

  • 2-August-2011


    Education reform: a priority for a better future

    Greece needs to look beyond its short-term difficulties and start to prepare for a brighter future. It is at the crossroads, but can succeed, provided that it undertakes and implements relentlessly the right reforms. The reform of education is in fact the key to Greece’s future prosperity.

  • 18-July-2011


    Aid for Trade: Showing results

    This report shows how aid for trade is becoming a growing priority for an increasing number of developing countries and donors; And how aid for trade is being connected to the broader development agenda, with strategies and priorities increasingly focusing on competitiveness and trade-led economic growth, said OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 12-July-2011


    Launch of the International Migration Outlook 2011

    International migration is at a turning point. As our countries try to foster a job rich recovery and build stronger, cleaner and fairer economies, we must analyse international migration through a new lens, one that considers the transformative changes that are affecting the world economy and their impact on cross-border movements of people.

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  • 12-July-2011


    Launch of the Economic Survey of Belgium: The Three challenges for policy making in Belgium

    The road ahead will not be easy, though: financial market concerns about sovereign debt are extending to a growing number of countries and now they threaten to include Belgium. Thus fiscal sustainability and higher growth are the backbone of our main recommendations in this Survey. With a public debt at 97% of GDP, a renewed and sustained effort to prefund ageing costs is needed, including revisiting intergovernmental prefunding

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  • 11-July-2011


    Symposium “50 years OECD”

    Austria has always been a remarkable ally to the OECD. It was one of the Organisation’s 19 founding members. It has been a pathfinder in many policy areas and it played a key role in our 50th Anniversary celebrations, said Angel Gurría.

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  • 6-July-2011


    Better policies for an inclusive and green world economy

    The OECD @ 50 strives to improve the prospects of growth and welfare in Member and partner countries, encourages civic participation and equality of opportunities, and seeks to realign the economy with the environment, said Angel Gurría.

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  • 4-July-2011


    Competitive growth for quality jobs: Policies, solutions and strategies for development and employment

    Governments must ensure that employment services and training programmes are effective in matching people to existing jobs. They should also rebalance employment protection towards temporary workers; consider reducing taxes on labour; and promote work-sharing arrangements that can minimise employment losses during downturns.

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  • 30-June-2011


    Challenges in Designing Competitive Tax Systems

    Countries must boost international co-operation as they redesign their tax systems to meet future revenue needs and economic competitiveness challenges, said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

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  • 29-June-2011


    Policy strategies for growth, competiveness and employment in Europe

    The centre of economic gravity is moving from the advanced to the large emerging economies, particularly Brazil, China and India. For many years, OECD countries accounted for around 70% of global GDP. Today, this share has shrunk to around 60% and it is set to fall further.

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  • 24-June-2011


    The Fight against Foreign Bribery: New Laws, New Challenges, New Trends

    Combating bribery and corruption has become a top global priority, and it is central to our mission. We need to enhance our anti-corruption efforts, strengthen their coherence and improve cooperation with other important actors, like the legal profession practitioners, said Angel Gurría.

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