

Workshop on Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda, 15-16 April 2010


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Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda:
Policies to Ensure a Sustainable Aquaculture Sector
with the support of the Government of France

OECD Conference Centre, Paris, 15-16 April 2010 


Aquaculture sector a priority for food security, says French minister
The OECD Workshop on Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda was opened by Mr Bruno Le Maire (left), Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, France.

Pointing out that fish consumption has doubled in the last 30 years, Mr Le Maire emphasised the role of aquaculture in feeding the world's population. He called for the development of the aquaculture sector to be a priority in efforts to ensure food security. 

Read the statement by Mr Le Maire: English | Français 

About the workshop
This workshop provided a platform for policy makers, technical experts, international organisations, the private sector and NGOs to examine policy challenges that OECD governments face in aquaculture development.

It also informed participants about critical economic, environmental and social aspects of the aquaculture sector and analysed interactions with other sectors.


  • Provide participants with information about the ‘state of the art’ and the trends in aquaculture;
  • Encourage mutual learning by sharing best practices and experiences in aquaculture management and development, including inter-sectoral aspects;
  • Identify key areas for improving the business environment for aquaculture – including perspectives from the private sector and from international organizations/NGOs;
  • Understand the opportunities and challenges of aquaculture for OECD countries with regard to policy coherence for development;
  • Outline innovative pathways for sustainable aquaculture for OECD countries.

 Agenda and session details


Workshop agenda: Draft Workshop Agenda | Français


The workshop was organized in four sessions, described below and including presentations to download:


Session 1 - Overview of the latest developments in aquaculture provided participants with a snapshot of the latest ‘state of the art’ in aquaculture. The session explained the contribution of aquaculture to world fisheries supplies and food security, highlight technical developments and address industry trends (consumption, processing, marketing).



Session 2 - Best practices in aquaculture management and development identified, on the basis of specific country case studies and the inventory of  conditions in OECD member countries on aquaculture production, best practices around three specific topics which subsequently can provide input into domestic policy formulation. The three key topics were (i) governance, (ii) dealing with the environmental externalities caused by aquaculture and (iii) dealing with externalities that impact on aquaculture production. All three topics addressed economic, environmental and social interactions within and beyond the aquaculture sector.



Session 3 - Enhancing economic conditions for aquaculture analyzed factors that affect the business environment for aquaculture production. It looked into areas of action for the different players involved in the aquaculture sector: (i) public authorities and (ii) the private sector. In addition, it considered (iii) cross-cutting issues with an international dimension.



Session 4 – Lessons for policy makers: What future for aquaculture? drew from the discussions and the identification of best practices. The session addressed the question of how to develop national and international policy strategies for aquaculture development and identified specific potential areas of work for the OECD COFI. 



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