

  • 26-April-2024


    OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America Newsletter

    Published twice a year, this newsletter reports on the activities of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America. It shares regional experiences and recent developments from the economies in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

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  • 21-décembre-2023

    Français, PDF, 1,428kb

    Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in Peru - Phase 2 Report FR

    Implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention in Peru - Phase 2 Report FR

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  • 19-décembre-2023


    Études économiques de l’OCDE : Pérou 2023 (version abrégée)

    Le cadre macroéconomique solide du Pérou a permis une croissance économique substantielle et une réduction de la pauvreté au cours des deux dernières décennies. Bien que l'économie ait rapidement rebondi après la pandémie grâce à un soutien politique fort, elle a révélé des faiblesses structurelles telles qu'un secteur informel important et des disparités régionales marquées dans l'accès aux services publics. Plus récemment, la croissance s'est ralentie et l'inflation reste élevée mais en baisse. À l'avenir, les principaux défis à relever pour stimuler la productivité et l'investissement sont le renforcement de la concurrence, l'amélioration de la réglementation, la diversification des exportations et le développement des infrastructures. L'amélioration de la gouvernance et de l'État de droit sont des piliers essentiels pour parvenir à une croissance durable à long terme et à la cohésion sociale. L'élargissement de l'accès à une éducation de qualité, la réduction des cotisations sociales, en particulier pour les travailleurs à faible revenu, et la mise en place d'un même niveau de base de protection sociale universelle pour tous les travailleurs, formels et informels, contribueraient à réduire l'informalité et les inégalités largement répandues. Pour ce faire, il faudra augmenter les recettes fiscales et améliorer l'efficacité des dépenses. Les défis et les risques environnementaux sont importants, mais ils offrent également des opportunités significatives pour l'avenir. Pour relever les défis environnementaux, le Pérou doit freiner la déforestation, tout en capitalisant sur son potentiel d'énergie renouvelable pour réduire la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles. CHAPITRES THÉMATIQUES : AUGMENTATION DE LA PRODUCTIVITÉ ; EXTENSION DE LA PROTECTION SOCIALE ; RÉDUCTION DE L'INFORMALITÉ DU TRAVAIL
  • 6-October-2023


    Transitions to and from formal employment and income dynamics - Evidence from developing economies

    Using panel data for Indonesia, Malawi, Peru and South Africa, this paper investigates the relationship between transitions to formal employment and workers’ labour income. It shows that transiting from informal to formal employment increases the probability of improving workers’ labour income in both absolute and relative terms. However, income gains from formalisation do not accrue to all workers equally. Switching to formal employment has the greatest potential to improve the labour income of the richest workers. The chances of improving the labour income of the poorest workers through formalisation are slim. Transitions between formal and informal employment affect income gains and losses differently for men and women, older and younger workers, and workers with different levels of schooling. The effects of labour market transitions on income changes are considerably greater in magnitude than other life events such as a births, separation, or death of a partner or spouse.
  • 1-June-2023


    International Summer School for community and local development in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The School organises specialised courses on socio-economic development and creates an international platform to exchange experiences and knowledge between public officers and practitioners from Latin America and the Caribbean that deals with cooperation and local development issues. The call for applications is open until 24 March 2023.

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  • 26-April-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

    Related Documents
  • 12-April-2023


    Progress Review of Peru's Telecommunications Regulator - Driving Performance

    Regulators act as 'market referees', balancing often competing interests of stakeholders, including governments, current and future actors in the markets, and consumers. At the same time, markets are changing at an unprecedented pace due to new technologies, the international drive toward carbon-neutral economies, shifts in consumer needs and preferences, and, more recently, the profound changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Assessing the performance of economic regulators must therefore be a continuous effort. This progress review evaluates the changes put in place by Peru’s telecommunications regulator, OSIPTEL, since the previous OECD performance assessment review in 2018, in the interest of increasing the effectiveness of its regulatory activities and improving final outcomes for consumers and the economy.
  • 23-February-2023


    Public Financial Management in Peru - An OECD Peer Review

    This report analyses current public financial management practices in Peru in light of OECD recommendations and good practices, and identifies areas where Peru could improve. It focuses on four areas: budgetary practices and governance; treasury modernisation and cash management systems; ensuring a fiscally sustainable, competitive pay regime for the Peruvian public sector; and public infrastructure programming, budgeting and management. It analyses these issues both at central government level and for sub-national governments. The report provides detailed policy recommendations to overcome the main challenges and their implications in each of the areas.
  • 10-September-2022


    The governance of civil aviation authorities in Latin American countries - Evidence from ICAO’s North American, Central American and Caribbean and South American regions

    Good governance is a building block for the performance of regulators, including civil aviation authorities. This paper reports the results of a mapping of governance arrangements across 29 civil aviation authorities in Latin American and Caribbean countries, with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s South American and North American, Central American and Caribbean regions. Applying the methodology of the OECD Indicators on the Governance of Sector Regulators, the results provide a birds-eye view of the independence, accountability and scope of action of participating authorities. This paper explains the indicator methodology, summarises key data points, and presents high-level take aways.
  • 23-June-2022


    Gender Equality in Peru - Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work

    The OECD review of Gender Equality in Peru: Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work is the second of a series focusing on Latin American and the Caribbean countries. It compares gender gaps in labour and educational outcomes in Peru with other countries. Particular attention is put on the uneven distribution of unpaid work, and the extra burden this places on women. It investigates how policies and programmes in Peru can make this distribution more equitable. The first part of the report reviews the evidence on gender gaps and on what causes these, including the role played by attitudes. The second part develops a comprehensive framework to address these challenges, presenting a broad range of options to reduce the unpaid work burden falling on women, and to increase women’s labour income. The final part discusses the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and considers how the policy priorities of the government will have to change to address these. An earlier review in the same series has looked at gender equality policies in Chile (2021).
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