
Echange de renseignements

African Tax Administration Forum launched on 19-20 November 2009


20/11/09 - On 19-20 November the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) was officially launched by the President of the Republic of Uganda, His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni. The communiqué is now available.


The ATAF mission is to mobilize domestic resources more effectively and increase the accountability of African States to African citizens whilst actively promoting an improvement in tax administration through sharing experiences, benchmarking and peer reviewing best practices.


ATAF is African led, managed and supported primarily through the expertise, resources and financial contributions of its Members.  As an African initiative, it will work towards achieving increased financial independence for African countries and will directly contribute to economic development and good governance on the African continent.


The Forum has constituted itself as an independent legal body with a first council meeting to be held in March 2010.


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