
  • 14-mars-2016


    Forum mondial sur la transparence et l'échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales : Rapport d'examen par les pairs : Mauritanie 2016 - Phase 2: mise en œuvre pratique des normes

    Ce rapport contient l’examen de « Phase 2 : mise en œuvre pratique des normes » ainsi que la version révisée de la « Phase 1 : évaluation de la qualité du cadre juridique et réglementaire » déjà publiée pour la Mauritanie.Le Forum mondial sur la transparence et l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales est l’enceinte multilatérale au sein de laquelle le travail en matière de transparence fiscale et d’échange de renseignements est mené par plus de 130 juridictions participant, sur un pied d’égalité, aux travaux du Forum mondial.Le Forum mondial est chargé de la surveillance approfondie et de l’examen par les pairs de la mise en œuvre des standards en matière de transparence et d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale. Ces standards sont essentiellement reflétés dans le Modèle d’accord d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale et ses commentaires publiés en 2002 par l’OCDE et dans l’article 26 du Modèle de convention fiscale concernant le revenu et la fortune de l’OCDE et ses commentaires, tels que mis à jour en 2004. Ces standards ont aussi été repris dans le Modèle de convention fiscale des Nations Unies.Les standards prévoient l’échange de renseignements sur demande des informations vraisemblablement pertinentes pour l’administration et l’application de la législation fiscale interne de la partie requérante. La pêche aux renseignements n’est pas autorisée mais tous les renseignements vraisemblablement pertinents doivent être fournis, y compris les renseignements bancaires et les renseignements détenus par des agents fiduciaires, sans tenir compte de l’existence d’un intérêt fiscal national.Tous les membres du Forum mondial, ainsi que les juridictions identifiées par le Forum mondial comme pertinentes pour ses travaux, seront examinés. Ce processus est réalisé en deux phases. L’examen de phase 1 évalue la qualité du cadre juridique et réglementaire des juridictions en matière d’échange de renseignements alors que l’examen de phase 2 se concentre sur la mise en œuvre pratique de ce cadre. Certains membres du Forum mondial font l’objet d’un examen combiné – phase 1 et phase 2. Le but final vise à aider les juridictions à mettre effectivement en œuvre les standards internationaux en matière de transparence et d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale.Tous les rapports d’examen, sont publiés une fois adoptés par le Forum mondial et doivent donc être considérés comme des rapports approuvés du Forum mondial.Pour plus d’information sur les travaux du Forum mondial sur la transparence et l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales et pour obtenir des copies des rapports d’examen qui ont été publiés, il convient de consulter le site Internet du Forum mondial : et
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Georgia 2016 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of Georgia.The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Niue 2016 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of Niue.The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Croatia 2016 - Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework

    The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 14-mars-2016


    Forum mondial sur la transparence et l'échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales : Rapport d'examen par les pairs : Tunisie 2016 - Phase 1 : cadre juridique et réglementaire

    Le Forum mondial sur la transparence et l’échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales est l’enceinte multilatérale au sein de laquelle le travail en matière de transparence fiscale et d’échange de renseignements est mené par plus de 130 juridictions participant, sur un pied d’égalité, aux travaux du Forum mondial.Le Forum mondial est chargé de la surveillance approfondie et de l’examen par les pairs de la mise en œuvre des standards en matière de transparence et d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale. Ces standards sont essentiellement reflétés dans le Modèle d’accord d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale et ses commentaires publiés en 2002 par l’OCDE et dans l’article 26 du Modèle de convention fiscale concernant le revenu et la fortune de l’OCDE et ses commentaires, tels que mis à jour en 2004. Ces standards ont aussi été repris dans le Modèle de convention fiscale des Nations Unies.Les standards prévoient l’échange de renseignements sur demande des informations vraisemblablement pertinentes pour l’administration et l’application de la législation fiscale interne de la partie requérante. La pêche aux renseignements n’est pas autorisée mais tous les renseignements vraisemblablement pertinents doivent être fournis, y compris les renseignements bancaires et les renseignements détenus par des agents fiduciaires, sans tenir compte de l’existence d’un intérêt fiscal national.Tous les membres du Forum mondial, ainsi que les juridictions identifiées par le Forum mondial comme pertinentes pour ses travaux, seront examinés. Ce processus est réalisé en deux phases. L’examen de phase 1 évalue la qualité du cadre juridique et réglementaire des juridictions en matière d’échange de renseignements alors que l’examen de phase 2 se concentre sur la mise en œuvre pratique de ce cadre. Certains membres du Forum mondial font l’objet d’un examen combiné – phase 1 et phase 2. Le but final vise à aider les juridictions à mettre effectivement en œuvre les standards internationaux en matière de transparence et d’échange de renseignements en matière fiscale.
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Nigeria 2016 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of Nigeria.The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: El Salvador 2016 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of El Salvador.The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 14-March-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Kenya 2016 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of Kenya.The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing.The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention.The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard.All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 11-mars-2016


    Comment va la vie ? 2015 - Mesurer le bien-être

    Le rapport Comment va la vie ? décrit les facteurs déterminants du bien-être dans les pays membres et partenaires de l’OCDE. Il présente un large éventail de statistiques, qui portent à la fois sur le bien-être matériel (à savoir les revenus, l’emploi et le logement) et la qualité de la vie au sens large (à savoir la santé, l’éducation, l’équilibre entre travail et vie privée, l’environnement, les liens sociaux, l’engagement civique, le bien-être subjectif et la sécurité). Le rapport fait le point sur les niveaux de bien-être les plus récents, sur son évolution dans le temps et sur sa répartition entre différentes catégories de population.

    Cette troisième édition de Comment va la vie ? apporte en outre des éclairages nouveaux sur le bien-être. L’accent est mis sur le bien-être des enfants, et les données montrent que tous ne prennent pas un bon départ dans la vie ; le bien-être des enfants des familles les plus mal loties étant plus incertain. Le rapport propose également de nouveaux indicateurs afin d’étudier l’évolution de certaines ressources naturelles, humaines, sociales et économiques qui favorisent la durabilité du bien-être au fil du temps. Un chapitre consacré au bénévolat met en évidence que les activités bénévoles peuvent être à l’origine d’un cercle vertueux : faire le bien autour de soi est également bénéfique pour soi et cela entraîne de nombreux autres avantages en termes de bien-être, tant pour les bénévoles eux-mêmes que pour la société dans son ensemble. Enfin, le rapport examine les inégalités en matière de bien-être entre différentes régions à l’intérieur des pays et montre que le lieu où l’on vit peut influer sur la qualité de vie des personnes.

    Comment va la vie ? fait partie de l’Initiative du vivre mieux de l’OCDE, qui comprend une série de publications sur la mesure du bien-être ainsi que l’Indicateur du vivre mieux, site web interactif destiné à faire participer les citoyens au débat sur ce qu’une vie meilleure signifie pour eux.

  • 10-March-2016


    Progress in Chile's Supreme Audit Institution - Reforms, Outreach and Impact

    This report is a progress review on the implementation of key OECD recommendations made in the 2014 Public Governance Review of the Office of the Comptroller General of Chile (the CGR). It takes stock of the CGR’s recent activities in key areas – stakeholder engagement, support to internal control and rebalancing its audit portfolio – and assesses their impact based on consultation with CGR officials and external stakeholders of the Chilean executive, legislature and civil society.
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