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  • 12-juin-2018


    Petite enfance, grands défis 2017 - Les indicateurs clés de l'OCDE sur l'éducation et l'accueil des jeunes enfants

    L’éducation et l’accueil des jeunes enfants (EAJE) peuvent contribuer à jeter les bases de ce que seront le développement des compétences, le bien-être et l’apprentissage futurs. Disposer en temps voulu d’informations fiables et comparables au plan international est essentiel pour aider les pays à améliorer leurs services et leurs systèmes d’EAJE. Depuis plus de 15 ans, l’OCDE mène des analyses politiques et compile de nouvelles données sur l’EAJE. Pour la première fois, le présent rapport rassemble en un seul volume l’ensemble des indicateurs clés sur l’EAJE. Il donne un aperçu complet des systèmes d’EAJE et de l’offre de services dans ce secteur et fournit également des données tendancielles et des informations sur les réformes récentes. Le rapport examine en profondeur certaines questions comme l’accès aux services et leur gestion, l’égalité des chances, le financement, les programmes, le corps enseignant et l’implication des parents. Il recense aussi les grands défis à relever pour améliorer le secteur de l’EAJE. Avec environ 45 graphiques et des données pour les 35 pays de l’OCDE et plusieurs pays partenaires, la publication comprend également un grand nombre d’éléments nouveaux. Elle propose des données nouvelles sur l’offre de services d’EAJE et sur l’intensité de la participation des enfants de moins de trois ans (sur la base d’une typologie améliorée des structures). Elle présente aussi de nouveaux indicateurs sur le profil du personnel d’EAJE (par exemple le niveau de qualification, le salaire des enseignants et l’organisation du temps de travail) et sur l’égalité d’accès à l’EAJE. Les nouvelles analyses du PISA 2015 permettent de mettre en lumière le lien qui existe entre le nombre d’années d’EAJE et les résultats scolaires à l’âge de 15 ans, ainsi que les effets de la participation à l’EAJE sur la santé et le bien-être, et sur l’employabilité des mères.
  • 19-April-2018


    Education for a Bright Future in Greece

    After a decade of severe fiscal crisis also impacting education, Greece is looking ahead. Now is the time to invest effectively in education and define a forward-looking path for Greece. Building on the current reform agenda, this report offers an analysis of the context and underlying policy issues that once addressed, can contribute to raising the quality and equity of education in Greece. Drawing on evidence and international experience, the review highlights policy options that can guide and enhance current reform efforts in Greece in four areas: effective governance; policies for school improvement; efficiency, equity and quality of the education system; tertiary education. How can the governance and financing of Greek education be streamlined and improved? How can Greece achieve greater equity in educational provision and student outcomes? How can the Greek - qualified and well engaged - teaching force help promote school improvement? Last but not least, how can higher education help Greece restore prosperity? This report takes a hard look at the above issues, and many others. It will offer precious insights to policy makers and the education community.
  • 9-April-2018


    Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments - The Importance of Innovative Pedagogies

    Pedagogy is at the heart of teaching and learning. Preparing young people to become lifelong learners with a deep knowledge of subject matter and a broad set of social skills requires a better understanding of how pedagogy influences learning. Focusing on pedagogies shifts the perception of teachers from technicians who strive to attain the education goals set by the curriculum to experts in the art and science of teaching. Seen through this lens, innovation in teaching becomes a problem-solving process rooted in teachers’ professionalism, rather than an add-on applied by only some teachers in some schools. Teachers as Designers of Learning Environments: The Importance of Innovative Pedagogies provides a snapshot of innovative pedagogies used in classrooms around the world. It sets the stage for educators and policy makers to innovate teaching by looking at what is currently taking place in schools as potential seeds for change. At the heart of all of these approaches is a sensitivity to the natural inclinations of learners towards play, creativity, collaboration and inquiry. To illustrate how teachers use these innovative practices, the publication presents examples from 27 national and international networks of schools. It is now generally acknowledged that the quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. This volume goes a step further to argue that a teacher cannot help students meet new educational challenges by continuing to draw on a limited and perhaps even inherited set of pedagogies. And here lies the genuine importance of innovative pedagogies.
  • 27-March-2018


    Engaging Young Children - Lessons from Research about Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care

    The first years of life lay the foundations for a child’s future development and learning. Many countries have increased their financial support for provision of early childhood education and care (ECEC) over the past years. More recently, the focus of debate has been shifting from expanding access to affordable ECEC to enhancing its quality.  A growing body of research suggests that the magnitude of the benefits for children will depend on the level of quality of early childhood services, with especially strong evidence in the case of disadvantaged children. In light of budgetary constraints, policy makers require the latest knowledge base of the quality dimensions that are most important for ensuring children's development and early learning. However, current research is often narrow in focus or limited to programme-level or national-level conclusions. This book expands the knowledge base on this topic. It draws lessons from a cross-national literature review and meta-analysis of the relationship between early childhood education and care structure (e.g. child-staff ratios, staff training and qualifications), process quality (i.e. the quality of staff-child interactions and developmental activities), and links to child development and learning. This report concludes with key insights, as well as avenues for further research. It was co-funded by the European Union.
  • 20-March-2018


    Teaching for the Future - Effective Classroom Practices To Transform Education

    Teachers are the most important school-related factor influencing student learning. Teachers can help level the playing field and provide opportunities for success to all their students. They can inspire students to innovate; to think and reflect and to work in collaboration with others. Good teachers can also stimulate and guide students' development so that their achievements go beyond their own expectations. Therefore, how teachers achieve this in the classroom is important to understand. Teaching for the Future: Effective Classroom Practices To Transform Education links research and data on key issues facing teachers today with teachers’ own experiences to overcome challenges and create an effective classroom. This report builds on the discussions and stories shared at the Qudwa Global Teachers’ Forum, organised by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi on 7-8 October 2017. It captures the efforts made by teachers, from across the world, to facilitate student learning and transform education to build a fairer, humane and inclusive world. The report provides an in-depth analysis of issues that teachers encounter in their day-to-day professional life, particularly those around equity and reducing personal and social disadvantage, building academic, social and emotional well-being of students through parental engagement and integrating information and communication technology in classrooms.
  • 19-mars-2018


    La résilience des élèves issus de l'immigration - Les facteurs qui déterminent le bien-être (Version abrégée)

    Les flux migratoires ont profondément transformé la composition des classes. Les résultats du Programme International pour le Suivi des Acquis des élèves (PISA) de l’OCDE révèlent qu’en 2015, au moins un élève de 15 ans sur quatre dans les pays de l’OCDE est né à l’étranger ou possède au moins un parent né à l’étranger. Entre 2003 et 2015, la proportion des élèves qui avaient émigré ou dont l’un des parents avait émigré à l’international a augmenté en moyenne de six points de pourcentage dans les pays de l’OCDE. La résilience des élèves issus de l’immigration : Les facteurs qui déterminent le bien-être explore les difficultés rencontrées par les élèves issus de l’immigration et le soutien qu’ils reçoivent quand ils en ont besoin. Le rapport fournit une analyse détaillée des risques et des facteurs de protection qui peuvent ébranler ou promouvoir la résilience des enfants issus de l’immigration. Il explore le rôle que les systèmes éducatifs, les écoles et les enseignants peuvent jouer pour aider ces élèves à s’intégrer dans leurs communautés, combattre l’adversité et construire leur résilience scolaire, sociale, émotionnelle et en termes de motivation.
  • 15-March-2018


    Valuing our Teachers and Raising their Status - How Communities Can Help

    There is increasing recognition that teachers will play a key role in preparing students for the challenges of the future. We expect teachers to equip students with the skill set and knowledge required for success in an increasingly global, digital, complex, uncertain and volatile world. This will involve teachers and schools forging stronger links with parents and local communities, building a sense of social responsibility and problem solving skills among their students. It also means that teachers need to adopt effective and individualised pedagogies that foster student learning and nurture their social and emotional skills. How can education systems help them engage in continuous innovation and professional development to enhance their own practice? This report shows how education systems can support teachers to meet these new demands and encourage a paradigm shift on what teaching and learning are about and how they should happen. Education systems need to create the conditions that encourage and enable innovation. They need to promote best practice through policies focused on professionalism, efficacy and effectiveness in order to help build teachers’ capacity for adopting new pedagogies. Due attention should also be paid to teachers’ sense of well-being so that classroom learning environments remain conducive to students’ own well-being and development.
  • 15-mars-2018


    La réussite scolaire des élèves autochtones - Pratiques prometteuses

    Les peuples autochtones forment un ensemble très diversifié, tant à l’échelle de chaque nation qu’à celle du globe. Toutefois, tous ont connu la colonisation, qui a fragilisé l’accès des jeunes autochtones à leur identité, leur langue et leur culture. De plus, les enfants autochtones n’ont bien souvent pas eu accès à une éducation d’aussi bonne qualité que celle dont peuvent bénéficier les autres enfants de leur pays. La combinaison de ces deux facteurs a eu pour conséquence de limiter les opportunités et les résultats éducatifs de plusieurs générations d’enfants et de jeunes autochtones, avec parfois des effets catastrophiques. Les six provinces et territoires du Canada ayant participé à cette étude, ainsi que la Nouvelle-Zélande et le Queensland (Australie) tentent de mieux satisfaire les aspirations et les besoins éducatifs des élèves autochtones et de leurs familles. Cet ouvrage vise à identifier des stratégies, des politiques, des pratiques et des programmes prometteurs susceptibles d’améliorer l'apprentissage et les acquis des élèves autochtones. Il cherche également bâtir une base de faits empiriques sur l’éducation des élèves autochtones. L'étude porte sur quatre domaines de l’éducation des élèves autochtones : le bien-être, la présence, l’engagement et la réussite. Ces domaines sont liés et se renforcent mutuellement. Chacun d’eux est essentiel pour la réussite de chaque élève.
  • 1-February-2018


    Education and Skills Newsletter - January 2018

    What's new in education and skills at the OECD?

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  • 31-January-2018


    Archived webinar - Academic resilience: What schools and countries do to help disadvantaged students succeed in PISA, with Andreas Schleicher, Director of the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills

    Researchers and policy makers have been focusing on socio-economic disparities in academic achievement since the 1960s. Decades of empirical studies show that socioeconomically disadvantaged students are more likely to: drop out of school, and repeat a grade

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