
Statistiques des échanges internationaux et de la balance des paiements

Regional-Global Trade in Value-added Initiatives


Recent years have seen a significant increase in international efforts to develop measures of Trade in Value Added (TiVA), driven by growing demands for better, more comprehensive and more timely data on global value chains in order to understand their drivers and impacts. Examples of initiatives include the OECD TiVA, Eurostat FIGARO1, North American TiVA, APEC TiVA, and MRIO2 tables developed by ADB and UNECLAC.

The OECD annual meeting on Regional-Global TiVA Initiatives was first organised in 2017 in order to take stock of the methodologies of all these initiatives and to explore the potential for developing synergies, a common action plan, and mechanisms for closer collaboration. It was crucial to learn from and build on each other’s experience to facilitate the development of universal best practices, and to improve the quality and coherence of all datasets. The meeting also emphasised that ensuring full consistency between the results and indicators from the various initiatives would strengthen both take-away messages from the findings and the policy relevance of the work. These agreements continue to be the guiding principles of our on-going commitments to the Region-Global TiVA initiatives, and to shape the agendas our meetings, which are organised annually since its launch.

The joint OECD-EUROSTAT-JRC TiVA Webinar Series

The 2020 annual meeting concluded that the Regional-Global TiVA initiatives should meet more frequently through a series of webinars in order to maintain a critical momentum for our programme of work. These webinars will allow for more detailed discussions on how the Regional or Global Input-Output Tables are constructed, which could lead to proposals of best practices and a common set of standards among various initiatives. The OECD, EUROSTAT, and European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) jointly agreed to take responsibilities for coordinating this new online webinar series, which are organised between existing annual meetings.


Webinar 1. Balancing trade | 9 June 2021


Next webinar

Global Production Arrangements (Merchanting, processing, etc.) 

15 September 2021, 12:00-14:00 CET


The African TiVA project

The joint OECD-WTO African TiVA project is a capacity-building program, which is designed to help African economies to compile SUTs and other key statistics. This project aims to expand the country coverage of the OECD TiVA database. Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, Senegal and Egypt are the first five countries that engaged in developing their national SUTs for this project. The country progress report will be published at the end of the project cycle.


Community website

To consult our previous meeting agendas and presentations, please visit our Community Website (access is restricted for members only).


Related projects



For any queries about the Regional-Global Trade in Value-added Initiatives, please write to

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1. FIGARO stands for Full International and Global Accounts for Research in Input-Output Analysis;

2. MRIO is the acronym of Multi-regional Input-Output Tables


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