

  • 26-June-2024


    Seasonal adjustment of CPIs during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

    This paper examines the presence of seasonality in CPI in 36 OECD economies that provide monthly CPI data and reviews the properties of standard methods, namely X-13 and TRAMO-SEATS, in performing the adjustment. Evidence from statistical tests points to the presence of seasonality in headline CPI and its components, with stronger seasonality in some components. There are also indications of changes in seasonal pattern from 1980 to 2022, but it is not systematic across countries. Simulations suggest that differences between the two methods are small when applied to CPI in OECD countries in normal times. Differences between the direct (adjusting all-item CPI and components independently) and the indirect (aggregating the seasonally adjusted components) approaches are also minimal when using the 12 divisions of the 1999 COICOP classification, limiting the need for a reconciliation method. Although large shocks should in theory affect seasonal adjustment, there is no strong evidence of a change in CPI seasonal patterns following the COVID-19 pandemic. This issue needs, however, to be revisited once the effects of the shock, including its impact on inflation have fully dissipated. The extent of revisions implied by the seasonal adjustment should be among the criteria for choosing a seasonal adjustment method, as CPI is often used in indexation and legal documents. The paper provides a summary of how communication is handled by selected OECD countries and provides a list of best practices that can be drawn upon by a National Statistical Office aiming to publish seasonally adjusted CPI.
  • 26-June-2024


    Shocks in a highly interlinked global economy

    This report analyses the broad risks associated with sectoral output disruptions both domestically and abroad, examining several exposure metrics. The results indicate that domestic shocks generally have larger sectoral impacts than foreign shocks. In most cases, foreign production disruptions cause minimal domestic output responses, suggesting that domestic and international linkages, along with economic adjustment mechanisms, tend to dampen rather than amplify foreign shocks. However, a cumulation of adverse shocks can significantly affect specific sectors, with manufacturing sectors are on average much more exposed to foreign output shocks than services and agrifood given their greater internationalisation of output and inputs. Economies with strong backward and forward global value chain links to major foreign economies also tend to be more exposed to foreign shocks.
  • 26-June-2024


    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s economic vulnerabilities in the MENA - Synthesis report and focus on Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

    This paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women's economic empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), in the context of elevated gender-based discrimination in social institutions – formal and informal laws, social norms, and practices. The analysis focuses on Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia. Using 2023 data from the fifth edition of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI), the paper analyses how discriminatory laws and social norms hamper women's economic empowerment. The paper also explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated this discrimination. Finally, it provides policy recommendations to tackle discriminatory social institutions and address the specific needs of women and girls, both in the face of public health crises and beyond, aiming to foster more inclusive and resilient societies in the MENA region.
  • 26-June-2024


    Chambers of commerce and the business of skills

    In today's rapidly evolving economy, businesses are facing growing challenges in recruiting workers with the right skills. Chambers of commerce can play an important role in helping communities tackle these pressing issues and building skills systems that are fit for the future. This paper draws on a 2024 survey undertaken by the OECD in collaboration with Eurochambres and the International Chamber of Commerce, covering chambers from 65 countries and transnational regions. It explores the role chambers play in shaping and implementing skills policies at local, regional and national levels. Common approaches include supporting strategy development at both national and regional/local levels; serving as an intermediary between businesses and skills programmes; and, at least to some degree, being a direct provider of training themselves. As demands for agile and inclusive skills systems grow, this paper serves as a first step to explore how chambers can further support skills agendas.
  • 26-juin-2024


    L'investissement public au Maroc - Un levier stratégique pour le développement durable du pays

    L’investissement public joue un rôle capital dans le développement économique et dans la réalisation d’un large éventail de politiques publiques au Maroc. Il est essentiel pour la continuité et le bon fonctionnement des services publics. Cette revue souligne les forces et les opportunités d’amélioration du système d’investissement public marocain, dans un certain nombre d’étapes du cycle de vie de l’investissement public tels que la vision stratégique pour l’investissement public, la préparation, l’évaluation, la priorisation et la sélection des projets d’investissement public, ainsi que leur suivi et leur évaluation ex-post.
  • 25-June-2024


    Revenue Statistics in Asia and the Pacific 2024 - Tax Revenue Buoyancy in Asia

    This annual publication compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for 36 economies, including Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Georgia, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. Additionally, it provides information on non-tax revenues for 22 of the 36 economies. The publication applies the OECD Revenue Statistics methodology to Asian and Pacific economies, facilitating consistent comparison of tax levels and structures within the region as well as globally. This eleventh edition of the report includes a special feature on tax revenue buoyancy in Asia. The publication is jointly produced by the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre, in co-operation with the Asian Development Bank, the Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association and the Pacific Community.
  • 25-juin-2024


    Essai n°253 : Dépistage à court terme de l’activité de l’hormone juvénile sur Daphnia magna

    La présente Ligne directrice (LD) décrit un essai de dépistage à court terme de l’activité de l’hormone juvénile (JH) faisant appel à Daphnia magna en vue de détecter les produits chimiques ayant un potentiel d’activité analogue à l’hormone juvénile. L’essai JHASA est un essai de dépistage conçu pour évaluer la production de descendants mâles chez les daphnies d’origine parthénogénétique.
  • 25-juin-2024


    Essai No. 252 : Essai rapide d'activité estrogen in vivo (REACTIV, Rapid Estrogen ACTivity In Vivo)

    La présente Ligne directrice relative à l’essai REACTIV (Rapid Estrogen ACTivity In Vivo) décrit un essai aquatique faisant appel à des éleuthéroembryons d’Oryzias latipes (médaka japonais) transgénique au jour zéro après éclosion, dans un format multipuits, afin d’identifier les produits chimiques agissant sur l’axe œstrogénique. La méthode REACTIV a été conçue comme un outil de dépistage assurant un débit moyen pour des essais à court terme visant à mesurer la réponse d’éleuthéroembryons à des produits chimiques potentiellement actifs sur l’axe œstrogénique.
  • 25-juin-2024


    Essai No. 321 : Bioconcentration chez Hyalella azteca (HYBIT)

    L’essai de bioconcentration sur Hyalella Azteca est un test utilisant des organismes non-vertébrés pour la bioconcentration dans les environnements aquatiques. L’essai se décompose en deux phases : l’exposition (absorption) et la post-exposition (élimination). Pendant la phase d’absorption, un groupe de H. azteca est exposé au produit chimique d’essai à une ou plusieurs concentrations choisies. Il est ensuite transféré dans un milieu dépourvu de produit chimique d’essai et la phase d’élimination commence. La concentration du produit chimique d’essai dans et sur les H. azteca analysés est suivie pendant les deux phases de l’essai. Les paramètres qui caractérisent le potentiel de bioaccumulation sont la constante cinétique d’absorption (k1), la constante cinétique d’élimination (k2), le facteur de bioconcentration à l’état stationnaire (FBCES) et le facteur de bioconcentration cinétique (FBCK).
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  • 25-June-2024


    Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention Phase 4 Report Two-Year Written Follow-Up Report: Greece

    This Phase 4 Two-Year Written Follow-up report on Greece by the OECD Working Group on Bribery evaluates the implementation of the recommendations in the Phase 4 Evaluation report on Greece’s implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the 2021 Recommendation of the Council for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions. It was adopted by the OECD Working Group on Bribery on 12 June 2024.
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