

  • 29-February-2012


    Global Economic Prospects and Rethinking Global Challenges

    We have much to learn from the emerging countries and their social and economic transformation in the past decades, and from the recent crisis in the developed world. It is high time we revised our conceptual framework, rethought our conventional wisdom and engaged in best-practise sharing.

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  • 24-February-2012


    Going for Growth 2012: Structural Reforms can Make the Difference

    The crisis has acted as a catalyst for reforms. While they are sometimes unpopular, painful or both, they are necessary to make longer term growth stronger, more sustainable and more equitable, said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

  • 22-February-2012


    Agriculture in a Global Context

    To nourish the world population in 2050, we must increase food availability by 70 to 100%. This means that we need to engineer a shift towards policies that support innovation, productivity and sustainability and that provide farmers with the skills they need to grasp the opportunities of strong demand and high prices.

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  • 16-February-2012


    Opening of the 11th Global Forum on Competition

    By removing barriers to entry in protected sectors and guaranteeing a level playing field for entrepreneurs, pro-competition reforms can unlock opportunities for investment and for the creation of jobs, said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

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  • 14-February-2012


    Launch of the 2012 OECD’s Economic Survey of Germany

    Germany recovered rapidly from the 2008-09 recession, with GDP topping pre-crisis rates during 2011 and unemployment falling significantly. Public finances are sound, but further reforms are needed to transform its growth model to thrive as a knowledge-based economy, says Angel Gurría.

  • 10-February-2012


    OECD Annual Meeting with the Economics and Security Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly

    Involving Parliamentarians is a key OECD priority because they help us reflect citizens’ needs and concerns in our work and policy dialogue, said OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 24-January-2012


    Policy priorities for a stronger, cleaner and fairer Swiss economy

    Switzerland has made a broadly balanced recovery from the economic crisis, but slower activity in Europe and pressures on the Swiss franc weigh on the near-term outlook, according to the OECD Secretary-General.

  • 16-January-2012


    Growth perspectives for 2012

    Given current levels of uncertainty, it is quite a challenge to discuss the outlook for the global economy in the months to come. But I will take the risk, and share the OECD’s assessment of the forces shaping the near-term outlook, the risks surrounding our projections and the major policy challenges facing many OECD countries.

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  • 11-January-2012


    Presentación de la los Estudios “Estudio Sobre la Contratación Pública: Aumentar la Eficiencia e Integridad para una Mejor Asistencia Médica” y “Luchando contra la Colusión en las Compras Públicas – Un Informe sobre el IMSS del Secretariado de la OCDE”

    Ambos estudios, hacen una revisión amplia y profunda del sistema de compras públicas del IMSS, identificando los avances y principales desafíos de este sistema, y aportando recomendaciones de políticas públicas que ayudarán a esta importante institución a equiparar sus procesos de compras públicas con las mejores prácticas mundiales.

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  • 10-January-2012


    Lanzamiento de la Edición 2012 de la Guía para Mejorar la Calidad Regulatoria de Trámites Estatales y Municipales e Impulsar la Competitividad de México (in Spanish)

    La mejora regulatoria es un componente fundamental de las estrategias de recuperación económica; pero también es la única vía para dar el salto al desarrollo. México ha hecho muchos esfuerzos para mejorar su regulación y competitividad, y los resultados están a la vista.

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