
Documents récents

  • 16-June-2021


    Progress Review of Latvia’s Public Utilities Commission - Driving Performance

    Regulators act as 'market referees', balancing often competing interests of stakeholders in the sector, including governments, current and future actors in the markets, and consumers. At the same time, markets are changing at an unprecedented pace due to new technologies, the international drive toward carbon-neutral economies, shifts in consumer needs and preferences, and, most recently, the profound changes brought by the coronavirus pandemic. Assessing the performance of economic regulators must therefore be a continuous process. This progress review evaluates the changes put in place by Latvia’s Public Utilities Commission since the previous OECD performance assessment review in 2016, in the interest of increasing the effectiveness of its regulatory activities and improving final outcomes for consumers and the economy.
  • 5-May-2021


    Driving Performance at Portugal’s Energy Services Regulatory Authority

    As 'market referees', regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour and governance are important factors in how regulators, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) looks at the institutions, processes and practices that can create an organisational culture of performance and results. The report uses PAFER to assess elements linked to both the internal and external governance of Portugal’s Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE). The review acknowledges the well-respected status of ERSE within the institutional framework, analyses the key drivers of its performance, and identifies a number of challenges and opportunities to help the regulator prepare for the future, including in the context of deep market transformation and the COVID-19 crisis.
  • 19-février-2021


    Examiner la réglementation existante

    La législation existante n’a cessé de s’étoffer au fil du temps dans les pays dans le sillage des actions menées par les gouvernements pour faire face aux enjeux émergents. Pourtant, les lois existantes et nouvelles ne sont pas toujours parfaitement adaptées aux cadres réglementaires existants, d’autant que les économies et les pays sont de plus en plus interconnectés. Les Principes de bonne pratique de l’OCDE pour l’examen de la réglementation existante offrent un cadre pratique et souple auquel les pays peuvent se conformer lorsqu’ils examinent les lois. Ces principes aident les pays à établir leurs régimes d’évaluation ex post, tout en leur donnant des conseils pratiques sur les méthodologies à adopter. Le présent rapport s’inscrit dans une série de « principes de bonne pratique » élaborés sous la direction du Comité de la politique de la réglementation de l’OCDE. Comme les autres rapports de la série, il complète et précise les principes formulés dans le cadre de la Recommandation du Conseil de 2012 concernant la politique et la gouvernance réglementaires.
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  • 3-February-2021


    How do laws and regulations affect competitiveness: The role for regulatory impact assessment

    This paper reviews OECD members’ RIA frameworks and the extent to which the competitiveness effects are currently appraised.

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  • 18-November-2020


    Regulatory policy and COVID-19: Behavioural insights for fast-paced decision making

    Paper discusses from a regulatory governance perspective why behavioural insights (BI) should be considered as part of a holistic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, what governance challenges involved in deploying BI against the pandemic, and how some countries have responded to these challenges.

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  • 16-November-2020


    Shaping the Future of Regulators - The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Economic Regulators

    The pace and scope of emerging technologies are creating a sea change for governments and for regulators. They challenge economic regulation by blurring the traditional definition of markets, for example, and by transcending administrative boundaries domestically and internationally. At the same time, the digital transformation is an excellent opportunity for regulators themselves to harness the power of data and digital tools to improve regulation and its delivery. Seizing this opportunity will require fit-for-purpose regulatory frameworks and governance arrangements. This report brings together case studies submitted by members of the OECD Network of Economic Regulators that highlight how regulators have analysed and tackled these issues. The case studies span nine countries and a wide range of sectors (communication, transport, energy, environmental protection) and provide concrete examples of how regulators are responding to innovation in the sectors that they oversee.
  • 30-September-2020


    Regulatory quality and COVID-19: The use of regulatory management tools in a time of crisis

    Paper discusses the different approaches by governments during the pandemic to using regulatory management tools, including regulatory impact assessments, stakeholder engagement and ex post evaluation.

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  • 16-September-2020


    Regulatory Quality and Covid-19: Removing administrative barriers, improving regulatory delivery

    This brief analyses how countries can achieve more effective, timely and sustainable responses to the COVID-19 crisis by taking into account regulatory barriers and compliance issues.

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  • 15-September-2020


    Regulation of essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons for the future

    Blog by Anna Pietikainen, Senior Policy Analyst, Regulatory Policy Division, Public Governance Directorate, OECD

  • 31-July-2020


    When the going gets tough, the tough get going: How economic regulators bolster the resilience of network industries in response to the COVID-19 crisis

    Policy note identifies long-term questions and implications of the Covid-19 crisis with regard to market structure, infrastructure investment and the role of regulators.

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