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  • 22-septembre-2021


    Selon l’OCDE, l’Irlande doit améliorer au plus vite le monde du travail au profit des personnes handicapées

    L’Irlande devrait mieux mobiliser les employeurs pour accroître l’embauche de personnes handicapées et leur maintien dans l’emploi, tout en améliorant les régimes de prestations d’invalidité, selon un nouveau rapport de l’OCDE.

    Documents connexes
  • 29-July-2021


    Making life richer, easier and healthier - Robots, their future and the roles for public policy

    This paper addresses the current and emerging uses and impacts of robots, the mid-term future of robotics and the role of policy. Progress in robotics will help to make life easier, richer and healthier. Wider robot use will help raise labour productivity. As science and engineering progress, robots will become more central to crisis response, from helping combat infectious diseases to maintaining critical infrastructure. Governments can accelerate and orient the development and uptake of socially valuable robots, for instance by: supporting cross-disciplinary R&D, facilitating research commercialisation, helping small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) understand the opportunities for investment in robots, supporting platforms that highlight robot solutions in healthcare and other sectors, embedding robotics engineering in high school curricula, tailoring training for workers with vocational-level mechanical skills, supporting data development useful to robotics, ensuring flexible regulation conducive to innovation, strengthening digital connectivity, and raising awareness of the importance of robotics.
  • 5-March-2021

    English, PDF, 2,199kb

    First post-accession report of Colombia to the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee of the OECD

    This is the first post accession report presenting the specific progress of Colombia in each of the post-access recommendations on labour issues, which was delivered by the Ministry of Labour of Colombia to the Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee of the OECD (ELSAC).

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  • 19-janvier-2021


    Dynamiques du développement en Afrique 2021 - Transformation digitale et qualité de l'emploi

    Dynamiques du développement en Afrique tire les leçons des expériences des cinq régions du continent – Afrique australe, centrale, de l'Est, du Nord et de l'Ouest – pour développer des recommandations en matière de politiques publiques et partager les bonnes pratiques. Étayé par les plus récentes statistiques, son décryptage des dynamiques de développement vise à permettre aux leaders africains de réaliser la vision stratégique de l’Agenda 2063 à tous les niveaux : continental, régional, national et local. L'édition 2021, dorénavant publiée en début d’année, explore le potentiel de la transformation digitale pour créer des emplois de qualité et réaliser l'Agenda 2063, en vue de renforcer la résilience des économies africaines face à la récession mondiale déclenchée par la pandémie de COVID-19. Le rapport cible quatre types d’action publique pour soutenir la transformation digitale de l'Afrique : réduire la fracture digitale ; soutenir l'innovation locale ; dynamiser les travailleurs indépendants ; et accélérer l'harmonisation, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des stratégies digitales. Cette édition comprend un nouveau chapitre examinant les perspectives de financement du développement de l'Afrique face à la crise économique mondiale de 2020. Dynamiques du développement en Afrique a pour vocation de nourrir le débat entre les membres de l’Union africaine, ainsi qu’avec les citoyens, entrepreneurs et chercheurs. Son ambition est de participer à une nouvelle coopération entre pays et entre régions, qui soit tournée vers l’apprentissage mutuel et la préservation de nos biens communs. Ce rapport est le fruit de la coopération entre la Commission de l’Union africaine et le Centre de développement de l’OCDE.
  • 24-September-2020


    The Future for Low-Educated Workers in Belgium

    The world of work is changing as a result of technological progress, globalisation and population ageing. The future of work holds many opportunities, but also presents distinct risks which tend to be greater for some population sub-groups, including low-educated workers. This report documents how the labour market for low-educated workers in Belgium has evolved in recent years and what the future might hold for them in terms of both job quality and quantity. Based on comparisons with neighbouring countries, the report seeks to provide policy advice to ensure that low-educated workers are not left behind by the changes that lie ahead.
  • 2-September-2020


    OECD Newsletter on Health, Employment, Migration and Social Affairs

    The OECD regularly publishes newsletters featuring the latest publications, analysis and opinion on Health, Employment, Migration and Social Affairs. Find out how to subscribe here.

    Related Documents
  • 20-August-2020


    Structural adjustment and changes to employment use in Japan

    This paper examines the determinants of structural adjustment in Japan and identifies several factors that explain the use of certain employment types. Its findings are based on a novel plant-level dataset that provides considerable detail on the types of employees used by Japanese manufacturers between 2001 and 2014. Analysis of this dataset shows that growth in the diffusion of robotics is linked to fewer non-regular employees, which seems to be partially driven by the positive association between robot adoption and the dismissal of certain types of non-regular workers. It also finds that offshoring from Japan to other countries contributes to the use of both regular and non-regular workers, while higher plant productivity is related to the use of more regular workers. Finally, establishments that experienced job dismissals appear to substitute non-regular workers for regular workers.
  • 22-March-2020


    Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus (Policy Brief)

    This policy brief is a first attempt at setting out the employment and social-policy tools at governments’ disposal to counter the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 crisis. It is accompanied by an overview table of countries’ policy responses, available online, which will be continuously updated.

  • 7-November-2019


    Innovation Skills and Leadership in Brazil's Public Sector - Towards a Senior Civil Service System

    In Brazil, as in other countries, innovation in the public sector is a core leadership challenge. Reflection is required on who these leaders are, what they should be able to do, and how they should be selected and held accountable to achieve results. This study establishes a new assessment framework for senior civil service (SCS) systems, based on the 2019 OECD Recommendation on Public Service Leadership and Capability. Using this framework, the study assesses Brazil’s current system and recommends specific actions to improve it. The report also contributes to a broader debate on public leadership competencies in public sector innovation, and the systems needed to appoint the most effective people and help them achieve results.
  • 29-October-2019


    Investing in Youth: Korea

    The series Investing in Youth builds on the expertise of the OECD on youth employment, social support and skills. It covers both OECD countries and key emerging economies. The report on Korea presents new results from a comprehensive analysis of the situation of young people in Korea, exploiting various sources of survey-based and administrative data. It provides a detailed assessment of education, employment and social policies in Korea from an international perspective, and offers tailored recommendations to help improve the school-to-work transition. Earlier reviews in the same series have looked at youth policies in Brazil (2014), Latvia and Tunisia (2015), Australia, Lithuania and Sweden (2016), Japan (2017), Norway (2018), and Finland and Peru (2019).
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