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  • 25-May-2009

    English, , 95kb

  • 16-January-2009

    English, , 264kb

    Investment guarantees and political risk insurance - Institutions, incentives and development

    Institutional features and policy practices of investment guarantee programmes - institutional features of the public and private segments of the political risk insurance market - issues of potential relevance for the investment policy community. Typically, international investment projects for which such insurance is sought are located in developing countries. In recent years, the value of investment guarantees has averaged about

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  • 18-December-2008

    English, , 327kb

    Financial Crisis: Deposit Insurance and Related Financial Safety Net Aspects

    Whenever a crisis hits, interest in guarantee arrangements rises. This paper focuses on how parts of the financial safety net are combined, with a special emphasis on deposit insurance and its interaction with other safety net elements. It addresses structural rather practical crisis resolution issues, as well as reviewing recent policy actions in this context.

  • 23-January-2007

    English, , 290kb

    Working Paper 7: Survey of Investment Choice by Pension Fund Members

    This document focuses on some key analytical and policy issues regarding investment choice by pension plan/fund members in occupational defined contribution and personal pension arrangements during the accumulation stage.

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  • 24-novembre-2004

    Français, , 42kb

    Bonnes pratiques pour la gestion des sinistres d’assurance

    Élaboré par le Comité des assurances de l'OCDE, ces bonnes pratiques portent sur toutes les étapes de la gestion des sinistres d’assurance, en particulier : une information et une assistance adéquates de l’assuré pour la déclaration du sinistre ; des méthodes efficaces de classement des sinistres ; des mesures opérationnelles de détection et de prévention des fraudes ; une évaluation et un traitement adéquats, équitables et

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