
Publications & Documents

  • 6-December-2021


    OECD Global Forum on Competition

    Paris, 6-8 December 2021 - Discussions at this event will focus on: Trade, development and competition; Economic analysis and evidence in abuse cases; The promotion of competitive neutrality by competition authorities and a Peer review of the Eurasian Economic Union.

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  • 1-décembre-2021


    Australie - Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Cette page contient toutes les informations se rapportant à la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l’OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption en Australie.

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  • 30-November-2021


    Enhancing Public Accountability in Spain Through Continuous Supervision

    Spain has undertaken a series of reforms over the last decade to strengthen the government’s ability to deliver high-quality services to citizens and businesses, while enhancing transparency and accountability. One major effort spearheaded by the National Audit Office (Oficina Nacional de Auditoría or ONA) is the continuous supervision system (SSC), a risk-based methodology that acts as a litmus test for the financial health, effectiveness and sustainability of public institutions. Drawing on interviews, a comparative analysis of leading practices, and research, this report provides recommendations to support the ONA in further strengthening its management of the SSC by improving its strategy, use of data, and co-ordination mechanisms across government.
  • 30-November-2021


    Countering Public Grant Fraud in Spain - Machine Learning for Assessing Risks and Targeting Control Activities

    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments face both old and new fraud risks, some at unprecedented levels, linked to spending on relief and recovery. Public grant programmes are a high-risk area, where any fraud ultimately diverts taxpayers’ money away from essential support for individuals and businesses. This report identifies how Spain’s General Comptroller of the State Administration (Intervención General de la Administración del Estado, IGAE) could better identify and control for grant fraud risks. It demonstrates how innovative machine learning techniques can support the IGAE in enhancing its assessment of fraud risks in grant data. It presents a working risk model, developed with datasets at the IGAE’s disposal, and maps datasets it could use in the future. The report also considers the preconditions for advanced analytics and risk assessments, including ways for the IGAE to improve its data governance and data management.
  • 26-November-2021


    Public Integrity in Ecuador - Towards a National Integrity System

    Public integrity is necessary to respond to corruption, sustain trust in public institutions and manage crises such as COVID-19 effectively. This report analyses the institutional responsibilities on public integrity in Ecuador. It proposes concrete recommendations to address fragmentation and to build a public integrity system involving all relevant actors at national level. The report also reviews Ecuador’s strategic approach to public integrity and proposes a roadmap toward a long-term state policy in line with national and international development objectives. Finally, it examines how Ecuador could mainstream integrity within the public entities of the executive branch.
  • 26-November-2021


    2021 OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation

    26/11/2021 - The OECD Anti-Bribery Convention was adopted in 1997 to combat bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions and its negative effect on good governance, economic development, and a level playing field. The 2021 Anti-Bribery Recommendation puts in place new measures to reinforce efforts by the OECD Working Group on Bribery to prevent, detect and investigate foreign bribery.

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  • 5-novembre-2021


    Lutte contre la délinquance fiscale ‒ les dix principes mondiaux, deuxième édition

    Publié pour la première fois en 2017, le rapport intitulé Lutte contre la délinquance fiscale : les dix principes mondiaux constitue le premier guide d’envergure sur la lutte contre la délinquance fiscale. Il définit dix grands principes juridiques, institutionnels, administratifs et opérationnels à mettre en œuvre pour établir un système efficient et efficace permettant de repérer, d’enquêter et de poursuivre les délits fiscaux, tout en respectant les droits des suspects. Cette deuxième édition traite de nouvelles questions, comme la lutte contre les professionnels qui facilitent les délits fiscaux et la criminalité en col blanc, ainsi que le renforcement de la coopération internationale pour le recouvrement des avoirs. S'appuyant sur l’expérience de juridictions du monde entier, le rapport met également en lumière des réussites dans la lutte contre l’utilisation abusive d'actifs virtuels, les enquêtes complexes associant des équipes conjointes et le recours aux nouvelles technologies pour réprimer les délits fiscaux et les autres délits financiers. Les dix principes mondiaux constituent une composante essentielle du Dialogue d’Oslo mené par l’OCDE, une approche à l’échelle de l’administration dans son ensemble destinée à lutter contre les délits fiscaux et les flux financiers illicites. Ce document principal est complété par 33 chapitres par pays, qui décrivent en détail le cadre de lutte contre les délits fiscaux dans chaque juridiction ainsi que les progrès accomplis dans la mise en œuvre des Dix principes mondiaux. Ces rapports sont disponibles en ligne séparément.
  • 22-octobre-2021


    Lettonie - Convention de l’OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Cette page contient toutes les informations se rapportant à la mise en oeuvre de la Convention de l’OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption en Lettonie.

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  • 14-October-2021

    English, PDF, 1,720kb

    Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention: Bulgaria Phase 4 Report

    This Phase 4 Report on Bulgaria by the OECD Working Group on Bribery evaluates and makes recommendations on the Netherlands' implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention and was adopted by the OECD Working Group on Bribery on 14 October 2021.

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  • 1-September-2021


    OECD Business and Finance Outlook

    The OECD Business and Finance Outlook is an annual publication that presents unique data and analysis on the trends, both positive and negative, that are shaping tomorrow’s world of business, finance and investment.

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