
Best Practices / Guidelines

  • 1-December-2021


    Environmental Considerations in Competition Enforcement

    In December 2021, the OECD held a roundtable on environmental considerations in competition enforcement, exploring how competition authorities can integrate economic and non-economic environmental effects into competitive assessment and what legal and economic tools are suitable for such analysis.

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  • 10-June-2021


    The concept of potential competition

    In June 2021, the OECD held a roundtable on the concept of potential competition. This roundtable looked at potential competition and the way that it is analysed. It explored the role of barriers to entry, the timeframe used, and the ways in which agencies assess the likelihood and strength of potential competition.

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  • 8-June-2021


    Competition compliance programmes

    In June 2021, the OECD held a roundtable on competition compliance programmes, looking at the latest developments in how compliance programmes are considered by agencies when setting fines, resolving cases, drivers for these decisions, advocacy efforts to promote effective compliance programmes in the private sector, the relationship between competition compliance programmes and compliance programmes in other regulatory fields.

  • 7-June-2021


    Competition enforcement and regulatory alternatives

    In June 2021, Working Party 2 of the OECD held a roundtable on the relationship between regulation and competition enforcement, which explored how competition enforcement interacts with possible regulatory alternatives. This page contains all related materials.

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  • 28-November-2018


    Excessive Pricing in Pharmaceuticals

    A number of competition enforcement actions against excessive pricing have taken place in the pharmaceutical sector, despite competition authorities usually being reluctant to intervene directly against high prices. In November 2018, the OECD held a discussion on the intersection of competition concerns with excessive prices and the interaction between competition and regulated sectors such as pharma.

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  • 28-November-2018


    Personalised Pricing in the Digital Era

    As data analytics and pricing algorithms become common business practice in the digital era, there are growing concerns about the possibility that companies use such tools to engage in personalised pricing. In November 2018, the OECD Consumer Protection and Competition committees jointly discussed challenges associated with the ambiguous and multi-dimensional effects of personalised pricing among other issues.

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  • 28-November-2018


    Quality considerations in the zero-price economy

    Zero-price products are not a new concept and over the course of a single day, most consumers will come into contact with at least one product that is offered to them at a price of zero. In the digital economy, however, new zero-price markets have arisen. In November 2018 the OECD held a discussion to study their own unique characteristics and challenges they may impose. This page contains all related materials.

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  • 27-November-2018


    Gun jumping and suspensory effects of merger notifications

    Gun jumping has received a lot of attention recently, as a perception has arisen that competition authorities are devoting more enforcement resources to these violations, and that the amounts of monetary fines for such infringements are increasing. In November 2018, the OECD held a roundtable to discuss recent developments in the enforcement practice, and contrast them with business needs in various stages before closing a merger.

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  • 26-November-2018


    Designing publicly funded healthcare markets

    While there is little guidance on where or how to introduce choice and competition in healthcare services, there has nevertheless been a steady movement towards the greater use of market mechanisms to improve their quality and efficiency. In November 2018, the OECD held a discussion to share experiences and lessons learned on the topic. This page contains all related materials.

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  • 26-November-2018


    Treatment of legally privileged information in competition proceedings

    Different approaches to legal professional privilege among jurisdictions create challenges regarding companies’ international operations, and authorities’ co-operation and sharing of information in cross-border cases involving jurisdictions offering dissimilar levels of protection. This November 2018 OECD discussion dealt with these questions.

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