
Gouvernance publique


Integrity in Political Finance in Greece

Money in politics is a double-edged sword. It is a necessary component of the democratic process, enabling the expression of political support as well as allowing for competition in elections. Yet, if the financing of political parties and election campaigns are not adequately regulated and monitored, money may also be a means for powerful special interests to capture the policy process. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the political finance mechanisms in Greece, drawing on international standards and good practices. It provides concrete guidance on developing a solid legislative framework and an effective oversight mechanism for political finance. Finally, the report suggests ways to improve integrity in the short and medium term.

Published on November 30, 2018Also available in: Greek

In series:OECD Public Governance Reviewsview more titles

Proposals for action

A level playing field: allocation of public funding and the rules for private funding continue to need special attention to ensure a level playing field for all stakeholders.
Transparency and accountability: disclosure of income sources and spending contributes to greater transparency. For disclosure information to make sense and inform the citizen, information needs to be organised in an intelligible and user-friendly way.
A culture of integrity: any consideration of political financing needs to be part of an overall whole-of-government and whole-of-society strategy to assure public integrity and good governance.