
Publications & Documents

  • 13-March-2015


    OECD Territorial Reviews: The Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration, Russian Federation

    Bringing together the city of Krasnoyarsk and six adjacent smaller cities and rural districts, the Krasnoyarsk Agglomeration is increasingly emerging as the main economic hub of Eastern Siberia. Its relative weight in both population and economic activity continues to grow. This review examines the Agglomeration’s performance and potential, particularly with reference to such critical challenges as internal and external connectivity, human capital formation and innovation. These issues are analysed in the context of Krasnoyarsk’s unusual economic geography, which involves tremendous natural wealth, but also remote location, severe climatic conditions and relatively low density of settlement. Its experience is thus relevant to many remote, resource-rich regions across the globe.
  • 6-mars-2015


    Stimuler la productivité en Russie: les compétences, l'éducation et l'innovation

    Le marché du travail en Russie est très flexible. Il en résulte un taux d'emploi global élevé et stable, mais également un niveau élevé des inégalités salariales, de l’emploi informel et du taux de rotation de la main d’oeuvre, ce qui limite les incitations pour les entreprises à investir dans le capital humain et l'amélioration de la productivité.

    Documents connexes
  • 1-décembre-2014


    Informations clés sur les migrations en Fédération de Russie 2014

    Les flux migratoires vers la Fédération de Russie ont continué d’augmenter en 2012-13.

    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 29-October-2014


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Russian Federation 2014 - Phase 2: Implementation of the Standard in Practice

    This report contains the 2014 'Phase 2: Implementation of the Standards in Practice' Global Forum review of the Russian Federation. The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 120 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing. The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention. The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard. All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
  • 17-July-2014

    English, PDF, 691kb

    Measuring Innovation in Education - Russian Federation

    The ability to measure innovation is essential to an improvement strategy in education. This country note analyses how the practices are changing within classrooms and educational organisations and how teachers develop and use their pedagogical resources.

    Related Documents
  • 16-June-2014


    Energy Policies Beyond IEA Countries: Russia 2014

    Russia holds among the world’s largest resources of gas, oil and coal. Its liquids production has reached historical highs, yet major additional upstream investments and technology upgrades will be needed to sustain these levels in the long term. Since the IEA’s last review of Russia’s energy policies in 2002, the power sector has also liberalised considerably. However, the Russian economy remains largely inefficient, with twice as much energy used per GDP compared with IEA member countries. Ambitious energy efficiency policies have been introduced but have not led to significant improvements so far. At the same time, the electricity and district heating infrastructure is ageing and requires rapid investments. Russia’s overall energy sector would benefit considerably from a more competitive, market-oriented environment. While a number of policies aimed at modernising the energy sector and increasing its efficiency and sustainability are being developed or implemented, further reforms are needed. This review analyses the energy-policy challenges facing Russia and provides critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements.
  • 10-February-2014


    Retail Trade for OECD countries and major non-member economies

    Retail trade (volume) series are shown as seasonally adjusted indices. For most countries, the volume indices are compiled by national sources. For the remaining countries, the value figures have been deflated by OECD using an appropriate consumer price index. The series are updated continuously.

    Related Documents
  • 9-décembre-2013


    Production industrielle pour les pays de l'OCDE et les principales économies non membres

    Ces statistiques montrent la production pour l'ensemble des industries, des secteurs manufacturiers, d'acier brut, des biens internédiaires et d'investissement manufacturiers, de l'énergie et de la construction.

    Documents connexes
  • 6-décembre-2013


    L'emploi informel en Russie: définitions, incidence, déterminants et segmentation du marché du travail

    Ce document de travail propose un bilan sur l'emploi informel en Russie et analyse son incidence et ses déterminants. En utilisant les données régulières 2003-11 et un supplément sur l'informalité de l'Enquête "Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey" (RLMS), nous suggérons plusieurs mesures de l'emploi informel et démontrons que l'incidence varie considérablement selon les différentes définitions.

    Documents connexes
  • 13-août-2013


    Y a-t-il convergence entre régions de Russie ? Exploration des preuves empiriques: 1995-2010

    Cet article analyse la convergence du produit régional brut per capita entre régions de Russie au cours de la période 1995-2010, lorsque les données régionales sont disponibles.

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