
Politique réglementaire

Public consultation on the draft OECD Best Practice Principles on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy


The draft OECD Best Practice Principles on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy (the Principles) is hereby presented for public consultation.


The aim of the Principles is to provide policy makers and civil servants in both OECD member and partner countries with a practical instrument to better design their stakeholder engagement strategies in developing, enforcing and reviewing regulations. The objective is to complement the 2012 Recommendation on Regulatory and Policy Governance which, albeit clear on the necessity to engage with stakeholders and adhering to the open government principles, is rather general on providing specific guidance.


The Principles pay particular attention to the objectives of regulatory policy and governance. More specifically, the aim is to make regulatory policy and governance more inclusive, to strengthen the accountability of governments when developing, reviewing and enforcing regulations and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of stakeholder engagement processes in gathering valuable input for improving countries' regulatory frameworks.


The 2012 Recommendation and the Principles are complemented by the OECD Pilot Database on Stakeholder Engagement in Regulatory Policy which presents information and lessons learned from 19 concrete examples of stakeholder engagement practices from OECD member and partner countries.


Please send your comments on the scope of the draft Principles and explanatory text to by 15 March 2017. By submitting comments you authorise OECD to publish them on its website.


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» Regulatory policy and governance



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