

  • 17-December-2019


    Unlocking the Potential of Migrants in Germany

    The German vocational education and training (VET) system is admired around the world for its ability to prepare young people for skilled employment. In Germany, VET smooths transitions into work and is closely aligned with labour market demand. This report focuses on an unprecedented test of the German VET system: how to respond to the significant increase in migrants who arrived in the country in 2015-16. The study explores both the opportunities and the challenges presented by migration. Germany has already devoted significant attention to VET as a mechanism for enabling integration – and for good reason. Work-based learning assists integration because it demonstrably gives learners skills that employers want in real-world settings. The report assesses the barriers faced by learners in their journeys into and through VET, exploring how such challenges can be addressed. In addition, the study looks at system-wide issues in relation to how VET provision and integration policy is governed. Lastly, it explores opportunities for increased flexibility in the German VET system of relevance to all youth at risk of not succeeding in VET. In responding to migrant needs, German VET can become more inclusive without reducing quality.
  • 25-November-2019


    Using Extractive Revenues for Sustainable Development - Policy Guidance for Resource-rich Countries

    Transforming natural finite assets into human, social and physical capital is a key challenge for natural resource-rich countries. This report distils related lessons from the OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development on natural resource revenue management and spending for sustainable development. This includes a guide on how natural resource-rich countries can ensure budget sustainability to support consistent spending over time. Further analysis focuses on the management of spending versus saving and the effectiveness of different spending mechanisms for sustainable development, making recommendations to address current challenges.
  • 26-September-2019


    Unlocking the Potential of Migrants - Cross-country Analysis

    Among the millions of asylum seekers who recently arrived in OECD countries, the majority are young people who may be able to take advantage of vocational education and training (VET) opportunities to help them enter skilled employment. This report provides advice to governments and other stakeholders who are seeking to use VET to promote integration, in particular for young humanitarian migrants. While the study draws particularly on policy and practice observed in Germany, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland, it also highlights other international practices. The report focuses on the main channels through which migrants succeed in VET. It is essential that migrants are fully informed about the opportunities VET provision offers and that they have access to high quality preparatory programmes enabling access to upper-secondary VET. Once in such provision, targeted support should help them to complete VET programmes successfully. OECD countries are putting in place innovative measures to achieve better outcomes for both migrants and for economies as a whole. Ultimately this report argues that VET systems can become stronger, more flexible and more inclusive, when working better for all students, including those with diverse and vulnerable backgrounds.
  • 13-August-2019


    Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Canada 2019

    Canada has not only the largest in terms of numbers, but also the most elaborate and longest-standing skilled labour migration system in the OECD. Largely as a result of many decades of managed labour migration, more than one in five people in Canada is foreign-born, one of the highest shares in the OECD. 60% of Canada’s foreign-born population are highly educated, the highest share OECD-wide. The recent introduction of Express Entry, a two-step selection system based on an initial pre-sreening of suitable candidates who enter a pool by Expression of Interest and subsequent selection of the most skilled candidates from the pool, has further enhanced the competitive edge of the selection system relative to other countries. It also ensures that those with the skills to succeed are admitted to Canada in a quick and efficient way. Core to Canada's success is not only the elaborate selection system itself, but also the innovation and infrastructure around it, which ensures constant testing, monitoring and adaptation of its parameters. This includes a comprehensive and constantly improving data infrastructure, coupled with the capacity to analyse it, and swift policy reaction to new evidence and emerging challenges.
  • 25-July-2019


    Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students

    This report describes recent trends in the international migration of doctors and nurses in OECD countries. Over the past decade, the number of doctors and nurses has increased in many OECD countries, and foreign-born and foreign-trained doctors and nurses have contributed to a significant extent. New in-depth analysis of the internationalisation of medical education shows that in some countries (e.g. Israel, Norway, Sweden and the United States) a large and growing number of foreign-trained doctors are people born in these countries who obtained their first medical degree abroad before coming back. The report includes four case studies on the internationalisation of medical education in Europe (France, Ireland, Poland and Romania) as well as a case study on the integration of foreign-trained doctors in Canada.
  • 23-juillet-2019


    La qualité des services de santé : Un impératif mondial en vue de la couverture santé universelle

    La couverture sanitaire universelle (CSU) vise à assurer la sécurité sanitaire et l'accès universel aux services de soins essentiels sans difficultés financières pour les individus, les familles et les communautés. La CSU permet une transition vers des sociétés et des économies plus productives et équitables et est inscrite dans les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) à l'horizon 2030. Mais la CSU ne devrait pas être mise en œuvre sans prendre en compte la qualité des soins fournis. Qualité signifie des soins efficaces, sûrs, centrés sur la personne, rapides, équitables, intégrés et efficients. Des soins de haute qualité améliorent les résultats pour la santé et réduisent le gaspillage. Cela fait partie intégrante d'un système de santé durable et de grande valeur. L’accès universel à des soins de santé de haute qualité n’est pas un luxe que seuls les pays riches peuvent se permettre. Cela peut être réalisé dans tous les contextes avec un leadership, une planification et une mise en œuvre solides. Les résultats valent l'investissement. Bien que des progrès significatifs aient été accomplis pour améliorer la qualité des soins, des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires, tant dans les pays en développement que dans les pays développés. Ce rapport décrit la situation actuelle en matière de CSU et de qualité globale des soins, et décrit les mesures que les gouvernements, les services de santé et leurs travailleurs, ainsi que les citoyens et les patients, doivent prendre de manière urgente.
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  • 18-juillet-2019


    Examen des systèmes de protection sociale - Un guide pratique

    Les effets positifs de la protection sociale sur la réduction de la pauvreté et des inégalités, ainsi que sa contribution au développement, sont largement reconnus. La mise en place d’un système intégré facilite l’offre d’un socle de protection sociale, grâce auquel les individus bénéficient d’une protection adéquate tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Pour ce faire, il s’agit non seulement de veiller à l’existence d’un éventail suffisant de programmes pour couvrir le profil de risque d’une population, mais aussi de partager les informations sur différents individus afin de s’assurer de leur rattachement au programme adéquat. L’Examen des systèmes de protection sociale compte parmi les quelques outils permettant d’analyser l’efficacité d’un pays dans la mise en place d’un système de protection sociale répondant aux besoins – tant actuels qu’à venir – de sa population. Cette boîte à outils présente différentes méthodologies pouvant être mises en œuvre quels que soient le pays, le niveau de revenu ou l’institution. Elle s’attache à proposer des recommandations stratégiques exploitables au niveau des systèmes nationaux.
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  • 16-July-2019


    Talent Abroad: A Review of Romanian Emigrants

    In recent years, Romania has undergone major economic, social and political transformations. Given the significant emigration of the Romanian population and the recognition of the contributions of the diaspora, Romanian authorities are seeking to better understand this pool of talent residing abroad, which has great potential to contribute to the economic and social development of Romania. This review provides the first comprehensive portrait of the Romanian diaspora in OECD countries. By profiling Romanian emigrants, this review aims to strengthen knowledge about this community and thus help to consolidate the relevance of the policies deployed by Romania towards its emigrants.
  • 28-June-2019

    English, PDF, 2,694kb

    2019 International Migration and Displacement Trends and Policies Report to the G20

    Migration and forced displacement remain priority areas for many G20 countries and beyond. In total there are about 258 million people living outside their country of birth globally, with two-thirds living in G20 countries.

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  • 21-June-2019


    Labour Market Inventory ASEAN 2010–15 - Labour Market Policy in an Age of Increasing Economic Integration

    The report reviews trends in labour market policies in ASEAN Member States and their main trading partners between 2010 and 2015. Policy-makers have invested significant effort in addressing some of the decent work challenges in the region between 2010 and 2015. In areas such as social protection and active labour market policies, national-level approaches have been positively influenced by ASEAN Declarations on these subjects. Despite extensive progress in many areas, significant policy gaps still remain. Workers who are more vulnerable to exploitation, such as migrants, minorities or informal workers, were the focus of only a small proportion of these policies during the period under review. This report highlights the need for continued dedication by policymakers to the improvement of labour market institutions and programmes. This commitment to the advancement of the Decent Work Agenda in the region could also benefit from further ASEAN-level actions focusing on labour and social issues.
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