
Publications & Documents

  • 14-novembre-2019


    Panorama des administrations publiques

    Cette édition s’intéresse à la la façon dont les gouvernements innovent et évoluent pour relever le défi de délivrer une meilleure prestation publique et présente des données sur les finances, l’économie, l’emploi, la gestion des ressources humaines et les marchés publics.

    Documents connexes
  • 18-March-2019

    English, PDF, 230kb

    Risks That Matter 2018 Country Highlights: Poland

    Risks That Matter 2018 Country Highlights: Poland

    Related Documents
  • 4-December-2018

    English, PDF, 549kb

    Good jobs for all in a changing world of work: The new OECD Jobs Strategy – Key findings for Poland

    The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and policy recommendations to help countries address these challenges.

    Related Documents
  • 7-November-2018

    English, PDF, 534kb

    Stemming the Superbug Tide in Poland

    Resistance proportions for eight antibiotic-bacterium pairs in Poland have increased in recent years, from 22% in 2005 to 25% in 2015, and could go up to 26% by 2030, should current trends in antibiotic consumption, population and economic growth continue into the future. Resistance proportions in Poland were higher than the OECD average in 2015 (17%).

  • 29-juin-2018


    Le financement d’investissements innovants en Pologne

    La productivité de la Pologne a fortement augmenté au cours des deux dernières décennies. Cependant, le stock de capital public et privé est faible et l'investissement reste axé sur l'adoption de technologies existantes, ce qui pèse sur les gains de productivité et l'innovation.

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  • 29-juin-2018


    Renforcer l’innovation en Pologne

    Le rattrapage de la Pologne par rapport à d'autres pays de l'OCDE a été largement fondé sur la croissance de la productivité résultant de la restructuration vers des secteurs plus productifs et de l'absorption de technologies étrangères.

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  • 16-avril-2018


    Bourses de recherche et Parrainage de conférences

    Le Programme de recherche en collaboration (PRC) a clos son appel aux candidatures pour l'octroi de bourses de recherche et le parrainage (financement) de conférences en 2019. Le PRC apporte son soutien aux travaux de recherche sur l'utilisation durable des ressources naturelles dans le domaine de l'agriculture, des forêts, des pêcheries et de la production alimentaire.

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  • 28-March-2018


    OECD Rural Policy Reviews: Poland 2018

    Poland has seen impressive growth in recent years, and yet regional disparities in economic and social outcomes remain large by OECD standards. The overall living conditions in rural communities generally remain below those of urban communities, and rural households face higher poverty rates. This study examines the range of policies impacting rural development in Poland. It offers recommendations on how to boost agricultural productivity, support economic diversification, enhance inter-municipal co-ordination, deepen decentralisation, and improve multi-level governance.
  • 12-March-2018


    Making Dispute Resolution More Effective – MAP Peer Review Report, Poland (Stage 1) - Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Action 14

    Under Action 14, countries have committed to implement a minimum standard to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of the mutual agreement procedure (MAP). The MAP is included in Article 25 of the OECD Model Tax Convention and commits countries to endeavour to resolve disputes related to the interpretation and application of tax treaties. The Action 14 Minimum Standard has been translated into specific terms of reference and a methodology for the peer review and monitoring process. The minimum standard is complemented by a set of best practices. The peer review process is conducted in two stages.  Stage 1 assesses countries against the terms of reference of the minimum standard according to an agreed schedule of review. Stage 2 focuses on monitoring the follow-up of any recommendations resulting from jurisdictions' stage 1 peer review report. This report reflects the outcome of the stage 1 peer review of the implementation of the Action 14 Minimum Standard by Poland, which is accompanied by a document addressing the implementation of best practices which can be accessed on the OECD website.
  • 5-December-2017

    English, PDF, 410kb

    Pensions at a Glance 2017 - Key findings for Poland

    Key findings for Poland from the report "Pensions at a Glance 2017"

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