
Best Practices / Guidelines

  • 29-November-2016


    Price discrimination and competition

    Price discrimination is common in many different types of markets and it usually reflects the competitive behaviour that competition policy seeks to promote. However, that is not always the case. In November 2016, the OECD held a roundtable to discuss how jurisdictions in which exploitative or distortionary price discrimination is an offence should respond to these developments.

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  • 28-October-2016


    Fidelity rebates and competition

    Firms can use fidelity rebates or loyalty discount schemes to offer better prices to buyers in exchange of their loyalty. Such schemes may sometimes prevent rivals from competing effectively. The OECD Competition Committee held a roundtable to discuss the topic in its June 2016 meeting. Access the documentation.

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  • 23-September-2016


    Big data: Bringing competition policy to the digital era

    In November 2016, the OECD held a hearing discussion on Big Data to explore the implications on competition authorities' work and whether competition law is the appropriate tool for dealing with issues arising from the use Big Data. Access all documentation regarding the discussion.

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  • 30-June-2016


    Jurisdictional nexus in merger control regimes

    In June 2016, the OECD held a roundtable session to provide an overview of the merger control thresholds and local nexus criteria currently in place in various countries, and discuss law changes since the adoption of the 2005 OECD Council Recommendation on Merger Review.

    Related Documents
  • 30-June-2016


    Commitment Decisions in Antitrust Cases

    Over the last decade, an increasing number of competition authorities have obtained powers to adopt commitment decisions in antitrust cases. In June 2016, the OECD Competition Committee will hold a roundtable to discuss agencies’ experiences and explore arguments in favour of and against the use of commitment decisions, judicial review of commitment decisions, and the relationship between commitment decisions and damages actions.

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  • 14-June-2016


    Disruptive innovations in legal services

    Disruptive innovations are beginning to transform legal services and the manner in which they are delivered. Competition authorities can play a role in advocating for regulatory systems that reflect current market realities and ensure market access for pro-competitive disruptive innovations.

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  • 30-November-2014


    Competition and macroeconomic outcomes factsheet

    Governments are increasingly assessing the effects of their policies and effectiveness of public institutions, and competition agencies are no exception. This factsheet was elaborated to help competition agencies advocate their work. It contains evidence on the links between competition and macro-economic outcomes.

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  • 15-April-2014


    Guide for assessing the impact of competition authorities' activities

    This document is a guide prepared for competition authorities to help them assess the expected impact of their activities. It provides a simple and easily-applicable methodology for determining the likely benefits that consumers will derive from the agencies’ decisions as well as suggestions on how to present the results of the assessment to ensure that these are correctly interpreted.

    Related Documents
  • 30-July-2012

    English, PDF, 2,174kb

    Remedies in Merger Cases - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of structural versus behavioural remedies for mergers? To which type of merger should each category apply? Designing effective remedies to counterbalance the anti-competitive effects of certain mergers is a challenging task for Competition Authorities, particularly for mergers with cross-border impact.

    Related Documents
  • 27-July-2012

    English, PDF, 2,312kb

    Economic Evidence in Merger Analysis - Competition Policy Roundtable - OECD

    How can Competition Authorities use economic evidence to effectively assess the potential anti-competitive effects of any given merger? How systematic should such an analysis be, and how reliable are its results? Are there lessons to be drawn from the various Best Practice Guidelines developed by a number of national jurisdictions?

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