
Publications & Documents

  • 28-September-2022


    Digital Government Review of Luxembourg - Towards More Digital, Innovative and Inclusive Public Services

    Digital government has become a priority for Luxembourg as a means to enable its public sector to deliver more responsive and trusted services. The Digital Government Review of Luxembourg evaluates the efforts made by the government to transition towards a digital government approach. It provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations to improve institutional governance, digital investments, digital talent and skills, government service delivery and the strategic use of data. Its findings can help Luxembourg achieve a more digitally mature and data-driven administration to better serve citizens and businesses.
  • 28-September-2022


    Unlocking Rural Innovation

    In the midst of a global slowdown in productivity, unlocking the innovative potential of rural places is more important than ever. As part of a series on supporting to help rural areas thrive, this thematic report provides the latest analysis and research on rural innovation, and proposes ways to overcome the growing gaps between rural and urban places that are contributing to the geographies of discontent. It first explores the multi-facetted innovative practices that are already occurring in rural places, and proposes alternative indicators beyond the traditional science and technology measures to capture them. Then, it identifies policy drivers and bottlenecks to help rural entrepreneurs, firms and people fully mobilise their growth potential. Results and recommendations are drawn from research and fact-finding missions from select OECD member countries.
  • 28-September-2022


    Enhancing Innovation in Rural Regions of Switzerland

    In contrast to falling rates in low density peri-urban and rural remote areas, high density peri-urban areas in Switzerland recorded double the rate of labour productivity growth than the national average. This report examines the Swiss regional innovation system and how it can boost productivity growth in rural regions by enhancing innovation. It also puts a special focus on the agri-food sector to improve the agricultural innovation system.
  • 24-September-2022


    OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes

    The OECD Guidelines for Citizen Participation Processes are intended for any public official or public institution interested in carrying out a citizen participation process. The guidelines describe ten steps for designing, planning, implementing and evaluating a citizen participation process, and discuss eight different methods for involving citizens: information and data, open meetings, public consultations, open innovation, citizen science, civic monitoring, participatory budgeting and representative deliberative processes. The guidelines are illustrated with examples as well as practical guidance built on evidence gathered by the OECD. Finally, nine guiding principles are presented to help ensure the quality of these processes.
  • 22-September-2022


    Public communication trends after COVID-19 - Innovative practices across the OECD and in four Southeast Asian countries

    Reflecting on the experiences of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, this OECD working paper illustrates selected international trends that are driving innovation in the practice of public communication across the OECD to make it more inclusive, responsive and compelling. These include advanced uses of 'big data' and analytics to power precise, targeted communication, collaboration with trusted third-party messengers in diverse communities, and the application of behavioural insights (BI) to communication. In turn, these trends can help promote the use of public communication for policy, openness and dialogue. The paper reflects on the implications of these international trends for four countries in Southeast Asia, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. It looks at local lessons from the pandemic response and identifies avenues for adopting global good practices more widely. The paper focuses on a set of institutional prerequisites, including fostering a culture of innovation in public communication mandates and approaches, ensuring access to specialised skillsets, and strengthening ethical guidance in the use of new technologies and BI.
  • 16-September-2022


    Micro-data based insights on trends in business R&D performance and funding - Findings from the OECD microBeRD+ project

    This report presents new insights on trends in business R&D performance and funding, drawing on the micro-aggregated R&D and tax relief statistics collected for 21 OECD countries as part of the OECD microBeRD project. Micro-aggregated statistics provide an important input for policy analysis, highlighting important variations in business R&D performance and funding across industries and different types of firms that are hard to uncover based on aggregate R&D and tax relief statistics. They shed light on country and industry specific trends in the concentration of R&D activity, business R&D dynamics, the structure of R&D performance among different types of firms and the way that they fund their R&D activities. Such evidence can be relevant in assessing the contribution of different types of firms (e.g. young firms, foreign-controlled affiliates) and individuals (e.g. female R&D staff, doctorate holders) to research and development in the business sector and designing business R&D support policies.
  • 15-September-2022


    Earth’s Orbits at Risk - The Economics of Space Sustainability

    Society’s dependence on space infrastructure is at a critical juncture. Public and private actors worldwide are planning to launch tens of thousands of satellites into Earth’s orbit in the next five years. This will greatly expand and enrich the use of space resources, but it will also result in more crowded orbits and greater risk of damage from satellite collision and space debris. As satellite launches continue to multiply and concerns grow, the long-term sustainability of space-based infrastructure on orbit and beyond is set to emerge as an increasingly important space policy issue of the 21st century. This publication takes stock of the growing socio-economic dependence of our modern societies on space assets, and the general threats to space-based infrastructure from debris in particular. Notably, it provides fresh insights into the value of space-based infrastructure and the potential costs generated by space debris, drawing on new academic research developed especially for the OECD project on the economics of space sustainability.
  • 12-septembre-2022


    Un chemin court et sinueux jusqu'à 2030 - Mesurer la distance à parcourir pour atteindre les cibles des ODD

    L'Agenda 2030 pour le développement durable est un ensemble d'objectifs et de cibles qui visent à transformer notre monde dans le sens de la durabilité. Alors qu'il reste moins d'une décennie pour atteindre ces objectifs, la zone OCDE dans son ensemble n'a atteint ou n'est sur le point d'atteindre qu'un quart des objectifs. Cette synthèse explore les principales conclusions de notre rapport Un chemin court et sinueux jusqu’à 2030 : Mesurer la distance à parcourir pour atteindre les cibles des ODD qui examine la lenteur des progrès réalisés par les pays de l'OCDE pour atteindre de nombreuses cibles des ODD et souligne la nécessité d'actions politiques fortes pour réaliser l'ensemble de l'Agenda 2030. Favoriser l'inclusion, inverser la baisse à long terme de la confiance des citoyens dans les institutions et répondre aux pressions environnementales croissantes sont quelques-uns des domaines clés sur lesquels les pays de l'OCDE doivent se concentrer pour progresser davantage.
  • 7-septembre-2022


    Intégrité et sécurité dans l’écosystème mondial de la recherche

    Les responsabilités en matière d’intégrité et de sécurité de la recherche sont réparties entre de multiples acteurs de l’écosystème scientifique international. Parmi eux figurent les administrations nationales, les organismes de financement de la recherche, les établissements de recherche, les universités, les associations académiques et les organisations intergouvernementales. Le présent rapport décrit les initiatives et mesures prises par ces différents acteurs pour préserver la sécurité nationale et économique tout en protégeant la liberté de questionnement, en favorisant la coopération scientifique internationale et en œuvrant en faveur de l’ouverture et de la non-discrimination. Il présente des exemples de mesures prises pour éviter l’ingérence étrangère, gérer les risques et favoriser la confiance dans la science à l’avenir, et il formule des recommandations afin d’aider les pays à se doter de politiques efficaces pour renforcer la sécurité et, plus largement, l’intégrité de la recherche.
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