

  • 9-July-2015


    Launch of the 2015 Employment Outlook

    Unemployment is finally coming down in most countries. But we need to step up our efforts to make sure that millions of workers hit hard by the crisis are not left behind by the recovery.

  • 6-July-2015


    Conferencia Magistral sobre ¨El Futuro de la Productividad¨ - Una Productividad de Todos y Para Todos

    Bienvenidos a este primer Diálogo Global sobre el Futuro de la Productividad. Me da mucho gusto poder lanzar esta iniciativa, en colaboración con el Gobierno de México y con la participación del Secretario de Hacienda de nuestro país, Luis Videgaray, así como de Enrique Iglesias, una de las personas que más ha luchado por mejorar la productividad de América Latina.

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  • 6-July-2015


    Keynote speech on the future of productivity: Productivity by all and for all

    During these difficult years, productivity growth has slowed down, reviving fears that we are now entering a period of poor growth and low job creation. One of the main challenges facing our countries is what to do to re-launch productivity, the main factor of long-term growth, and how to do it. This has been the focus of the report we are launching today entitled “The Future of Productivity”.

  • 3-July-2015


    Climate: What’s changed, what hasn’t and what we can do about it - Six Months to COP21

    Without zero net CO2 emissions, temperatures will just keep rising. When I said that two years ago, it was deemed controversial. Today, I’m pleased to see that it has become conventional wisdom and a commonly shared goal – including just last month by the G7 Leaders.

  • 2-July-2015


    Presentation of the joint OECD-EC Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2015: Settling In - A wake-Up call for governments

    This publication is the first broad international comparison across all EU and OECD countries of the economic and social outcomes of immigrants and their children in host countries. It contains the largest compilation of information on integration ever undertaken.

  • 1-July-2015


    Launch of the 2015 OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook

    Overall, this year’s Outlook provides further evidence that markets are returning to more “normal” conditions after a period of unusually high and volatile prices. This year’s report also contains a special focus on Brazil, the world’s second largest supplier of agricultural products and the foremost exporter in meeting additional global demand.

  • 1-July-2015


    Visit of H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of China - Introductory remarks

    It is an honour to welcome the Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China to the OECD. Your visit, Premier Li, marks 20 years of fruitful partnership between China and the OECD. It reflects our deepening collaboration and our growing trust.

  • 1-July-2015


    6th International Tax Dialogue Global Conference

    This year’s COP21 presents a unique opportunity. It will need to forge a clear path for reducing emissions, and for lessening our impact on the planet. It is therefore timely that this year’s International Tax Dialogue focuses on the role that tax can play in managing these environmental challenges.

  • 30-June-2015


    Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade

    The scope and ambition of the Sustainable Development Goals offer a unique opportunity for ending poverty, protecting our environment, and realising sustainable development for all. What brings us together today is the belief that trade will play a critical role in making this happen. It is, therefore, my great pleasure to present the joint OECD/WTO Aid for Trade at a Glance publication, which focuses on reducing trade costs.

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  • 29-June-2015


    Visita de un grupo de Gobernadores, Presidentes Municipales y Alcaldes a la OCDE

    Esta es una gran oportunidad para compartir con ustedes nuestra perspectiva del panorama económico internacional y de cómo vemos a México, pero también para escuchar sus opiniones sobre los desafíos que enfrenta nuestro país y ver cómo podemos ayudar más.

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