
Derniers documents

  • 7-février-2024


    Prix à la consommation de l'OCDE - Mise à jour : 7 février 2024

    L’inflation globale de la zone OCDE augmente légèrement pour atteindre 6.0 % en décembre 2023

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  • 7-février-2024


    Échanges en valeur ajoutée

    Les flux d'échanges, traditionnellement mesurés en "valeur brute", comportent un problème de multiples comptages. Pour y remédier, il convient de mesurer les données du commerce extérieur en "valeur ajoutée". Cette approche permet d'identifier la valeur que les pays ajoutent (par le biais de la rémunération du travail, des taxes et des profits) à la production des biens et services exportés.

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  • 2-February-2024


    The OECD-UNSD Multinational Enterprise Information Platform

    The OECD and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) have developed jointly the new Multinational Enterprise Information Platform (MEIP). MEIP is built on past OECD and UN efforts to compile statistics on the scale and scope of the international activities of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). The new platform uses publicly available data to gather information on the world’s 500 largest MNEs in a timely manner, facilitating a comprehensive view of their physical and digital presence. It also includes a monitoring tool for large events such as Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A). The platform also provides a valuable benchmark for National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and researchers, allowing them to compare the national presence of an individual MNE to the global presence. Information on MNEs and their global network can also be visualised in a user-friendly dashboard.
  • 29-January-2024


    Household distributional results in line with national accounts, experimental statistics

    There is a large demand for household distributional information in line with national accounts totals, as it provides comprehensive, coherent and comparable results that are consistent with macroeconomic aggregates. For that reason, the OECD and Eurostat launched an expert group to develop distributional results on income, consumption and savings in line with national accounts aggregates.

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  • 29-January-2024


    OECD Handbook on the Compilation of Household Distributional Results on Income, Consumption and Saving in Line with National Accounts Totals

    This publication presents guidance for the compilation of distributional results on household income, consumption and saving consistent with national accounts totals. These results are a key input for evidence-based policies targeting inequality and fostering inclusive growth, providing insights into key dimensions of material well-being across household groups. The results complement existing inequality measures by including elements that are often lacking from micro statistics and by providing inequality measures consistent with macroeconomic aggregates, broadening the scope for analyses, while also capturing households and transactions that are typically underrepresented in micro data. Moreover, while the estimates do require a number of statistical choices and assumptions, they have a high degree of international comparability because of the common methodology and their alignment to national accounts results. The handbook provides an overview of the conceptual framework underlying the distributional results and discusses various aspects in relation to the compilation and presentation of the distributional results. It aims to assist compilers in deriving high-quality distributional results and to provide users with more insights into the main benefits of these results as well as into the way that the results have been derived.
  • 18-janvier-2024


    Situation du marché du travail de l'OCDE - Mise à jour : janvier 2024

    Le taux d’emploi de la zone OCDE se maintient à un niveau record au troisième trimestre 2023

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  • 11-janvier-2024


    Prix à la consommation de l'OCDE - Mise à jour : 11 janvier 2024

    L’inflation globale de la zone OCDE diminue légèrement pour atteindre 5.4 % en novembre 2023

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  • 14-décembre-2023


    Croissance trimestrielle du PIB du G20, troisième trimestre 2023, OCDE

    La croissance du PIB du G20 n’a guère évolué au troisième trimestre 2023

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  • 13-décembre-2023


    Taux de chômage de l'OCDE - Mise à jour : décembre 2023

    Le taux de chômage dans la zone OCDE globalement stable à 4.9 % en octobre 2023

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  • 12-December-2023


    Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade

    The Handbook provides a consistent measurement framework to guide compilers in their efforts to measure digital trade. While further research and empirical testing will be needed to improve and refine the compilation approaches, the well-established conceptual framework constitutes the basis for the compilation of statistics on digital trade which are internationally comparable and consistent with the broader economic accounts.

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