
Publications & Documents

  • 21-octobre-2003


    Examens des politiques nationales d'éducation - L'enseignement tertiaire en Suisse

    Les examens des politiques nationales d’éducation réalisés par l’OCDE sont un moyen bien établi par lequel les pays membres amènent leurs pairs à réfléchir sur la politique d’éducation de leur pays. Ce rapport a été réalisé à l’invitation des autorités suisses. Il comporte deux parties : un rapport de base, établi par les autorités suisses, et le rapport des examinateurs de l’OCDE. Le système universitaire suisse est d’un haut niveau

    Documents connexes
  • 31-December-2001

    English, , 391kb

    Switzerland: Competition Law and Policy in 2000

    In this report, the country summarizes the main developments in competition law and policy in 2000.

    Related Documents
  • 18-May-1996


    Short-Term Indicators: Using Qualitative Indicators to Update Production Indices (STI Working Papers 1996/3)

    The paper shows the results of a pilot study for six industrial sectors in seven OECD Member countries (Canada, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States) whereby short-term qualitative indicators are used to "nowcast" a quantitative indicator, the production index.

    Related Documents
  • 22-April-1996

    English, , 5,407kb

    OECD Reviews of Foreign Direct Investment: Switzerland

    Switzerland has long played an important role as both home and host to multinational enterprises. Certain large Swiss firms are among the most active foreign direct investors, and foreign firms are often keen to exploit the advantages of investing in Switzerland. These advantages stem partly from a general openness to inward investment, a central geographical location within Europe and a well-developed infrastructure. This report

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  • 7-September-2023

    English, PDF, 260kb

    Risks That Matter 2022 Country Highlights: SCHWEIZ

    RTM illustrates respondents’ perceived economic risks, levels of satisfaction with current social policies, and preferences for future government action on social protection. In Switzerland: Finanzielle Sorgen wachsen aber das Vertrauen in öffentliche Dienstleistungen bleibt hoch

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