
Essais des produits chimiques

Draft Guidance Documents on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) for public comments


Deadline for comments:  

There are currently no documents available for comment.


Instructions for commenting on draft glp guidance documents

Comments should be submitted as follows:

  1. If you are a citizen of an OECD member country or a non-member-country adhering to the Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) system and:

  2. If you are not a citizen of an OECD Member country or a non-member-country adhering to the MAD system, please submit your comments directly to EHS Contact. However, if you are reporting on behalf of a test facility which is included in the GLP Compliance Monitoring Programme of an OECD country or MAD full adherent, please submit your comments to that National contact point of the Working Party on Good Laboratry Practice.

  3. If you are commenting on behalf of a GLOBAL stakeholder association (e.g., a non-local quality assurance organisation) or a global public interest group, please submit your comments to EHS Contact.
  • Comments should be submitted using the following template.





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