

  • 14-July-2015


    International Business Forum

    The landscape of development finance has changed significantly since Monterrey in 2002 and Doha in 2008. There is now a clear understanding that the resource implications for the Sustainable Development Goals require not only scaled-up Official Development Assistance but also massive mobilisation of private investment and more effective domestic tax collection.

  • 14-July-2015


    Mobilising domestic resources through tackling base erosion and profit shifting

    Reducing BEPS, as we call it, could go a long way towards helping developing countries mobilise the resources they need to finance sustainable development.

  • 13-July-2015


    Third International Conference on Financing for Development - Roundtable 1: Global partnership and the three dimensions of sustainable development

    The post-2015 sustainable development agenda will require the mobilisation of a wide array of domestic and international resources from both public and private actors. To deliver this we will have to work together at the multilateral level to ensure the strongest global partnership.

  • 13-July-2015


    Third International Conference on Financing for Development: Side event on strengthening international cooperation to mobilise and measure public finance for sustainable development

    This is an exciting year. We have the potential to put in place a global framework to both tackle the unfinished business of the MDGs, and go further, building a sustainable, inclusive and better future for all. And while success won’t depend only on our ability to find the money, it is clear that adequate resources will be a crucial ingredient if we are to realise our aspirations.

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  • 10-juillet-2015


    Le Secrétaire général de l'OCDE, M. Angel Gurría salue l'adoption de la Loi Macron

    Avec l’adoption de la loi pour la croissance, l’activité et l’égalité des chances économiques, le gouvernement français a fait un pas en avant dans ses efforts de promotion de la compétitivité de l’économie » a commenté Angel Gurría, le Secrétaire général de l'OCDE.

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  • 10-juillet-2015


    Echange avec Mme Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Ministre de l’Education nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur, et de la Recherche

    Je suis particulièrement heureux de vous recevoir à un moment où le débat sur la réforme de l’éducation en France est – pour le moins – animé. Il faut un vrai courage politique pour s’atteler aux réformes dans ce secteur, et Madame la Ministre, nous sommes heureux de pouvoir vous aider dans cette entreprise et de discuter avec vous aujourd’hui de vos réformes et de comment aller plus loin.

  • 9-July-2015


    Launch of the 2015 Employment Outlook

    Unemployment is finally coming down in most countries. But we need to step up our efforts to make sure that millions of workers hit hard by the crisis are not left behind by the recovery.

  • 6-July-2015


    Conferencia Magistral sobre ¨El Futuro de la Productividad¨ - Una Productividad de Todos y Para Todos

    Bienvenidos a este primer Diálogo Global sobre el Futuro de la Productividad. Me da mucho gusto poder lanzar esta iniciativa, en colaboración con el Gobierno de México y con la participación del Secretario de Hacienda de nuestro país, Luis Videgaray, así como de Enrique Iglesias, una de las personas que más ha luchado por mejorar la productividad de América Latina.

  • 6-July-2015


    Keynote speech on the future of productivity: Productivity by all and for all

    During these difficult years, productivity growth has slowed down, reviving fears that we are now entering a period of poor growth and low job creation. One of the main challenges facing our countries is what to do to re-launch productivity, the main factor of long-term growth, and how to do it. This has been the focus of the report we are launching today entitled “The Future of Productivity”.

  • 3-juillet-2015


    Commencement de l'Initiative Inspecteurs des Impôts sans Frontières

    Événement en marge de la Troisième conférence internationale sur le financement du développement

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