
Publications & Documents

  • 18-May-2022


    Fighting Transnational Bribery in Croatia - Assessment of Legal and Policy Frameworks

    This report assesses Croatia’s legal and policy framework for fighting transnational bribery based on the criteria applied to countries seeking accession to the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. The report analyses Croatia’s criminal legislation and sanctions applicable to individuals and legal entities that commit bribery. It also examines Croatia’s track record in the investigation and prosecution of corruption offences and the overall enforcement framework. Rules on international co-operation, such as mutual legal assistance and extradition, and the non-tax deductibility of bribes are also examined. For each area of analysis, the report identifies areas for improvement and provides recommendations.
  • 17-May-2022


    Illicit Trade in Conflict-affected Countries of the Middle East and North Africa - Focus on Yemen

    To contribute to the existing pool of evidence on the dynamic interplay between illicit trade and armed conflicts, this report looks at illicit trade flows in four separate conflict-affected countries in the MENA region: Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. For the case of Yemen, the report also presents a deep-dive analysis of illicit trade flows and the relevant governance environment. The findings highlight that illicit trade networks in these countries are dynamic, complex, and heavily integrated into regional and global networks.
  • 6-May-2022


    Promoting Integrity through the Reform of the Administrative Penalty System of Bulgaria - Building a Comprehensive and Coherent Legal Framework

    This report analyses Bulgaria's legal framework for administrative penalties. Administrative penalties are crucial for ensuring accountability in the public administration. The report assesses the subjective scope of their application, the typologies and levels of administrative penalties, and the proceedings for applying them. The report highlights relevant good practices from other EU Member States, and provides recommendations on how to address key challenges as well as legislative proposals for building a comprehensive legal framework.
  • 25-April-2022


    Assessing Tax Compliance and Illicit Financial Flows in South Africa

    Illicit financial flows (IFFs) such as tax evasion are a major policy challenge for developing and emerging economies, in particular as the COVID-19 pandemic has drained domestic resources. This report presents results from a joint project between the OECD and the National Treasury of South Africa, which assesses tax compliance and IFFs in South Africa. The report provides an overview of macroeconomic, tax and fiscal developments in South Africa since the global financial crisis. It discusses the concepts of IFFs, how they relate to the South African context and provides an overview of South Africa’s participation in multilateral initiatives to combat tax evasion. It also provides a quantitative analysis of tax compliance and IFFs over time amid a variety of tax transparency initiatives implemented in South Africa. Finally, the report examines the effectiveness of tax transparency initiatives such as voluntary disclosure programmes, and looks into income and wealth characteristics of applicants to these programmes.
  • 1-April-2022


    Event: Examining tax-related illicit financial flows and efforts to combat them: A country perspective from South Africa

    Drawing on current work between the OECD and South Africa National Treasury, this 2022 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum session will discuss how countries can continue to fight IFFs, through information exchange and better use of data, improved interagency cooperation and by improving the availability of data and analysis.

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  • 30-March-2022


    OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum

    30 March-1 April 2022 - This OECD-hosted forum is the premium annual public event on integrity and anti-corruption worldwide. The 2022 edition will explore the unique challenges provoked by the COVID-19 crisis and how stakeholders across all policy communities can fight corruption and reinforce trust and integrity in multiple domains.

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  • 22-mars-2022


    Grèce - Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption

    Cette page contient toutes les informations se rapportant à la mise en oeuvrede la Convention de l’OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption en Grèce.

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  • 17-March-2022


    Dangerous Fakes - Trade in Counterfeit Goods that Pose Health, Safety and Environmental Risks

    Illicit trade in counterfeit goods causes economic damage by reducing sales and profits as well as innovation incentives in legitimate industries. At the same time, some counterfeits can be of low quality and create significant additional risks, including health risks (fake pharmaceuticals or food products), safety risks (counterfeit automotive spare parts, fake batteries) and environmental risks (fake chemicals or pesticides). This study presents detailed information on the value of counterfeit trade in such dangerous fake goods, analyses changes in the volumes and composition of the goods, and maps key trade routes. The evidence in this report can be used to raise awareness of the risks of this trade and its implications for health and environmental policy.
  • 3-March-2022


    OECD Integrity Review of the Slovak Republic - Delivering Effective Public Integrity Policies

    The OECD Integrity Review of the Slovak Republic provides concrete recommendations for strengthening the Slovak Republic’s Anti-Corruption Policy, in particular through identifying key corruption risk areas. It analyses integrity standards, including on conflict of interest and post-public employment, and pinpoints where to close gaps in the current legislation to reinforce a culture of integrity across the whole of government. The Review also suggests tools for strengthening engagement with businesses and citizens to understand and uphold their roles and responsibilities for integrity. Finally, the Review assesses the government decision-making process and identifies measures for improving its transparency and integrity for more accountable and equitable policies.
  • 23-December-2021


    Data on enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention

    23 December 2021 - This enforcement data includes the number of criminal, administrative and civil cases of foreign bribery that have resulted in a final disposition, such as a criminal conviction or acquittal, or similar findings under an administrative or civil procedure. Published for the first time in 2010, the enforcement data is updated annually by the OECD Working Group on Bribery.

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