

  • 7-October-2016


    October 2016 G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting: Remarks on the global economic outlook

    We remain stuck in the “low-growth” trap that I mentioned in our previous meetings. We are trapped in a vicious circle of weak global demand and adverse supply-side and structural developments – in such areas as investment, trade and productivity – that are undermining the ability of our economies to grow over the long term.

  • 6-October-2016


    Contributions and challenges of the G20: A view from the OECD

    As part of American University’s Model G20 Initiative, Secretary-General Gurría addressed students on the G20's contributions to the global economy and shared his views on the challenges it faces. The Model G20 Initiative has been designed to bring together students from the US and abroad to advance the understanding of the G20 and international economic cooperation by fully simulating a G20 Leaders’ Summit.

  • 5-October-2016


    Generating an innovation dividend from public spending

    Public procurement is one of the nerve centres of our economies: it represents, on average, 12% of gross domestic product (GDP) and 29% of total government expenditures across OECD countries. Used strategically, it can help make our economies more productive, our public sectors more efficient, and our societies and economies more inclusive, our institutions more trusted.

  • 4-octobre-2016


    Réunion ministérielle MENA-OCDE 2016 : discours d'ouverture

    Aujourd’hui, la Tunisie prend la présidence de l’Initiative MENA-OCDE pour la Gouvernance et la Compétitivité, faisant suite au remarquable leadership exercé par le Maroc depuis 2009. Le message que la Tunisie nous adresse aujourd’hui est clair : tous les pays, indépendamment de leur niveau socio-économique, peuvent aspirer à la prospérité, à l’état de droit et à une démocratie avancée basée sur le dialogue et l’engagement collectif.

  • 3-October-2016


    Acting Together to Boost Investment in the MENA: Launch of the EU-OECD Programme on Investment

    Global investment flows are picking up, standing at about 16% below their pre-crisis level. However, FDI flows to the MENA region continue to lag. Regional instability and insecurity has contributed to a fall of more than 50% between 2008 and 2015!

  • 3-octobre-2016


    Femmes au pouvoir pour une croissance inclusive: Passons à l’action - Forum MENA

    La Tunisie est pionnière dans la région MENA en matière d’égalité hommes-femmes. En effet, vous fêtez cette année les 60 ans de cette incroyable avancée que constitue le code de statut personnel en matière de droits socio-économiques, culturels et politiques.

    Documents connexes
  • 3-octobre-2016


    Forum MENA-OCDE pour la Gouvernance et la Compétitivité : « Créer des opportunités pour la jeunesse »

    Je suis très heureux d’être ici, en Tunisie, et particulièrement honoré de me trouver aux côtés du Quartet tunisien, que je tiens d’abord à féliciter pour leur prix Nobel de la paix on ne peut plus mérité. Le Quartet nous offre une éclatante démonstration de la puissance du dialogue inclusif, démonstration riche d’enseignements pour les pays de la région MENA comme pour ceux de l’OCDE.

  • 28-September-2016


    2016 Ministerial Meeting of the Environmental Policy Committee: opening remarks

    I am delighted to welcome you to the OECD Environment Ministerial meeting. Since we gather only every four years, it is an important opportunity to discuss the national and international environmental policy landscape for years to come. The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change will inevitably shape discussions.

  • 26-September-2016


    Remarks at ratification of the Multilateral Convention for Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters by Switzerland

    This ratification marks the latest move in Switzerland’s significant efforts of recent years to implement the international standards on tax transparency.

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  • 26-September-2016


    3rd annual meeting of the Government Foresight Community: opening remarks

    By engaging with different plausible futures, we are preparing ourselves for the policy challenges of tomorrow. We are doing better than predicting the future: we are creating it. I look forward to hearing how we can continue to champion the role and the value of policy-related foresight.

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