
Gouvernance publique


The Equitable and Sustainable Well-being Framework in Italy

An Action Plan for its use in policy and budget decision making

In 2017, Italy became the first country in the OECD to link well-being indicators to economic and budget programming in government. The achievement was but one milestone in the country’s development of its Equitable and Sustainable Well-being framework. The Treasury Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in conjunction with the National Institute of Statistics, has continued to develop the framework since then. This Action Plan contributes to that development by proposing ways to progress the integration of equitable and sustainable well-being indicators into policy development and budgeting. The Action Plan contributed to a consultation process with government ministries and stakeholders in 2022 by identifying a range of actions the government could consider in the near and medium term to achieve that integration outcome.

Published on November 17, 2022

In series:OECD Working Papers on Public Governanceview more titles