
Gouvernance publique


Engaging Citizens in Jordan’s Local Government Needs Assessment Process

Jordan is undertaking ambitious decentralization reforms to place citizens at the heart of local policies and services. This review analyses the main gaps in the current needs assessment process, which aims to mainstream a participatory approach for the design of local development plans and budgetary allocations through a yearly collection and assessment of citizens’ needs. It provides actionable recommendations to strengthen the governance of this process, foster two-way communication and promote stakeholder participation at all stages of the policymaking cycle. The report accompanies the document “Supporting Open Government at the Local Level in Jordan” that aims to equip subnational public officials with the relevant knowledge and skills to mainstream transparency, integrity, accountability, and stakeholder participation into the functioning and machinery of local administrations.

Available from December 22, 2020

In series:OECD Public Governance Reviewsview more titles


Executive Summary
Assessment and Recommendations
Decentralization in Jordan: Context and background
Good governance enablers in the Needs Assessment Process
The role of public communication in supporting the needs assessment process at the subnational level in Jordan
Stakeholder Participation in the Needs Assessment Process
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