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  • 20-November-2013

    English, PDF, 467kb

    Prevention and value for money in health spending must remain a priority for Ireland, says OECD Health at a Glance report

    Ireland continues to make substantive headway in improving health outcomes, but more can be done in reducing risk-factors for major diseases and improving value-for-money in health spending, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 15-novembre-2013


    De l’économie traditionnelle à l’économie du savoir : accroître la contribution du capital intellectuel à la croissance en Irlande

    Avec des conditions-cadres propices, des universités de qualité, une bonne infrastructure et des politiques favorables à l’investissement direct étranger, l’Irlande figure en bonne place sur les tableaux de bord internationaux de l’innovation.

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  • 19-August-2013


    Transitions in and out of unemployment among young people in the Irish recession

    Young people have been hit hard by unemployment during the Irish recession. While much research has been undertaken to study the effects of the recession on overall labour market dynamics, little is known about the specific effects on youth unemployment and the associated challenges.

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