
Gouvernance publique


Effective Delivery of Large Infrastructure Projects

The Case of the New International Airport of Mexico City

The New International Airport of Mexico City (NAICM) should position Mexico as a regional hub and improve its competitiveness. It is scheduled to be operational in 2020 in answer to the pressing need for the expansion of the city's airport capabilities. The airport, whose construction is managed by a state-owned entity (GACM), is currently the largest Mexican infrastructure project. A project of this magnitude requires tailored strategic frameworks and actions in several policy areas. Building on international experience, this report provides a comprehensive assessment, and analysis and recommendations in four key dimensions contributing to the effective delivery of large infrastructure projects: governance, procurement, integrity and communication.

Published on November 20, 2015Also available in: Spanish

In series:OECD Public Governance Reviewsview more titles

SUMMARIESavailable in 2 languages

English Effective Delivery of Large Infrastructure Projects (Summary in English)
Spanish Desarrollo Efectivo de Mega-proyectos de Infraestructura


Foreword and acknowledgements
Acronyms and abbreviations
Executive summary
The NAICM project in perspective
The governance of the NAICM project
Public procurement strategies and challenges relative to the NAICM project
Enhancing the integrity and transparency of the procurement process in the NAICM project
Communications strategy recommendations for the NAICM project
Plan of action for the implementation of the OECD recommendations relative to the NAICM project
Annexes2 chapters available
The EXPO MILANO ex ante control mechanism
Comments by the OECD on the NAICM websites (based on the status of the websites as of 5 May 2015)
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