires si l’on veut remédier à la 'fracture des données' qui fait obstacle au développement. Avec l’avènement de la révolution technologique, les pays en développement et les donneurs ont une chance unique d’agir pour stimuler la production de données et leur utilisation au profit des citoyens. Ce rapport propose des actions prioritaires et recense les bonnes pratiques qui aideront les responsables de l’action publique et les fournisseurs d’aide au développement à combler la fracture mondiale des données, en particulier par le renforcement des systèmes statistiques dans les pays en développement. En un mot : de meilleures données pour des meilleures politiques, et une vie meilleure.
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  • 27-October-2017


    Assessing the Impact of Digital Government in Colombia - Towards a new methodology

    This review analyses the monitoring and evaluation system of Colombia's Online Government Strategy and provides recommendations for developing an impact assessment methodology for digital government. It looks at the background, evolution and current status of the Strategy, and draws insights from the first implementation of a transitional methodology. The findings will help Colombia build the tools and capacities needed to effectively and sustainably implement its digital government strategy.
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