

  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 352kb

    Políticas públicas y la participación de la juventud en el Perú

    La presentación destacó la importancia de reforzar la relación entre el Estado y los jóvenes y enriquecer el registro de las organizaciones juveniles del SENAJU. También recomendó promover la participación cívica y fortalecer la pertinencia, el presupuesto y la memoria institucional de los COREJU.

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  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 367kb

    La educación secundaria en el Perú y sus desafíos en materia de calidad

    La presentación muestra que la educación en el Perú debe mantener el enfoque en los grupos vulnerables (rurales, pobres), así como aumentar las inversiones en educación secundaria y mejorar la gestión de las inversiones a nivel regional. También es importante mejorar las condiciones de aprendizaje a través de una mejor infraestructura y distribución del profesorado, favoreciendo a las escuelas en dificultad.

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  • 28-February-2017


    OECD Integrity Review of Peru - Enhancing Public Sector Integrity for Inclusive Growth

    Public sector integrity is crucial for sustained socioeconomic development. This report assesses Peru's integrity system at both the central and subnational levels of government. It provides a set of recommendations to strengthen and consolidate this system, instil a culture of integrity, and ensure accountability through control and enforcement. Beyond reviewing the institutional arrangement of the system, the report analyses the policies and practices related to political finance, the promotion of public ethics and the management of conflict of interests, lobbying, whistleblower protection, internal control and risk management, as well as the disciplinary regime and the role of the criminal justice system in containing corruption.
  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 425kb

    Plan Nacional de Biodigestores: Acceso a energía en comunidades aisladas, a partir de la producción local de biogás en Cajamarca / Perú

    La formulación de este proyecto partió de la revisión del Balance Nacional en Energía del 2010, en el que se evidenció que el 57% del sector residencial y comercial de las zonas rurales del Perú utilizaban leña, carbón vegetal y otros similares como fuentes principales de energía. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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  • 30-November-2016


    OECD Public Governance Reviews: Peru - Integrated Governance for Inclusive Growth

    This OECD Public Governance Review of Peru analyses key areas of public governance in Peru and identifies opportunities for improving the performance of the state in delivering better outcomes for all citizens. It examines co-ordination from the centre of government, evidence-based strategic planning and the decentralisation process to improve co-ordination across levels of government. It assesses the management of the civil service, legal and regulatory frameworks to implement digital government, and open-government and transparency policies. This review provides recommendations to assist the government in its objective of bolstering the state’s agility to set, steer and implement a national medium-term strategy for achieving inclusive growth and prosperity for all.
  • 25-November-2016

    Spanish, PDF, 3,140kb

    OECD Skills Strategy Informe de Diagnóstico Resumen Perú 2016

    Perú ha sido uno de los actores económicos más sólidos de América Latina en los últimos años. El crecimiento de su PIB per cápita, a un ritmo casi constante a lo largo de la última década, ha ido acompañado de un marcado descenso en los índices de pobreza.

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  • 25-November-2016

    English, PDF, 3,856kb

    OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report Peru 2016

    Peru is one of the strongest economic performers in Latin America, and steady GDP per capita growth over the past decade has been accompanied by a sharp decline in poverty rates. Peru’s economic development to date has largely been driven by abundant natural resources and high commodity prices in the global market.

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  • 25-November-2016


    Skills are the key to unlocking prosperity in Peru (OECD Education Today Blog)

    Peru has been one of the strongest economic performers in Latin America with steady GDP per capita growth over the past decade.

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  • 25-November-2016


    OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Peru 2016

    Skills are central to Peru’s future prosperity and the well-being of its people. Peru's economic development to date has largely been driven by abundant natural resources and high commodity prices in the global market. The goal for the future is to ensure productive diversification, expand export capacity and take part in global value chains with more complex goods and services.  Boosting the development, activation and use of skills will be key to achieving these ambitions. As demonstrated by the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), which Peru is currently deploying, higher skills levels are not only associated with higher productivity and earnings, but also with other important outcomes, such as better health, higher levels of trust and greater propensity to contribute to society through volunteering.   The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Peru sets out nine skills challenges for Peru. These challenges were identified through two interactive workshops with stakeholders as well as through analysis of the OECD and other data sources. The first six challenges refer to specific outcomes across the three pillars of developing, activating and using skills. The next three challenges refer to the 'enabling' conditions that strengthen the overall skills system.
  • 4-November-2016


    Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Peru 2016 - Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework

    The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is the multilateral framework within which work in the area of tax transparency and exchange of information is carried out by over 130 jurisdictions which participate in the work of the Global Forum on an equal footing. The Global Forum is charged with in-depth monitoring and peer review of the implementation of the standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes. These standards are primarily reflected in the 2002 OECD Model Agreement on Exchange of Information on Tax Matters and its commentary, and in Article 26 of the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital and its commentary as updated in 2004, which has been incorporated in the UN Model Tax Convention. The standards provide for international exchange on request of foreseeably relevant information for the administration or enforcement of the domestic tax laws of a requesting party. 'Fishing expeditions' are not authorised, but all foreseeably relevant information must be provided, including bank information and information held by fiduciaries, regardless of the existence of a domestic tax interest or the application of a dual criminality standard. All members of the Global Forum, as well as jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum as relevant to its work, are being reviewed. This process is undertaken in two phases. Phase 1 reviews assess the quality of a jurisdiction’s legal and regulatory framework for the exchange of information, while Phase 2 reviews look at the practical implementation of that framework. Some Global Forum members are undergoing combined – Phase 1 plus Phase 2 – reviews. The ultimate goal is to help jurisdictions to effectively implement the international standards of transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.
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