
Inventaires des émissions et des transferts de matières polluantes

Uses of PRTR Data and Tools for their Presentation


This interactive database compiles good practices of the data uses and tools for their presentation, which were gathered from member countries. It could illustrate the varied uses of PRTR data and encourage additional audiences to access PRTR data.

The examples of the data uses were classified by; 1. Policymaking, 2. Environmental Performance Assessment, 3. Risk Assessment, 4. Education and Research, 5. Environmental Justice, and 6. Building Partnerships/Supporting Public Trust.

The examples of PRTR data tools are sorted by; 1. Presentation of PRTR data, 2. Ranking, 3. Geographic Information Systems/Mapping, 4. Toxicity Weighting, 5. Data Visualisations.

You can find detailed information in the published document.



This interactive table has been developed and is maintained by the OECD, and the examples have been provided by the OECD Working Party on PRTRs. This database is to be updated on a regular basis to include additional and new examples. The Working Party on PRTRs is interested in obtaining your feedback to improve this database. You can provide your comments, suggestions, and identify links that are no longer valid by using the Contact Us feature.




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