
Publications & Documents

  • 17-February-2022


    Driving Performance at Peru’s Water and Sanitation Services Regulator

    As 'market referees', regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public services. Their organisational culture, behaviour and governance are important factors in how regulators, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can create an organisational culture of performance and results. The report uses PAFER to assess elements linked to both the internal and external governance of Peru’s Water and Sanitation Services Regulator (Superintendencia Nacional de Servicios de Saneamiento, Sunass). The review acknowledges the technical expertise of Sunass within the institutional framework, analyses the key drivers of its performance, and identifies a number of opportunities to help the regulator prepare for the future, including in the context of sector-wide challenges and the COVID-19 crisis.
  • 2-February-2022


    Regulatory Governance in the Mining Sector in Brazil

    Mining plays a crucial role in Brazil’s economy. Nonetheless, the efforts and resources devoted to regulatory quality in the sector, including the enforcement of rules, have not always been commensurate. This report identifies the gaps, barriers, implementation flaws and inefficiencies in the regulatory framework of the mining sector in Brazil. It takes stock of the recent reforms in the mining sector in Brazil, identifies areas that pose the greatest challenges for effective regulation in mining. It also describes the reforms that created the National Mining Agency of Brazil, its governance arrangements and its current regulatory practices. These are assessed against OECD principles in regulatory policy and mining regulation, as well as against country experiences from Australia, Chile, and Mexico. Finally, recommendations are provided to support further reform efforts.
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  • 20-December-2021


    Bridging digital divides in G20 countries

    Reliable and high-quality connectivity is fundamental for the digital transformation. Furthermore, the COVID-19 health emergency has shown that access to high-quality broadband services at affordable prices, across different territories is essential to ensure that economic and social activities can continue in an increasingly remote manner. However, important disparities in terms of connectivity persist in G20 countries and especially within countries between different types of regions. Overcoming the territorial divide is essential to ensure that no region and its inhabitants are left behind, regardless of where they live. This report offers a roadmap to policy makers to reduce the digital divides experienced by people living in different places within countries. While this is a key policy goal, the reduction of regional disparities needs to be accompanied with sufficiently high levels of broadband speeds across regions for people to be able to fully benefit from the economic opportunities and services brought about by digitalization.
  • 20-December-2021


    Promoting high-quality broadband networks in G20 countries

    Connectivity is an essential pillar of ensuring an inclusive digital transformation. The COVID-19 health emergency has further accentuated the awareness of how the quality, capability and resilience of broadband networks are becoming even more critical to ensure an inclusive society as more and more activities, such as work and education, are conducted in a remote manner. Therefore, policies aiming to expand connectivity and increase its quality are of paramount importance. Furthermore, analysing the performance of networks is crucial to inform policy makers and regulators to identify quality gaps and design the right policies and regulation towards closing those gaps. This report focuses on the state of broadband speed quality across the G20 and how to upgrade the speeds of networks further to spur economic recovery. It identifies existing gaps and puts forward policies and regulation towards extending high-quality networks and upgrading the quality of networks.
  • 14-December-2021


    Case Studies on the Regulatory Challenges Raised by Innovation and the Regulatory Responses

    The pace and scope of innovation are challenging the way governments regulate. Existing regulatory frameworks might not be agile enough to accommodate the fast pace of technological development and, as a consequence, rules might become outdated. Beyond this pacing problem, technological innovation also blurs the traditional definition of markets, challenges enforcement and transcends administrative boundaries domestically and internationally. This report, which results from a joint project between the OECD and the Korea Development Institute, presents a set of case studies illustrating the different regulatory challenges raised by emerging technologies and the diversity of regulatory responses used to address them. The case studies cover data-driven business models, digital innovation in finance, smart contracts relying on distributed ledger technologies, digital technologies for smart logistics, and the sharing economy.
  • 7-December-2021

    English, Excel, 236kb

    Sectoral PMR 2018 Database

    Sectoral PMR 2018 Database

    Related Documents
  • 7-December-2021

    English, Excel, 61kb

    Economy wide PMR Indicators July 2019

    Economy wide PMR Indicators (July 2019)

    Related Documents
  • 7-December-2021


    Eliminating Gender-based Violence - Governance and Survivor/Victim-centred Approaches

    Gender-based violence affects many aspects of survivors' and victims' lives, including access to education, employment, housing, health care, legal support, and physical and mental health services. While many governments have enacted policies and programmes to eradicate gender-based violence and address its intersectional impacts, strategic planning, policy co-ordination, and long-term investment in services has often been uneven. This publication explores how countries can strengthen public governance systems, respond to the needs and experiences of survivors/victims, and improve access to justice and accountability to effectively address gender-based violence.
  • 30-novembre-2021


    Renforcer l’autonomie et la confiance des jeunes en Tunisie

    En Tunisie, les jeunes de moins de 30 ans constituent 48 % de la population. Ils ont un rôle important dans le développement économique, social et politique du pays, mais font face à des défis importants dans leur transition vers l'autonomie et l’âge adulte. Les conséquences socio-économiques du COVID-19 ont encore exacerbé les défis auxquels ils sont confrontés, et ont mis en avant l’importance de promouvoir leur participation à la prise de décision publique. Cette revue présente une analyse des dispositifs de gouvernance des politiques publiques à destination de la jeunesse en Tunisie, en mettant l'accent sur cinq domaines : 1) un cadre légal et règlementaire adapté aux jeunes, 2) l’adoption d’une approche gouvernementale intégrée dans l’élaboration des politiques publiques de la jeunesse, 3) l’optimisation des capacités institutionnelles du ministère de la Jeunesse, 4) l’inclusion d’une « dimension » jeunesse dans la formulation des politiques publiques, et 5) la promotion de la participation et de la représentation des jeunes dans la vie publique.
  • 29-November-2021


    Mobilising Evidence at the Centre of Government in Lithuania - Strengthening Decision Making and Policy Evaluation for Long-term Development

    The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for high-quality data and evidence to address complex policy challenges. This report takes stock of the capacity for evidence-informed decision making (EIDM) and policy evaluation at the centre of government in Lithuania. Like many other OECD countries, Lithuania faces challenges in supplying quality evidence and ensuring that it is used for decision making. In light of recent reforms, the report analyses gaps in the EIDM system and offers a set of comprehensive recommendations to address them in the short, medium and long terms. It also discusses how the newly created Strategic Analysis Centre could champion evidence-informed decision making in Lithuania.
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