

  • 12-December-2023

    English, PDF, 356kb

    Pensions at a Glance 2023 - Key findings for Italy

    Key findings for Italy from the report "Pensions at a Glance 2023"

  • 29-November-2023


    Disability, Work and Inclusion in Italy - Better Assessment for Better Support

    EU Funded Note One in seven working age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries. Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. Governments can help create an environment that supports social and labour market integration for people with disability. This report reviews the effectiveness of the social protection system for people with disability in Italy and summarises the results of a pilot carried out in four regions testing an alternative disability assessment. The current assessment process can sometimes deny services to people in need of support while being generous to people with significant health problems but who are not experiencing severe disability. A disability assessment that takes medical and functional aspects into account helps to direct services and resources to those most in need and to harmonise access to disability support across the country. Implementing disability reform has proved to be difficult in Italy in the past decade. This report provides evidence that reform can improve outcomes for people with disability.
  • 22-November-2023


    A territorial approach to the Sustainable Development Goals in Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

    The Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy, has embraced the 2030 Agenda through a sustainability pact including its sustainable development strategy 'Everyday for Future'. The strategy defines seven fields of action that were derived from the SDGs framework to promote sustainability across policy areas such as the conservation of the natural environment, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, competitiveness and social justice. The SDGs offer a clear framework to tackle the province’s main territorial development challenges, such as climate change, the transition to sustainable agriculture, mobility, tourism, and affordable housing. This report provides guidance on how to harness the implementation of the SDGs to address these challenges through concrete measures across the seven fields of action, identify and manage synergies and trade-offs between sectoral policies and, in turn, help the province implement Everyday for Future.
  • 20-November-2023


    Big Data Intelligence on Skills Demand and Training in Umbria

    The COVID-19 pandemic had a severe impact on the Umbrian economy, and despite recovery of labour demand, the region faces challenges related to digitalisation, tight labour markets, and volatile demand for low-skilled jobs. To address these issues, the OECD and the Umbrian regional agency for active labour market policies (ARPAL) have collaborated to investigate the labour and skills demand of the region using big data techniques applied to online job postings. This report provides new insights into the alignment between labour and skills demand and the training options available in the training and education programmes contained in the Umbrian Regional Training Catalogue. This report builds new indicators to measure the alignment of course content with employer demands in Umbria, with results showing that alignment is relatively good for some occupations but that this can be strengthened to provide job seekers with up-to-date training options that match the demand of the labour market.
  • 7-November-2023

    English, PDF, 149kb

    Health at a Glance 2023: Key findings for Italy

    Health at a Glance provides the latest comparable data and trends on population health and health system performance. This Country Note shows how Italy compares to other OECD countries across indicators in the report.

  • 17-October-2023


    Housing in Italy through the Telescope and the Microphone - International Perspectives and Experiences from Housing Project Stakeholders

    As in most OECD countries, obtaining good-quality housing in a location facilitating access to jobs, public services and amenities can be very challenging for Italian households with low or unstable income. This book sheds light on access to housing in Italy from two different, complementary vantage points. First, it puts the Italian housing market in international perspective using OECD statistics and analysis to compare housing policies and outcomes in Italy to other OECD countries. Second, it zooms in on selected Italian innovative housing projects, where it asks residents and other stakeholders about their experiences with these initiatives: what were their difficulties, how have the projects been designed and developed, what did the projects bring to them?
  • 9-October-2023


    Enhancing international partnership and co-operation in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

    In recent years, international development co-operation has undergone a transition from a conventional donor-recipient model to a partnership-centred approach, including with regions and cities. Friuli Venezia Giulia, a small region in north-eastern Italy with extensive policy autonomy, has been active in international co-operation and is seeking to get more out of its actions both for the region and with its co-operation partners around the world. This paper evaluates its strategy on international partnership and co-operation and proposes recommendations, including more targeted initiatives that leverage the expertise of the region for greater impact in partner countries and for local benefits.
  • 14-September-2023

    Italian, PDF, 270kb

    Adottare un’ottica “One Health” per combattere l’antimicrobico-resistenza in Italia

    L’antimicrobico-resistenza (AMR) - ovvero la capacità dei microrganismi di resistere agli antimicrobici - rappresenta un'allarmante minaccia per la salute globale che compromette l'efficacia di numerosi progressi di sanità pubblica del XX secolo. Negli ultimi anni, l'Italia ha compiuto sforzi importanti contro l’AMR. Tuttavia, sono necessari ulteriori progressi.

  • 14-September-2023

    English, PDF, 228kb

    Embracing a One Health Framework to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance in Italy

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) – the ability of microbes to resist antimicrobials - remains an alarming global health threat that jeopardises the effectiveness of many 20th century public health advances. In recent years, Italy made important strides in tackling AMR. Yet, more progress is needed.

  • 5-July-2023


    Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment

    The Rethinking Regional Attractiveness in the New Global Environment report highlights lessons learned from multiple regional case studies from five EU countries (Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden), additional work with Latin American and Caribbean regions, and a series of webinars and one-on-one dialogues on rethinking regional attractiveness. The OECD’s innovative multidimensional approach to assessing regional attractiveness considers global engagement beyond international connections and economic factors alone. The methodology considers more than 50 indicators to develop regional attractiveness profiles covering six domains of attractiveness: economic attraction, connectedness, visitor appeal, natural environment, resident well-being, and land-use and housing. The report helps regional and national policy makers to understand how individual regions fare in a new global environment that continues to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, compounded by the consequences of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and existing megatrends – all of which produce asymmetric impacts within and between countries and regions – and identify the policy levers available to enhance their attractiveness to the international target groups of investors, talent, and visitors. It also considers the need to co-ordinate across levels of government, across policy fields, and with private stakeholders, and highlights good practices to implement regional attractiveness policies.
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