
Best Practices / Guidelines

  • 6-April-2018


    Rethinking the use of traditional antitrust enforcement tools in multi-sided markets

    Are the traditional antitrust enforcement tools of a competition agency sufficient in the context of a multi-sided market? In June 2017, the OECD Competition Committee held a discussion in presence of several experts to explore the topic.

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  • 20-December-2017


    Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector: 10 years on from the Financial Crisis

    In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, an international consensus emerged that financial institutions should be regulated more strongly to improve their resilience. In December 2017, the OECD held a roundtable discussion on co-operation between competition agencies and regulators in the financial sector with a focus on the 10 years since the last financial crisis.

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  • 6-December-2017


    Extraterritorial reach of competition remedies

    How do authorities deal with the extraterritorial reach of the remedies they apply to a given conduct? What if different remedies are imposed in different jurisdictions? These and other questions have been discussed at the OECD during a roundtable on the extraterritorial reach of remedies in December 2017.

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  • 24-November-2017


    Safe harbours and legal presumptions in competition law

    In competition law there are rules for finding that a certain behaviour is presumed to be anticompetitive –so-called presumptions of illegality – and for finding that conduct is lawful – so-called safe harbours. In December 2017, the OECD held a discussion to explore safe harbours and presumptions of illegality in competition law.

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  • 20-October-2017


    Market study methodologies for competition authorities

    Market studies are a valuable instrument used by many competition authorities to enhance their understanding of markets and potential competition issues. In June 2017 the OECD Competition Committee held a roundtable to identify common techniques and good practices in selecting and applying market study methodologies. Access the documentation.

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  • 21-July-2017


    Common ownership by institutional investors and its impact on competition

    The simultaneous ownership of shares in competing firms by institutional investors (“common ownership”) has been investigated in several academic studies for its potential impact on competitive conditions. In December 2017, the OECD held a discussion to explore whether there are verifiable theories of harm in connection with common ownership, and whether new approaches are needed to address them.

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  • 18-July-2017


    Agency decision-making in merger cases: Prohibition and conditional clearances

    When analysing mergers, competition agencies often consider the trade-off between prohibiting the transaction and granting a conditional clearance.In November 2016, the OECD held a roundtable to explore different competition authorities’ approaches and methods.

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  • 23-June-2017


    Algorithms and collusion

    The combination of data with technologically advanced tools such as pricing algorithms and machine learning is increasingly changing the competitive landscape in the digital markets. In June 2017 the OECD Competition Committee held a roundtable on the topic as a part of the wider work stream on competition in the digital economy, in order to discuss some of the challenges raised by algorithms. Access the documentation.

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  • 21-June-2017


    Radical Innovation in the Electricity Sector

    19 June 2017: The OECD Competition Committee held a discussion on innovation in the electricity sector in order to investigate whether regulation is keeping pace with change, and, what the impact on the activities of competition agencies might be.

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  • 20-June-2017


    Competition issues in aftermarkets

    In June 2017 the OECD Competition Committee held a roundtable on aftermarkets in order to compare national approaches to a number of questions that can arise under competition law when aftermarkets are involved. Access the documentation.

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