

Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda: Workshop Proceedings




Aquaculture now provides more than 50% of the global supply of fisheries products for direct human consumption. Given stagnating capture fisheries and a growing demand for seafood, driven by demographics and changing consumption patterns, aquaculture is likely to become more important for food security.

At a 2010 OECD workshop, policy makers, academics, industry representatives, NGOs and international organisations gathered to discuss the economic, environmental and social implications of aquaculture. This publication presents a selection of key issues discussed at that workshop, including country case studies which provide specific examples of national approaches to aquaculture management.

Chair's Summary of the Workshop Proceedings: English | Français


Publication date 13 September 2010

ISBN 978-92-64-08871-9

OECD Code 532010031P1


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You can access Advancing the Aquaculture Agenda: Workshop Proceedings as follows:



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