
Publications & Documents

  • 6-August-2021


    Options for Operationalising Transparency in Commodity Trading Transactions

    Given their sheer magnitude, the payments made by companies for the purchase of oil, gas and minerals from governments or state-owned enterprises are of significant public interest. However, only a few commodity trading companies regularly publicly disclose information in respect of their payments to governments for the purchase of these publicly-owned commodities. This report makes a case for the development of a common global standard on transparency of payments that trading hubs, home governments and industry associations can use to ensure consistency, comparability and usability of data, building on the 2019 EITI Standard. Complementary measures by host governments and SOEs are necessary to set shared expectations across jurisdictions, including in producing countries. These include the adoption of disclosure policies as well as the inclusion of disclosure obligations in commodity sales contracts to set clear expectations on transparency of payments, and avoid potential conflicting requirements and bilateral negotiations.
  • 14-juillet-2021


    Rapport du Secrétaire général de l’OCDE aux ministres 2021

    Cette édition du rapport du Secrétaire général de l'OCDE aux ministres présente les principales réalisations de l'OCDE en 2020. Elle met l’accent sur les efforts de l’Organisation pour contribuer à la gestion de la crise du COVID-19 et ouvrir la voie à une reprise qui soit à la fois plus forte, plus inclusive, plus résiliente et plus verte. Elle décrit les travaux de l’OCDE dans tout un éventail de domaines essentiels tels que la santé, l’emploi, les inégalités, l'économie, la fiscalité, l'éducation, l'environnement, et bien d’autres encore. Ce rapport présente aussi les activités du Secrétaire général et de son cabinet, ainsi que celles des directions, des Secrétariats des entités appartenant à la famille OCDE et des partenaires sociaux de l'OCDE. L'OCDE s'efforce de trouver des solutions fondées sur des données probantes à toute une série de défis sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, en promouvant « Des politiques meilleures pour une vie meilleure ». L’OCDE constitue l’une des sources les plus importantes et les plus fiables de recherche et de données statistiques comparables au monde. Elle fait office de pionnier pour l’élaboration de nouvelles trames narratives et de nouvelles initiatives à l’échelle mondiale, mais aussi de « laboratoire d’action », prêt à soutenir ses membres et partenaires grâce à ses données, ses normes et ses conseils stratégiques.
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  • 30-June-2021


    Typology of Corruption Risks in Commodity Trading Transactions

    Commodity trading presents specific and heightened risks of corruption due to the large amount of money involved in commodity trading transactions, which are source of important revenues for developing countries, and due to the sophisticated mechanisms used to channel corrupt payments. These include complex and opaque corporate structures, the use of off-shore entities, that render the identification of beneficial owners more difficult, the use of intermediaries (including briefcase or shell companies) and joint ventures with politically exposed persons (PEPs). This report maps out corruption risks of cross-cutting relevance for the sales of oil, gas and minerals that can arise at several points in commodity trading transactions. It contributes to advancing the global transparency and accountability agenda in commodity trading, by improving understanding and raising awareness of corruption red flags and evolving corruption patterns across a wide range of stakeholders, including home jurisdictions of buying companies, trading hubs, host governments, state-owned enterprises and buying companies.
  • 22-June-2021


    Global Trade in Fakes - A Worrying Threat

    This report quantifies the magnitude, value, scope and trends of global trade in counterfeit and pirated goods, also known as fakes. Using a unique enforcement dataset and tailored methodology, it estimates the overall scale of this threat and outlines which industries are particularly at risk. It also gauges the main economies of origin of fakes in global trade, and the key directions of trade flows. Finally, it analyses recent trends in terms of modes of shipment and the evolution of trade routes.
  • 10-juin-2021

    Français, Excel, 6,435kb

    Les travaux de l'OCDE en matière de fiscalité

    Cette brochure met en avant les principaux domaines de travail du Centre de politique et d'administration fiscales de l'OCDE.

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  • 25-May-2021


    Law Enforcement in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (LEN)

    The Law Enforcement Network (LEN) meets annually to discuss high-level cases will provide capacity building and network opportunities for the practitioners from the region. The LEN also provides a framework for several thematic studies on new and complex corruption crimes.

    Related Documents
  • 25-May-2021


    Istanbul Anti-corruption Action Plan

    Istanbul Anti-corruption Action Plan supports anti-corruption reforms through country reviews and continuous monitoring of implementation of recommendations, which promote the UNCAC and other international standards and best practice.

    Related Documents
  • 25-mai-2021


    Convention sur la lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales

    Cette page contient le texte officiel de la Convention et les commentaires y relatifs, la 2009 Recommandation, la 2009 Recommandation du Conseil de l'OCDE sur la déductibilité fiscale des pots-de-vin versés à des agents publics étrangers et documents connexes.

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  • 20-May-2021


    Lobbying in the 21st Century - Transparency, Integrity and Access

    Lobbying, as a way to influence and inform governments, has been part of democracy for at least two centuries, and remains a legitimate tool for influencing public policies. However, it carries risks of undue influence. Lobbying in the 21st century has also become increasingly complex, including new tools for influencing government, such as social media, and a wide range of actors, such as NGOs, think tanks and foreign governments. This report takes stock of the progress that countries have made in implementing the OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying. It reflects on new challenges and risks related to the many ways special interest groups attempt to influence public policies, and reviews tools adopted by governments to effectively safeguard impartiality and fairness in the public decision-making process.
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