
Sociétés inclusives et développement

Youth Inclusion project - Peru



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Currently, Peru benefits from a demographic dividend that contributes to addressing socioeconomic challenges and increase productivity and sustainable growth. Young people (15-29) in Peru represent 26.9% of the population.

Despite important advancements (e.g. sharp reduction of the poverty rate, increased access to education), young people in Peru face multiple challenges, which tend to overlap. Challenges in the area of employment are, among others, a high informality rate, low wages and skill mismatch. In addition, few health policies target specifically youth, and the number of adolescent pregnancies has increased. Furthermore, the low quality of education replaced the access to education as the major challenge in this area. In most well-being dimensions there are important ethnic, linguistic, socio-economic and geographic gaps, reducing equal opportunities for youth.

A number of education, employment and health policies targeting youth have been implemented, to address the issues above; these, however, lack an intersectoral approach. In order to empower youth to influence their own destiny, the government should mainstream youth and adopt an integrated and cross-sectional strategy, as well as improve communication and ensure the access of young people to timely, user-friendly information. Learn more


Youth Inclusion project in Peru focus studies:


Peru Country Study



 Assessment and Recommendations

Download full Report (in Spanish)

60 seconds: A quick guide to the report (in Spanish)

Press release (Also available in Spanish)

Key issues affecting young people in Peru



Project activities

Peru: The OECD Development Center launched the Youth Well-being Policy Review of Peru study, 3 August 2017, Lima

The OECD launched the Youth Well-being policy review of Peru study in a high level event organized on Thursday 3rd August in Lima. The event was attended by Mr. Fernando Cáceres, Vice Minister of Education; Mr. Carlos Tengan, National Secretary for Youth and Mr. Steefan Pauwels, Head of the Cooperation Section of the European Union Delegation to Peru.

A National Youth Strategy would help Peru reap its demographic dividend, says new OECD Development Centre study

With 26.9% of its population aged between 15 and 29, Peru has a demographic dividend to reap that can further boost its development. It is expected to last until the year 2038, after which the share of the dependent population will be larger than the working-age population. Adopting a National Youth Strategy would be a step forward to ensuring the well-being and active role of Peruvian youth in the economy and society, argues a new OECD Development Centre study titled "Youth Well-being Policy Review of Peru”.

Peru: Mid-term review workshop, 12 May 2016, Lima

The OECD organised together with the Secretaría Nacional de la Juventud (SENAJU) and the Ministry of Education of Peru a multi-stakeholder workshop in Lima, Peru, on the 12 May 2016. 



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